The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

TTTE YORK DISPATCn, TUESDAY, JUXE 23, 1S9G. lanamafcit's. settled and the country obtain rest, MS. ADEUNA PATT1. a EL CLOTHING HOOSF 1UULI Philadelphia, Tuesday, June 23, "It's Worth it a Hundred Times I Over!" 5b V-mkattw fabad, of Well Kkows Wsaua Talks tal Ks-porter.

(Writteo xelovely for. The M. cie Joanoal and bo other. i The walls of CTaisr-j--no frvw-ri nrxiii a today will THE YORK efeMl DISPATCH A Bep.bllea Eve-lsc Xirapspr. itBLJesm Dailt Errtsr-r Fcxdat at So.

It EaST ASBfcT ST, IOW. A. tuttcr.ftton Eate. year ttc fix B-Cfilt. 1 EKjDIiii.tL Tlie weather probably be fair.

9 SOUTH GE ORGB tranquility, and prosperity by the return to power of the Republican party on tire principles of protection, reciprocity and sound money. A the campaign progress this will grow more and more ti be the settled conviction of the country no matter what A TRIR TO The snrniner-clcthmg mar-ket is broken for good. Not of profit the next two months and a half. Shirt Waist dain- Shirt No tiness at earmo- EN-iViAR arvruTm; Bart: Joe pr nariel ftis matter hbw we ac pleasant prwjxn't with fair stretches 'of vrond and piwrnre fAlJiisjr -way hefcrt? It, ami on the far hta-icoa are th fenitf Snow- tion's rajape printinj? themselves cKw and vk1 ajraAtijt the blue Welsh ky. Koting" these thlnat, yxmr correspondo'Tit I rang the front doorbe-U of th- castle and I was delighted to have jt answered by Mr.

Adolica'Pattt' hisiwlf. "I have cedled. Mr. Pat." I said, tak- I inc out riy notebook, also my snie nr.d fr cr iEtertica per nosparsel line for a done or not done at Chicago. tteb issrooo for a shorter time man cm i cce't, hed actions tor ier in eootraeta, fecial cfctrre for ad requirinz THE TICKET.

i coraplish it. Be satisfied to OR share it- The papers are to ftand wntoc rfUjr jnaerrioca aca i aCTfiUif ccc: to rei or Ciure -ori. 15 PER CEST REDUCTION. Our Clearing Sale has. met with succc-.

the business through it. Don't wait o- liow It Is llecetved. by the Press of waist stories full of shirt irt GETTY the Country, three stores: Market and Sixth. Oak Hall. Chestnut and Ninth, the pOito3ice store.

Twelfth and Maraei fvnton C-zettt CP.ep.f: The demand very little of raierhty stories based on fact; biq: stories the has prevailed. William Me- iiioiceiiiss a rencu iriu it, inr tM rn it it pose of Tiring Into vonr Inner an, 1 1 -Olll? and lK' OEC Ol tlK: lUCKV ones. the advocate of sound money and An Ttrs rsocaT. rC Friday, fl Fr yer; lpaid In adrauee coly Sic a yea a te county. a protective tariff, ha been nominated by small stocks Almost as re- and no more.

xTtining howit fWis to be the hu-Mnd of some of the Bargains: Wta eoll one of the latest sir.gttrs in the world. jof president of ib- CniSed State. There iresmnff 3S tne pretty. COOl Fo $1.00 Little Folks, 50c. BY THE Entered at Us Post see at Tork.

a UUU1 "I think," he replied in candid accents. OIeB half wool. tO $40,000 dan't klJOW ex- I "that 1 for Adelins A es is the I throughout the union and es- IcrJulJy in the In-nstrlal ce-nters. Shretk- gatmCtlS tttemteei icct3-(iar matter. M- and V- 0 1' 3 r.iUt'tiruT.!; I lli.iok Clav aU-wi whisitls.

boomfnsr cainon and ringlrg iingf trorti pleasnre 01 picl Sri; cat suit. Bsdum Department -IdlUrUt Dfpurtmrat 11. Jmt Flxr teil the that swells the tad Floor I hearts of American citizens who believe that the nomination of Sir. McKialey Ik vs eckties HUiek and i much ready cash by jrrtna tsron the sta-e actly cant reckon BO Use a few momonts and to the to try don't care. I niultitude.

and I'm pits you can ap- T7 i prceiaT what a nice thing- cash is. And snail make some profit mi Mr Patti. wit ha linie eepreca- OH serge, but lose all that and tory post at, whatsis cash coasparwl with $20,000 tO $40,000 besides be-J "how HttWkthe Atneriean rb-tween now and September. lie realize when Aaciiaa is stuping thcr.i 11 that well known ballad. Home, Mow many ditierent cloths i at ti.4.- rr ettin ans j.roperity end for Tfieni.

