-Latest XJ. S. Gov't Report Insures Sho-vlne the Product of the Market Prplexlnr Cora Product Wheat flrii Splendid Achievement of an loan Manufacturer. Will Exceed All Demands. Decided Against Rogers.
In the two cases brought by William Rosrers against Gov. Mor The Clarka have accomplished what New York, Nov. 16. G. Dun Weekly Review of Trade, says: 0 .0) rill and O.
L. Moore, to recover his po-f has long been regarded as an impossi The scare about gold exports had no real significance, and, although $2,250, ble and one which no European manufacturer of lenses could be induced to attempt. This is the making- of a per 000 more will go out to-day, the stock market has been recovering-. There was and is a substantial cause of diffi fect lens of more than three feet across the face. No one but this American craving: Department and Its Cost.
Washington, Nov. 16. Claude M. Johnson, chief of the bureau of engraving- and printing, in his annual report to the secretary of the treasury, states that during the year there were completed and delivered 16,211,303 sheets of United States notes, treasury notes, gold and silver certificates, bonds and national bank notes; 31,545, 838 sheets of internal revenue stamps; 199,000 sheets of customs stamps, sheets of adhesive postage stamps, and 1,056,305 checks, certificates, drafts, etc. aggregate number of sheets was 70,885,033, exceeding the deliveries L2 any previous manufacturer ever thought of exoeed culty in the fact that exports oi products have been too small to meet the greatly increased imports of merchan sition as a member of the board of regents of the state university, the supreme court recently decided against Rogers.
The first was an original proceeding in mandamus to compel the governor to rescind his order removing- Mr. Rogers in accordance with the report of the legislative committee which investigated the charges filed against Rogers, and the second was jno warranto proceedings instituted by Mr. Rogers against O. L. Moore, who was appointed to succeed' Rogers.
In both cases Chief Justice Martin de lag the twenty -six -inch lenses which are in use at several observatories on dise. The of Kaffir specula tions abroad has forced many to rea both continents, one at the naval observatory at Washington, through, which Mr. Hall discovered the long lize on Americans held, and the impression that our government may Eastern Stranger "What are they lynching him for!" Quick Drop Dan "Attempted suicide." Eastern Stranger "They might just as well have let him kul himself." Quick Drop Dan "No, siree. The boys out here don't believe in a feller being so. selfish." Life.
"Ltlllas," he said, severely, to the new woman, "did you mail that letter I give Cthis morning!" And then she put her din the inside pocket of her overcoat started, got red in the face and almost wished that she had never, been emanai-pated. Washington Star. ALU OVER THE WORLD. Japan has two monthly journals of photography. Her majesty's theater in the Hay-market is to make way for a big- hotel.
St. Petersburg- has a new and wonderful prima donna, Helene Chevrier. At Erfurt, in Prussia, a government attorney has been fined for insulting a social democrat editor. A new edition of Chambers Encyclopaedia has been begun; the volumes are to be published monthly. There were 450,000 wine shops in France in 1892, according- to Le Figaro, or one for every 35 grown men.
Pasteur's successor in the direction of the Pasteur institute is M. Ducluax, formerly sub-director; Dr. Roux is the new sub-director. A check for 5,000 has been sent to Dr. W.
G. Grace, representing the shilling subscription to the testimonial started for him by the Daily Telegraph. His Excellency is the title by which Ernest Curtius, the historian of Greece, is now addressed. Emperor William having appointed him an active privy councillor, wirklicher geheimrath. TO GAIN WEIGHT.
sought satellites of Mars and many double stars. The highest power was have to borrow again also operates to our disadvantage. But there is no local year by 15,369,072 sheets. The cost disturbance of money markets. supposed to be reached when the lack teleseope in California was put up with per 1,000 sheets during the year was Wheat perplexes the oldest inhabi a thirty-six-inch lens.
The difficulties to 820.30 which is the lowest cost tant. There is really little reason to There are such things as adorable faults and insupportable virtues. Filegende i "It is an old saying that a secret can be kept by three men if two of them are dead, but a woman conceals what she does not know." ever reached, the next being expect a yield larger than last year's, be met in the production of a perfectly clear lens of great size are so many that during the fiscal year of 1894, when but western receipts of 8,202,864 bush the European observers who bare. els, against 4,026,639 last year, do not wanted anything1 above the twenty-six- mean a scarcity of wheat. Probably it it was 23.73.
