The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2025)

THE SCRANTON TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1964. Former Carbondale Resident Stolen Truck Used Flattening Out an STurn in South Scranton Cavender Appointed Rep. John C. Cavender, Susquehanna Republican, and Rep. Appointed to High USO Post By Efficient Yeggs CHICAGO (il The manager of a currency exchange on the North Side found a tow truck parked inside his office yesterday morning.

But missing was his ZVi safev The manager also was missing a wall and an estimated $12,500 in cash and checks. James Musto, Luzerne Democrat, have been appointed to a WORK Free Estimates JOHN LETTIERI 2255 S. WEBSTER AVE. Phen 3474604 joint state government commis Appointment of Francis X. Golden, formerly of Carbondale, as assistant treasurer and vice chairman of the finance committee of the Board of Governors of the United Services Organization, Inc.

(USO) has been announced by Chairman Harvey S. Firestone Jr. sion to explore sale ot to minors. The appointments were an i4 LI I nounced yesterday by Speaker of the House W. Stuart Helm of Armstrong County.

For 1 You May How Qualify Police said thieves apparently broke into a nearby auto show room and stole a tow truck, npinffl IrlP rLU then drove it through the wall of the currency exchange. The thieves then used the tow truck hoist to lift the 3 -ton I Mr. Golden is director of purchasing, packaging, development and engineering for Chese-brough Ponds, New York He is a member of Packaging Institute and is chairman of Customer Relations Committee of Gravure Technical Association. He is a member of Cardinal Spellman's Committee of Laity, a Knight of Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a Knight of Malta, a lay trustee of Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y.; president of Advisory Board, St. Vincent's Hospital, Westchester Branch, Harrison, N.Y.; advisory board, St.

Vincent's Hospital, New York City; advisory board, Westchester Catholic Educational Con safe onto their own pickup GOP Aide Picked Or Senior Citizen Plan HARRISBURG (UPD John Markle a Philadelphia law i i Please Send Me Full Information yer, yesterday was named general counsel for the state Young ReDublican organization. Mar i i NAME kle is a Republican committee- Timet Photo by Greskovic Work is under way at corner of Cedar Ave. and Sanders St. in South Scranton to ease sharp right angle turn on Route 11. Project will cut off the east corner to allow highway to cut across at more gentle angle.

A pair of right angle turns on Route 11 are being ohmi-nated at Cedar Ave. and Brook St. in connection with a flood control project there. FRANCIS X. GOLDEN man in Williston Township, I Chester County.

ADDRESS i CITY i- Lesser Is Honored By National Group ference; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York; Holy Name Johnson to Meet with 34 Governors President to Announce Choice for Vice President? OCCUPATION AGE. MEDICARE PLUS Write Box Z-5 TIMES W. H. Lesser, 1322 Myrtle a member of the Pennsylvania State Registration Board for Professional Engineers since 1944, yesterday was awarded a distinguished service certificate by the National Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners at its 43d annual meeting in Philadelphia.

The council comprises representatives of boards in each of the 50 states. Its function is to promote a uniform growth of professional engineering, registration laws, qualifying examination and reciprocal registration of engineers in all states. Mr. Lesser, a native of Upper Lehigh, who was associated with Pierce Management Corp. for 25 years, is a member of the council's finance committee and the Northeast Zone.

His professional career was spent in en I kie of Maine and Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown of California. Reedy said he didn't know how many governors would attqnd the afternoon parley, which was to be followed by an evening dinner at the White House for the state executives and their wives. Asked whether any governors had declined to attend.

Reedy said: "I do not know." Four Southern governors George Wallace of Alabama, Orval Faubus of Arkansas, John McKeithen of Louisiana and Paul Johnson of Mississippi have made no particular secret of their intent to stay away from the White House meeting. Four other Southern governors have said they would attend, -hey are Carl Sanders of Georgia, Farris Bryant of Florida, Terry Sanford of North Carolina and Frank Clement of Tennessee. Gov. Donald Russell of South Carolina also was expected to take part in the White House conclave, scheduled just two days before the start of the party convention. Reedy was asked whether it wouldn't be reasonable to assume that politics would be taken up at the session.