This Date In History Jtme 3. Sun The rumi- raorratlc crici cans have nominated MrKinP-y! with suits suits suits cotu 's 00 1 pants such lots as are orj show here tcwlay and ever day. At 75c we've nearly" three thousand of Shirt Waists, made from lawn, percale, madras. Half laundered which means stiffened collar ted 3 Erer tiariJite es fsi i unanimity not excreted tor jy Euects- Men iU: a 1 ful candidate, with the exception, of Fre-rrto, the first Ref.uhii -iiti cunwdat in W. M.

R. R. AFTER JUNE 28th, EVERY TUESDA THURSDA SATURDAY. Gran, the third, in lw. ibey thu chance oi getting.

do you think we have, in sum alor.e were for a hrsi term on Don 't mis: prices. csaii'hv-i, Eivic? tie to!N-ln and restaurs tr tte war. Tie t-f-rf-d-Inz eoc'hrra Selijrte of the ecnTtira cf Aprs! Eft and c-ariied sn party. A K-in sj t' at ca Jane II, hat wi-fco-ut narairg atijettrnod tocseet at Baithnoro OS the d. A 1 et hnrlcs-tca and atr for riarery eitenV.on wig 1 and Ert.ekortSsniEd for prs- 'and cuff and, as a rule, stif-; the first ballot.

It is a fhailuw view i whl'-h FUprosen that this extraordinary I demonstration has be-n a nu-re matter of mr.ip jlation and forehiii-lf dneas in the fened plait in fremt. araid the hulsm WiiwalonRj l.c;.r in tears. perhaps hi rip- inr up cae nf last s.t son's vs-tiunes sead ti the ht-athew or anon listening to the distant f.xxfaU of the hind jrirl as it echoes through ti'O hollow corridor. "Th'fii life in a east la. ha its drawbacks?" I tnsinuatevi.

"Indeed it replied Mr. Patti car- minutiae of -onventlon j-oiltlcs. mer suits? Perhaps iooo. Samples: Fine pray niixtnre for 11. I'la-'k -bine tripe. 10-Grey-stone gltJ i fir 12. lap)ie pray with rtark. red tripe 12 for Bruwn-eeru stripes and checks mixed $12 for .1. Hrowa-and-bltie. the bbte ebvure 1S for 12.

amttel J. linger, Prop. Next to Drovers atidl Mechanics' dent. I Chicago Times-IIeraid (lnd The fct. -ifiAii Train leaves Georsre Street.

bmce May 19th nevlytanJ ft 59 small prices have prevailed -'uWvJt JSCS s-smatl Pti la th I Louis nominee will be elected. The people -k. Catted 5tat- nary. in wnw madf McKinlsy thejr wilt war, dsl la tarn Mi. mke hi also president.

The stute will 4-Mrae. rcatroito, w-uh turh in rolling- up McKialey c.d in i'ans; bora P-l. Aifri i'ut tar- Fort una it- in hist friends, he It is dreadful to be liere all nluue ptuicnT nomespun iz tor 7 uos Home, p. m. tity meet, cot cheek at ail, the effeet I on w-nirt nuisis pt vv ana-maker prices hlf to two-thirds those counted on by poTiKir nwA-i Bf a w- Ss fortunlte with hU enemies.

With sr Ti.r city; Lcru crown, tor i' firay rib. iil-t for Black-and-blue baske t. for npHE 4tU ANXCAI. OF l)fltaal(-llri'allf. A.o him are the n'affarners, tho property-owner the home-lover, the patriotic, the Industrious, the Qod-farinsr masses.

Ar- In 1 or 4th TIIE CHICAGO (OWKM IOV. Boys' suits the same way the makers as fair for the i Saturday, duly 1 to AIII. fi TON I season. At these little prices via Baltimore. The him are the already baffled Chairman the Xatfcnal ray Kreat National Christian Ende.tvorCou hiiiil the wcmseotinj? whiie tny darling is thau.sands of miles away mak-; inii her farewell appearance perhaps for the last time.

i you ever accompany Mrs. Patti upon her tours'-" I ventured to inqnirv, i resting tuy liack the portctiliU. i "Mot of iaxc years," said Mr. Ptitti. Formerly I did so, when she first bojrun 1 her annual farewell annarances.

but now free trud-rs, the th aJvo- Deir-octatlc tee, Btlil p-ro. esses of bal.aj currency, the Sool.tlUts, t-avA ih it v. Kmind monev the Anarchists, the foes of law and order. veniion will be in session on the ahove date with it many tliousinii of from ail for 2 for 2.75 S4 lor -S for 3 50 for 3 for 4 S.50 for 430 7 for ti for X' for '-13 for for I 10 for V) si-i 415 for 12 hover the United states and Canaan. Special HeduceJ Prices on and the uemairoaues and their dupes.

Un at Chicago. On the oth- men and Calibres Iver Democrats are PEOPLE OF NOTE. er hand the free 1 1 Shirt Waists exacth' like the lots offered today at 75c have fetched 75c, $1, Si. 25 and 61. oO.

It looks as though this latest tumble had discounted the future pretty thoroughly. We safe in saying that Shirt Waists RFlAJ Vsrs All sorts: wash suits at half i 1 thaC boU1 lir ar'a BO 2Ttx with i. 1 i me. To travel noon your hut-American exactly. cars a aKj ica 6jt down to a bill of evolvers- MC Ah the excursion aoe not leave asliington until p.

thf excurioniHj! will hate the privilege of hearing the evening roncrt K'ven bv the United States Marine. Band, one of the bent musical organizations In the CniteJ States. Fare, Round Trip, 81.80; Children i under 1 yr. UOc, The route ill le over the Western Maryland 11. B.

to Waibrook Station, a suburb of fialtl-lumre. there take the electric cars to Camden Ht-ition. B. O. K.

B.i. thence to Washington. miles through the Didlliir), t' We mean to lose, on the faro that lias vestiges soft boiled eggs njwa it is more than I caa stand. mnre active than ever and full of con- Wiillam Iilack. the novel writer, is also in their to dominate the i a ,,.,1, an botan- convention ami control lis poHey anc lst ontJ on all-round sportFrnan.

Piatfurm. The Democratic leaders! Lyman' Trumbull, the veteran lawyer and statesman. Is lying: Janserous-Ihtmpelves f. rced the currency cjues- ly ill at his home in Ifce front. In order tj push Mrs.

Inland Stanford has had her whole, from 20,000 to Uliile Mr, Patti'a Rttae was obstractollv n--l of nriws bin anv itrtke Sol uuu uciween now ana. laii: we 1 upuumi-uuiiiuujuut neck to take in a view of th cranexl his i. I I'-'s win givi; von a rule in have not been so cheap, nor i bmine portion of rummer ii I Iave Xork West Voi This will givi; you a riiie of fi intend to; we choose to; re. I rk 5:33. Richland wide reception eXl.

I would even linve COHEN PIROSH, pawnbrokers, Ave. 5:36. ThomasvUla Nashville 5:52. win iney ne again aside the tariff iu. They feared i stepped inside had Mr.

Patti' person no want to; we shall: we will. Is that clear i -i Mrine trova auiy jnne- Utlier lOtS Share the Same Hon and GlenvlU 6:22 a. 106 West Market Street, Adj. Express Office. bjirrerf the way.

I did not wish to wppear rude. Ho told me he wia a direct cesevnd-atit from the ancient Cvmri. who wi re the at hr own request. T. It.

of Now oricans, invented 'and patented a contjlv- to 1-an ctterns and kt-PD them the tatter and thtlr ahiMty to face the country" that aft-r the la- i- jo 1 in-arriving at asinnpton atoui a. m. iate DUC irom 5C and OX Hetarninst train will p. lepot. A suit for 5 or 56 Ct." 4- "txt wainL.niiun.

ai p. arnvmnai inriauoui UCiX Unredeemed Diamonds, Gold and Silvev For further in formarion address. Ul IctLllCl 1U1 wtlll clISlS UOCiOCli. mentaoie iai.ure or me niu'n-ior- clean. 7 or and evervtninc else 1 w.nia ami thmisriit nothing of f.ut man tarifT of D.