"If there's some side conversation on that," he said, "it's certainly not the purpose of the meeting." Society, immaculate nean 01 Mary Parish, Scarsdale. N.Y.; National Council of Catholic Men; Archdiocese Family Life Bureau and a member of the New York Athletic Club. Mr. Golden is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Golden, former residents of Park Carbondale. He is a graduate of Benjamin Franklin High School, Carbondale, and Lafayette College, Easton. Pa. Mr. and Mrs.

Golden will receive their fourth and final elevation. Knight Commander and Lady Commander with Grand Cross in the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Sept. 5 in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, with Cardinal Spellman, pontificating. Mrs.

Golden is the former Miss Kerry Rogers, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Kenyon Rogers, formerly of 36 Maple Carbondale. Mr. and Mrs.

Golden have two daughters, Mary Francina, a student at Convent of Sacred Heart, Greenwich, and Mary Consuela, a student at Ursuline Academy, New Rochelle, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Golden and daughters live at 22 Church Lane South, Scarsdale, N.Y. Their Summer home is at Elk Lake, RD, Waymart.

WASHINGTON OR President Johnson meets today with most of the 34 Democratic governors and may use them as a final sounding board in selecting a vice presidential running mate. George Reedy, White House press secretary, was asked whether, in fact, Mr. Johnson might announce his choice in a speech to the state executives. "I've heard nothing to that effect, except rumors." Reedy replied. If Mr.

Johnson has made a definite selection, it was one of the best kep secrets in the city. In any event, time is running out. The party's national convention will nominate both presidential and vice presidential candidates Wednesday at Atlantic City, N.J. Although the delegates go through the formality of nominating the vice presidential candidate, they traditionally follow the wishes of the top man on the ticket. Most of the betting here in the vice presidential derby has been on the two Minnesota senators Hubert H.

Humphrey, assistant Senate Democratic leader, and Eugene J. McCarthy. But others mentioned include the party's Senate leader. Mike Mansfield of Montana, Sen. Edmund S.

Mus- Lowest Stack Temperatures with a gineering and management of W. H. LESSER mines in the anthracite region. enfilomaa janitor DB Series He is a member of the Nation al Society Washington, and Pennsyl- Cuban Guerrillas, neers ifsnii Zrtiotv nf Prnfpssinnfll i Oil-Fired Boiler-Burner HEATING UNIT 8-Foot Nose I Bitten Bunnie Sues Engineers, Harrisburg, and vice aclrV lltlifc Plach president of its Northeast Chap-i vClll Ullllj Vlujll ter. He was cited by the state! MIAMI FLA Anti-Castro chapter in 1956 as Engineer are engaged in active the Year.

lighting in the rugged Escam- During his professional career fountains of south-central he was a member of the Amen-C Cuban exile organiza. can Society of Mechanical Engl- said tod neers; American Institute of. c- i Mining, and American Mining' A spokesman for Sentinels of Congress i Freedom said 12 Castro mihtia- Mr. Lesser was graduated killed and numerous Kmc nvifTH TTnioit lothers injured by a guerrilla Violator Explains Reason for Speed Looks All Right jOwner of Ocelot 14 beitar aMciatKy.

Hlffc-st in tfca industry. Ul Appravad alaclranic centrals assure sofa aparotian. Istariar flnithad with baited honvner-tene anomel. Inlariar af jackat insulated with 1" Doer glvii. CHICAGO Police charged CHICAGO UP A Chicago Bun Central City Services Inie who allegedly was bitten by Ian ocelot two years ago today jhas asked for $10,000 damages.

I T- A. 1 ll 1A Harry Hanson, 21, with speed-1 ing after a chase through Chicago and four suburbs at speeds up to 100 miles an hour last Gentleman Janitor give you MORE lor your money every time. Boilers made of genuine BOILER PLATE in their own boiler factory completely wired and auembled in their own assembly plant. See Gentleman Janitor model her let us prove our iactt. Bethlehem.