K. wnonMiSsEE, L. H. MIM.EIl. J.

E. HAWKINS. Committee. perfidy and hishor.or." i-rcf. Falb.

of Vienna, announces that identically the Sade in StjlC I both Deaipet-atic fac hK'wf: and quaJitj aS fetched the I in proportion but serr and I aflcr dark attiieking largo caravans and I Musical Instrumeiits at great bargains, J- pnttng hoiue hefore breaufast with 1 lllbet. Eix.ils or anvthicir else tlu-v irct their In this ciatte hands on. But: those sloriotis old davs. he viva the fhoek. but every living thing win higher-prices last week h4 thoked with irast-s and be Shirt Waists for misses uengnnui txcursioiis 1 ca.

i-l ca Snmf nf flip irarmptitc J. l. BOYLE, of the firm LEECH, STILES Eye Specialists, 1413 Chestout Phiu, Will be In York, Wednesday, 24th, Is that clear Some hundreds of different suits to choose from. Is that clear All made at Oak Hall, and made as we always make. Is that clear tions have been working in harmony, both expecting' the money Issue to overshadow th tariff iuesUo-n.

The aouad nscnoy Iemoerats expected that t-" 3 JJepcbTIcana would either detlare i'i silver -r straddle the an then if they raotd tapture the Dem-wrratic they cojM go int. th cajr.ptijn with On the pnally cremrttrd. TTfee heard something that before. i The Rev. Von Cleave, pastor of the Creek liapttyt church in Montgomery county.

Indv. is SI year ixnd his been in active service fifty-five year. The remarkable thing about this old pent man is that ho has never accepted a rent of added, with a sod siiake of the head, arc now no moro. lie talked in broken speech, with a jrreat tiumfx-r of double I and wept as his thoughts revrted to the -pant. He then chargt-d me 19 for two strings of views and a paper cnttor of wood grown on tho mountain of Pen-Cacrllvyb- Gybiollw and made ia Germany and ap- i Iefirod to ehaer np and feci better.

I also had qaito a talk with ono of the hlreti jriris, who was spreading some shwts from Berlin. Second Boor firt gallery. Summer luxury A J. ft I Linen sheets and will offer special inducement' to excursion parties daring the summer to following places Spriagwood, Fairmount Park, Delta, Jones' Park, Delta, and other points on the line of the road. For particulars call on JOHN BULL.

Gen Pan. Or L. J. Ilonsos, Baltimore-. Train Master, Fast York At their OlUceln the Ll'HMATl'lt lU'ILDlNC, Vo.

3 Eos Marltet Street, 8 nd Floor from 8 SO a. to 3 m. On serge we are making pillow cases; economy as r. on tr.e iawn to wniren. cne saia ene utoci other htnd the free s.Iverilca well, for bed linen rightly out ubuai pium; 110 prom or liTing at cralg-y-aos me,, and the bought is for you If your eyes are rausine you discomfort call and have them examined, -special attention given to ail rase ol headaches caused by eye strain.

All glasses are guarauteed to relieve the trouble lor hich they are given. No Charge For Exatt.iaatlons. what has ha porn; were for a P.eptiblU a-. i at Ft. I.u!s and it.

They lked bvlt, and it having I IOSS OH lDlUei as USUai. XSiaCK woutaa jbiiiu 10 Aiumcu, 1 where, she understotxl, the hired girls I Or DiUe Serge tO 15 lOr didn't hare to do and gat lurge ml- I boys', tO Sl8 ior meil'S. lories for doing it. Sho said she also B- jui ni -t l. 1 thought it niirt be cute to have even aCk aUQ blue lillbet, 5 and uiKht out, alsoSumlavs and euch other: Frr-e l'llls.

Sei.d your to II. K. Bucklen I'hlcaeo, and eret a free sample box of Lr. Iife Tills. A- trial will convince you of Its merits.

These pills are easy in ttotion and are particularly effective, in the cure or Constipation and Sick Headache. Kor Malaria and Liver troubles tliey have Iwm proved invaluable. They sire guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do nof weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the svstem. Regular size 25 cents rer box.

Sold bv Wm. Smith A On davs as were convenient, and she asked If 16.75 for men's and boys'. next generation. To be sure, linen may cost enough to be dear often does, more because of- shortcomings in its goodness than because of long-comings in the price. Not one storekeeper in fift-knows linen; not one in a occurred it villi encourage them to make the stronger battle at Chicag-o for silver.!::g they can bring to their support the bolting Kepuldicon liver men. These men know ful! well the hired glrla in our country got up lie-1 fore breakfast or did they wait and eat with tho family? How do you like to see the facts put down like that. Wanamaker Brown. a TTi Mac She couldn't ask for a nicer man about that there is not a ghost of a chance Druggists. for their party on the tariff Issue, but Oak Hall.

Market and Siitb. Cbtfstuaf ana Ninth. across from th PostorEce. hundred can sell linens right, inins iney see a glimmer or sunrhine I a rP vo.i disturbed nr niiht nn.i In silver. In their minds free silver ia of chiia sufferln- William H.

Wanamaker. cause of waste in gathering. Tlie word of bed linens tieCaUSe of Waste in cfathering teeth' If oo ao fit one? and rpt a bottla iti erne greet panacea lor all the ills Market and Twelfth. PbtladelDhla. 4 11 A.

3 "A or r.r i ni i i ki The Reason Why The People Arc liuyltig the York Bicycle Ifeeauso the purchaser ha the of seeing the materia; it sees into tlie Wheel and i- that- mony ill u-1 better. They are convinced men paid by the day will ar.d build a better "Wheel ihui made by piece "work iav ciinrcrns do. They i of iear, Tires, Saddles, Pedal- and get them 'Pi strlt. it wui relieve the -oor Htti appl ies to oilier linens as cf the eountry today. They will sac-riflce every other Issue for this one.

-ufTerer There is Otlfl llOSt OHO there is ItC I UUH UV.M, UUL Immediatelydepend upon It yvpII iO mistake about it. There is "eti Immediately depend upon It -ive no mistake about it. ThPrn i Ctl. Hcpublican siiver men left their party not a mother cn earth who ever used It, safe lilien Store In Philadel silver. Democratic silvtr men' will wno win nor ten in once mat wiuregu- i late the bowels and give rest to tha i Pilia IV anamakef do the same if required of them.

But i mothers, and relief and health to the SATE! Irish Linen hetnstitehed, or. I child, operating like maple, it is per- they believe they will control the Chi- fectly safe to ue in all cases, and ratiier. pokestit lied: good qualify for sincle beds. T2xP.i I ft" a pair. RIPnNS TflBlMS Linen Bolster Cftes fol sintxle beds; $1.25.

pleasant to th- trste and is the prescription cf the oldes and tert femlae physicians and nurses In the United Siatea. Sold everywhere. 25 centa a bottle. cago convention and make free silver the Democratic slogan for 13J6. To firmly unite Fopuiints, silver Itepub- Flemish, full Herunied 1 Anen Sheets.

size for double beds, Jo a oair. full and Linen ShefMs, Irish: hemstitehe 1 (iou'olrt bed size, fa a pair. Pillow Caws to match." Jl a pair: YURS MARKETS. Turk Cirsttn Mnrtit. are good ctrj and all other factions and in- teresta, they mig-hl even be' willing to -accept Teller as their candidate for I for headaches, heartburn, AT ONCE And tlie greatest argument lun price $75.00 dealer ta making i when yon buy the sour stomach, belching, I'oister cases, ti each.

Napxixs AT a tloz Strong German drill Napkins: in. siptare. AT 25 a doz er you are indeed, the of mistake, if you ci to us for Kefriueratori, i Cook In it I'tciisHs or flmnbinit Work. Kefrljterator in any desired siye at prices i so rednred that you innst feel SAFK 10 liuv when yott examo-e the ipiality. Cooking Cienil.

evervthlng on the list, top quility. bnttom IMiunbinu AVork always first -class and prices I 111 I Alw.ivs eome where you know vou'll be sat- I We knew you need our summer Good and i here i rt -t a s.Vl'K BLUE FLAME With oven. Ice bests. Wupt Co 1 rs. ream rs.

He. I nii not be KAP'K from the -immer hat without anv uf ihe above mentioned art'eics See I s. Velephone Us. OLD RELIABLE STOVE H4NTZ JESSf-P, S. N.

Jcssop, Mgr. bleached; is We are closing out tlie balance of our stock Mattiugs at Reduced Prices. You cannot find anything so coc-l and comfortable for 3-our rooms during the summer as a nice bright Matting. Nothing brightens up a room more than a handsome RUG We have them all sizes and prices. You will find bargains in Short Lengths of Carpets.