The alumni one of tw0 sma11 battles Bv United Press International ATLANTIC CITY (UPD In this great big room they have here, President Johnson's eight-foot nose looks all right. You have to stop and think to realize that his left ear is oui iasi year, me oceioi, 'Jnlv 17 i r- we I A spotted leopard-like cat about aLluu FOR INFORMATION CALL Madison Ave. and Olive the Rev. Or. Mark R.

Thompson, pastor? the Rev. Police quoted Hanson as say-; three feet long, was hit and awarded mm us nignesi nonor in me killed by a car in Indiana. How-'for interest in the university and government forces surrounded nl A onH IrilloH throo hrnthprs who j. b. Adams 3d.

assistant: a.m.., ing tnat he led police on anotheri ever, the ocelot's Minneapolis nit wjrship, sermon by trie Rev. Mr. Adams fast chase Thursday night be- 10 feet high, and that those on "Can Heaven 11, union srv- seams in his weathered face Wni uun ui coai mines, ne is a mein- wcic awuun unuu oiuuru mm ji lit i kjl at- Immamial Rjtntit fhtirrrv with Eight militiamen were killed in it and the ocelot is back in Der 01 1 au Beu iratermty. 343-4904 OR 489-4795 GENTLEMAN JANITOR MFG. CO.

BELL MOUNTAIN STATION SCRANTON, PA. Chicago. I POLICY OWNERS that action, he said. There was no confirmation of 1 OUIVIO TnilT IFriW II A. 4.L A RovnolrU 22 nf ChiraPnsaiH unR Aroul per me repon a ii rr I -i I rwi i i i in a Circuit court suit filed yes- ceu muy neus ine spoilsman aiu u.e i 4.

who are professional people own formation came from under- the Rev. Dr. Ralph W. Decker, Alter Uie IV police Cars COr- viiie, guest speaker, topic. "Sons nered him last night, Hanson of uignt." Iwas asked why he tried so hard ELM PARK METHODIST.

Linden St.A nnlirp and Jefferson the Rev. Dr. eiuae pouce. L. DuVal, pastor, the Revs.

Harry E. He Said he didn't Want police Brooks and Georoe M. Parsells, asso- to giye speeding Ucket. ciates: A.M., worship in the Jones Memorial Chapel, sermon by the Rev. When asked why he didn't Mr.

Brooks on "The Wonderful NamesjWant a Speeding ticket, Hanson of Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega;" 11. 'replied: union service at Immanuel Baptist Tve got a suspended driver's iciuoj iuoi ujc W.CIUI, uwum uy i Mice VoaOv sT1 OA nt Xf in. uu neapolis, bit her on the left middle finger Aug. 22, 1962, while it was chained beneath the switchboard at the Chicago Play I license. sermon, "Five Thrilling Biblical Events boy Club He was given a ticket.

TOE NEWSPAPER CIKCULATDOW PDCTUKE In The Scranton Market Alarm Sounds at Giant are inches wide and deep. This room, they say, is the biggest of its kind, a vast arena without a single column, in the whole world. There can't be any doubt whatever that the twin photographs of President Lyndon B. Johnson flanking the movie screen at the back of Convention Hall's vast stage said to be the biggest in the whole world are the biggest ever made of LBJ. The blown up pictures of Mr.

Johnson- are the dominant decorative features in the hall where the Democrats will kick off their national convention next week. But they can not be said to dominate the hall it is just too big to be dominated by anything. The pictures, portraying an LBJ with clamped jaw and uplifted eyes, are 40 feet high and 28 feet wide. St. Peter's Release from Prison." by the Rev.

Mr. Brooks. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN. 425 Jefferson the Rev.

W. Edward McHale: 9 A.M., church school; 10, service, sermon by the Rev. Dr. Lester E. Fetter, St.

Paul's Lutheran Church, Glenside, Pa. Katherine M. Neely Hurt in Auto Crash Katherine M. Neely of Bay A faulty burglar alarm which sounded this morning at 4:45 brought police to the Giant Market, Eynon St. and South Main lors Lake was injured when her car struck a utility pole on Route 407, two miles west of Ave.

Patrolmen Earl, Kugler Jr. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL, 232 Wyoming the Rev. Dr. Richard K.