May be just what you want come look them over. Window Shades, 2 for 25c. Tlieo. IT Getily 10 Nortli George St. Corrected ullv ty f.

A .4 S. ifORK ClTT. 156 Ncl I.ongberry and fa No. 1 I.onnberrv and Ktlltr, at mil! f.2 No. 3 Fulu and No.

3 Wheat, Kye, per Si Corn, Pr buhel so Cata, per bushel icd ian Damask the house, she said, than Mr. Patti. home men were always poking alxmfc he kitchen or u.din.i3t fault If the tiookcafc were not dusttHl every day, but sho was happy to tatc that Mr. Patti wag not that kind of a man. Sho thanked heaven, sho said, that he kneve his place.

She was one of the nicest hired girls I have met with in the preparation of tho European, series of these articles for The Gentleman's Home Journal. She said she i hoped I wouldn't thibk anything of it that Mr. Patti hadn't asked me in. but really the castle was so torn up with Jiouneckii-, inir that she didn't worMler, for he was scn-! sitive euch things. I gave her shilling, whereat she dropped a eouretsy, als.

the- sheet sho was wringing out, snd i said if sho over came to America she would bo rhtd to mo out in my interviews with any of the families sho mig-ht lo en-i p-ajjred with if I wdrdd call when it was her day in. i 1 -GoeKlhy," naid tr. Patti kindly as hacked over the drawbridge, "Ia-m very I pratcfr.1 for this.t:a!l. arid I would like- you send me two mnVked corics of yotiro-ie- i I rated mafrazit.e, a'so one of tho U-iek tuiiibcrs a picee by Mr. Gladstone, I have hoard treats of the no- temiahiy of tho Ualiylonian ins.

riptiuns and lias only to mut to 1 almost understood; jrivc the men of America my Iiarting ffrccliiiK and say to them, oh. if tiicy would i' hiippy do not marry 11 p-reat s. Direst whose overmasu-rinp ambition is to tho hirer port of each in a forcira land sinsiust farewell had hula to total furanfTera. The receipts lie adejunte, but, oh, what is casli after you lutvo all you noed with bolalion in ti laro limest-iuo isustU- with old fash- ioood window iatoninyr.s a syret of such as merit the notice of tho -board of htalthr I loll you it isn't what, it is up to be. Ap'-! 'eriiiiiU' for ShU bit of which said he picked tip from the potboys while wniting at tho it entrrmoe evenings with his wife's Mr ravo uttn.ncc to a :i.y ia and let the portr iilos fall, ho suddenly in-deed as to tear down the of my Prince AlUrt cutaway that' I had houtrht onty the eek before in Ph-cadi'ly, nnd which my Loiaton friends dcclawil ai- most fitted W.

O. Fuller, in New Vork liver, foul bad indi- biliousness, torpid drowsiness, lassitude, ttste in the mouth, breath, constipation, ta-vs i'leacmid: not a speck of iir'sirut; Jiu. aquaire. AT SI 73 a doz. Ab.tut .4 hundred dozen Xapkins.

Tiiev have ticc.mie soiled by use in srotje decoration. Tliey are of snov-whit- Scotch damask." 24 in. sot! are, aind vou save Timothy eed, per bushel 1 83 1 IO 1 llai seed, per bushel '11 lour Darren Closer seed YORK. The factory is row In fill ail orders prompth. Stive you a Tire, guaranteed i ture Proof, if you desire.

All orders left with bv r. work will he promptly enough to iauudptthcrr.i a dozen times Tork rionr and Feed Qnofatlaat. over. 106 AT a doz. Iilead 106 North George Street Miss A.

J. Dick. Saleslady. hed size. Corrected dally hy Ta Disi'ATCH.) Damask Iteally president, with a silver Democrat for vice pres'den.

If Teller could sever his associations of a lifetime, and his chances fir further honors from his party for could not the free silver Democrats sacrifice something fur union and harmony in the silver ranka and a chance for success? The party that could take up Horace Greely as a Democratic candidate couid certainly wallow Henry if. Teller. In the matter of spoils, they would have far the largest share in the event of success, whereas with defeat staring them in the face with tariff the issue, they would have nothing. Then too, there is bound to te a free ilver ticket in the fit-Id at any event. If the gold men win at" Chicago, there Extra iour.

per bbi. (ia hfcsa). fO Napkins: full dinner worth -t i VP I to Linen Sfciiuii. solitllvet ot center Corn Meai, par li lbs Mixed Cora aud Oats per 110 lb. lium Cbos, per hx Khoru, pr 0 Iba Bhip ua, per im lbi Plaster, per loo Johit Wnnaiitaker.