White, rector, the Rev. G. Victor Potter curate: A.M., Holy Communion; 11, prayer, sermon by the Rev. Mr. Potter.

GRACE REFORMED EPISCOPAL, 419 Monroe the Rev. Alton F. Olsen: 9:30 A.M., Bible School; 10:45, worship. and Richard Williams sped to the market when they heard the alarm sound but found nothing Waverly, last night at 10:10. She suffered cuts of the chin, knee and arm and was treated at a physician's office.

State police said she lost control of her amiss, iney contacted the man ager, Frank Mercuri, 1602 West Col. Charles S. Seamons, lay reader. Harvey L.icar when she was blinded by the with sermon by the Rev. Gibson who checked the Jennings, Peckville Baptist Church.

i lights of an Oncoming Vehicle BIUC CTSCCT DADTlCT 1 1 premises. the Rev. R. C. Wroten: 9:30 A.M..

Sunday School; 11, procession and devotions by deacons, sermon by the Rev, Edward C. Canterbury, Berean Interdenominational Church; 7 P.M., worship GET 10c OFF ON ANY BOSTON CLEANING ORDER NOW Get Boston service in charge of the deacons. Quality at a Fine Saving Patron a Cop, Woman Learns RICHMOND, VA. tf Mrs Martha L. Cameron had a ready explanation yesterday as she faced a charge of selling whiskey to an undercover police officer.

Jglr ITS WORTH 10c C.D ON ANY BOSTON DRY CLEANING ORDER OF 75c OR MORE Onjy 1 coupon may be used toward the cost of ny en order. This offer is for a limited timo only. Civ this I coupon to th Boston routtman or bring it to of our cash-and-carry stores. SE1SD THEIR "I didn't know he was a po liceman, she said. Besides, he looked like he needed a drink." WEARABLES TO THE BOSTON Police Court Judge Harold C.

Maurice wasn't impressed. He FuTte 3020 55331 SV ft I CITY ZONE CKAWanna fh I m.tu-L county TOTAL lw lf'N I saSL 22 22 mi L- g0! 15,360 42,73 scramton Bounty (Brneo 99 606 I I fined her $100. Free Eagles Pick Exeter Resident John V. Hudak of Exeter was THIS COUPON WORTH 10c Oil ANY GLEANING ORDER OF 75c OR MORE elected treasurer of the First ft 3 GREAT CHANCE TO SAVE ON 7 "B0ST0NIZED" DRY CLEANING A wonderful tim to sav on ineomparabl "Boston lzd" Dry Cleaning of thir suits, coats, swatrs, (ackcts, lacks, ttc. Call first thing Monday.

Slovak Wreath of the Free Eagle at its 26th national convention this week in Bridegport, Conn. Other local residents elected to four-year terms are: Mrs. Emma Mack, Olyphant, auditor; Mrs. Anna V. Katusak, Dunmore, director of youth; Mrs.

Ceil Wrabel, Throop, president of the supreme court; Mrs. Mary Stoyak, court secretary, and Mrs. Anna Simon, Exeter, court member. John Cerniga of Olyphant was convention secretary. Information Sought On Mrs.

Anna Stewart Mrs. Elizabeth Doherty, Haver-town, today asked The Times to help locate any relatives or acquaintances of her mother, Mrs. Anna M. Turner Stewart, Philadelphia, who was, born in Scranton, Dec. 31, 1909.

Mrs. Stewart, who left Scranton at an early age, has been unable to secure a birth cer-tifacte for Social Security application. Her parents were David and Ellen Peyton Turner. Any one with pertinent information asked to write to her daughter. mm Dial 342-7866 Carbondal 282-2420 Clark's Summit 586-03So Olyphant 489-7891 tii CASH t- riDDY ey FIGURES ASgRIWKED baeClmes AJQUOrTOSS REWiYEARSmI ft If ffl IfillfUri I SlfjlilBS'B II 1.1 VTeJU li 1 1 ya I SyZi MMmmm Plant: Sanderson at Race Scranton Downtown 31 Spruce St.

Olyphant 10S Lacka. Ave. Drive-in North Chinchilla.

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2025)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.