8 117 New Shapes I i 1 naiik rpaiRTEE.N GOOD CAUSES FOK SI NO I SELLING AGENT 24 North corse Sin gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they a made is in use in the gr atest hospitals the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is cailed he will write a prescription the items in which will" almost exactly correspond with those ol the Ripans fo-mula. Your druggist can supplj' Ripans Tabuies in little v'ajs at 15 cents or in a box containing six of these vials for ccc. If he will net get them for you, address, with thr price, TnB Kijtaks Cheiticai.

Oo le spruce Tcrts. I IJaltliuore Oraln vLTiMonr. "i1. Wheat I tat ions ere 62 1 a cent for vpnt and.Inne. I 1 1-i rent for July.

rU, eents for Auast. cents for sepumber. cents ior s.outher:i by sample and ul i'a i-j cent for do on grade. Coi ii l.iMiiit ou were s.i'.sr, cents for and 4 1 'il cents for 1 fresh, 1-2 cents fur July, 1-2 PHENOL DEADACHK and Styles Adatd daily to our line of Trimmed and Untrimmed Mv We particularly inite vou to see ur 'S tiOO'OS. Sew features are be a repetition, in a still iarsrer i eeniH i.r iuierii wtute ana J-2 cents dt-irree of th .,,.1.

for do. vI'mw. jr SSIGNEE'S SALE. On Thursday, July 2n At a The understaned the creditors of ii iii Ft' 1 "dijl H'jS'-. Oat.s-AI the cloe ouotalloii were as fol- TeUer and his friends left the Rcrmb- No- 'hit-.

No. do. Zi 'Mi No. 4 tlfl. ungraded white, lican convention.

The siiver bolt at --V'-l 1--: nde o. i Jl i 2: No i do. -2 jn No. 4 do, LVail cent: tumrailed ntixed. Chicajro will be a formidable affair, 1-2 Ke Cli.siiip were-as and Uave Democracy in almost as bad No.

2 nearl rent in carload and Money, Jewelry, Clothing, Furniture SAVE BT HAVING A Pique Iieefera, 3Iull Ilats niid Caps And an immense supply of Iniants' Khort Dresses. Ask to see. oti- Jew Summer Gloves ittiaiuoii Finish) Always freh and pretty thing! ia Shirt Waists for piris and ladies. Vaar'ii A e. I see that Vasar collciie yerirs old ily 80 IS plight as would the declaration of I rl.e er pnght as would the ueclaratiou of next to the vork a th convention for free silver.

The fact fellows: hoiee tltaothv. tiT No. 1 1st. It is a sura and speedy cure fcleK and nervnus headactia. i ihis retm-dy na bqn used by Si lae ol cur ml eminent praetitiontrs medu Ine tnr a numtr of years.

It lias proven he the only remedy that win cure headache without opium, morphine or eocamei 4th It is perfect1? iiimlasi if used aceorrltng to Bitccilona. 5 h. It eives almost Imrhecliate relief Mil It Is almost tastelessj "ih. It leaves no unpleasfifit aftsr I ii. It will absorb no moisture.

yih It can te carried in tha vest pocket. I pen. Tt will no; deteriorate by llTli It will neer a habit by itte. I It will always your friend when that mD(er, Ilf.AI-At'llE. squalifl" you lor or s.eiecy vim nln forisu cide.

1 tlt. It stands s-cond none la nuaiity nd two-tnlrds abov me oi hers lu oani ity since most ail others on ihe marKet haTe only i wo powdrs in euch paenae, while phikol couiaios six powder to each package, you not quite 2 cents a dose, tile with two jKiwd-rs will eosti 5 cents a do-e. three cents saved each Cisp bv usiBi i "ve let a woman I onoiay. s.i. No 2 ill.

v. ii-: I'll bet the Personal is that the Democratic party Is in 1 tlr rnVxedSKi? au" WitU "No" Burglar Alarm Put it Your House or Store. If. It: io the cou2tinr. '(Jh, duar.

no! Sho would never have jet it ari-t past P.t. It's undoubtedly a man's work, and the c.liantx-s are the women wili rry deny it inside of a week." Chicago Post- Cattle Markets. Fsr I June Cat lie slow estr t. 4 prime. 4 'h: com nou.


I DON'T BUY CYCLES moat deplorable condition, disruption staring them in the face in almost any event. They wlU be damned if they do and damned if they don't. No r.ta.i ter whether Chicago deciares for i of silver, party disruption and disor- der is bound to ensue. With both i i I -i oo i 2.t it I-I 1 vviinf.n I IN FACTOHV 33 f-p! -1-4 lieit ou ti. 4-4 b-jtf rout.

I 11 Itarii 1 John E. Graybilly lil.Kf TIIICIA No. 108 East Market St. Until Vou Sec the 4- Need a Spring Tonic? -ej auii ce s. Hogs Active; prune 3 f.ia "i': Ir't inediam.

i'iMi f. li ri.l'.cas. U'a3 Sheep and market uncliand cnicioo. June 22. Cattle There was a lively bttMtiex thi nioruftip.

the moderate supplj eaesinsa Mronirer feeimg. "-ales of native beef steers ere on a basis ii 3 for eeinmon up to ji AO for ehoi, to etta. with the trealer part of the trans-artions at S3 G-Hut fat cows xtul The Annoyance. I liop," said Waihi Vvhshi ngron as he prepiiretl to -'smoke, "that csjrarottes do not annoy yon. 't)b.

no," Hiss Cayenne replied, cigarettes do not annoy me. 13 ut the 'people who smoke them usually do very much." Washlngtoa Star. I and tmfnii-liwi ah, r-i platforms declaring, for grrdd. the issue between the Democratic and Repulii- Prices Lob, Quality irih. In FTfce.

cents pacSage, (containing powdr. til-OBE MtniCISIE COM "PAST, PROPRlKTORS. 311 Penu SMreet. Heading, Pa. For site by dealers ia Medicice.

can parties would naturally revolve I lots were in hsrht demand and sold no higher. feeders were firm under liirht offerings, with a moderate Texa cattle were itself around the taria. with the free in ixnod supply and in brisk demand at sieadr I Tlieo. R. Kelb's CELEBRATED Pure Lascer Beer BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, PORK, FRAN'KFORD SAL'S AGE, AND BOLOGNA.

pi ice. 4 i0-3m I 4) 44-- i All Free. Those who have used tr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not. 'have new the opportunity to For telegraphic markets first page.

r- Tlrdsh'-fi -h -r-sidc hifter. 24 lot of unTiriislieii flnish'd una unfit, Ss bed onis. ec liar lot of nnfinbhed wi frame building. uifiolslied dinir jafnbs. l.t of v-i.

f. ifi'io frame. 1- of do casing. l-t if boards, in nf wof-k. si-ifiii work, a-ed hxk ca-e.

ii; bst oi l.en"t.s, l.acd erf', pajr. oil. (i ji the iiori'ier for ue. Al fiBitt pod eleau lumber atid OF ALL silver party and its candidate a side i issue. In the event of the free i ites showing- greater strength than es- pected.

the tendency would be for j. marry ound money Democrats to joiu i with the Republicans and make the i eieeUoH of McKinley doubly secure. try' it Free. Cait on" the advertised MEATs Drusritist and get a Trial Bottle Free. TRIBUNE jVrite or telephone ns and we will send a -heel for you to esamine ami trv.

S--- i Crab 3leat, I Clarns and Soft Shell Crabs AT Send your name and 6Iaress to If. E. Euckl Chicago, ncl get a sample box of Dr. Kint-'s New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy cf Guide of KeeUh und CHAS. E.

LYNESy ISO West Prlnccw St. There is nothing more pleasant and invigorating. "So ehw ti if vour evesifih i The country wants the silver issue set- uav bu improved or iieadach a relieved." STERLING SON, WILLIAM KOCH, 1 Iast fhllaaelplila St. AC3i WAG ON Eraigsville, Pa. Household Irastractor, Free.

All of Which 1 is gijaranteed to do you good and cri you r.athooj. Wm. Smith Urus Full Weijtlit Stare. o-iyr hu. Goods Deli vercd.

fled in thia contest, as it also does tha tarUI CtUestion. and both ill be beat i a- Bottled eapressly for fatally by C. Crab Meatj35e per pound, i'rttih picked Jevveler and Optician Cfps ito iNailoual iicicl, York, I'a. every uay..

The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.