The postage stamps, which he says are better printed than before the work was placed with the bureau, are produced at a saving- of that livered the opinion in favor of defendants. Associate Justice Allen dissented. Worthless Bonds, The committee appointed, by the legislature to examine the permanent school fund of the state has made its report to Gov. Morrill. The report shows that out of $6,000,000 in bonds held by this fund, 8283,963 are regarded as of doubtful value or worthless.
They are bonds on which the interest has not been paid. These bonds are: Scott county bonds, Lawrence is true that the attempt to induce inch lens have had to take the reflecting telescope, which has a concave mir farmers to keep back their wheat in July ohas ended, as usual, in much ror. It requires, of course, a much from 850,000 to 875,000, over other hump: 9 years. He recommends that tax larger reflecting- telescope to get the same amount of light and the same bigger sales at lower prices in November, and- prices have now declined so far that, for the first country be furnished new currency more frequently than has been the magnitude of object. It's the feature of The making of this forty-one and a time in many months, Atlantic exports custom.
ARMENIANS TO BLAME. half-inch lens, says the New York Com the DeLONG exceed those of a year ago, having. been for two weeks (flour included) mercial Advertiser, is regarded as the crowninff work of Mr. Alvan Clark's They Are Charged with Having Destroyed 3,260,384 bushels, against 3,193,111 last Several Mussulman Villages. life.
It is probable no larger lens OU vear. 1 he decline, nearly 1 cent, is Constantinople, Nov. 16. Official Pale, Thin People Are ever bo made. 'Unr existing condi city university bonds Cimarron city bonds, Hamilton county bonds, Kearney county bonds, 6,200, and Garfield county school district bonds, 8763.
All Republicans. There were six legislative vacancies not much, but does not mean confi dispatches received here contain addi tions a larger telescope than the 1 Pat. Hook and Eye. No matter how i you twist and turn it holds the eye in place. Send two cent stamp with name and ad- dence in renewed advance.
If you jiave sot arranged to take The Century this year, you should do so at once and begin with the November number, the great Anniversary Issue in which Mrs. Humphry Ward's novel commences. The publishers make a special offer of a year's subscription to The Century beginning with November and the twelve back numbers of the past volume for $5.00. All dealers take subscriptions under this offer. "Tom has proposed, and asks me to give him his answer in a letter." "Shall you do it?" No; I will be more liberal and give him his answer in two letters." Harper's Bazar.
False Witnesses. -There are knaves now and then met with who represent certain local bitters and poisonous stimuli as identical with or possessing properties akin to those of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Thgse. scamps only succeed in foisting their trashy compounds upon people unacquainted with the genuine article, which is as much their opposite as day is to night. Ask and take no substitute for the grand remedy for malaria, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism and kidney trouble.
Gracie's first experience in eating a peach "I've eaten it, cloth and all, mamma. Now, what shall I do with the bone?" tional accounts of Armenian lawless Yerkes the telescope, of the Chicago Corn is scarcely lower, but without ness. It is reported that the Arme university observatory for which the the aid of the government report all mans have attacked the villages oJ filled at the late election, four sen know that the supply will largely ex Forakh, Bitchli and Brehansis, neat ators and two members of the house. ceed all home and foreign demands. Zeitoun, firing fifty-seven houses in 2.
dress, and toe wilt All were secured by the republicans The output of pig iron from November I mail you Mother Goose in neur clothes alL They also burned the village oi Ktirbel, and one Mohammedan was 1 was about 217,306 tons weekly. The 4 1 containing ten color plates ten black Senators Dennison (pop.) and O'Bryan (dem.) who resigned, and Senator startling- fact is that the demand for II and white victuret ana iota or nveiti I burned alive. Eighteen Mussulmans Thacher deceased, have been products of iron and steel falls off, of both sexes were killed and fifteen jingle. ftiCHARDeoir A DkLonq Phllada. I succeeded by Messrs.
Richardson, Gor notwithstanding the increase in out wounded by the rioters at Tchoukour don and Bowersock, respectively, and put of pig- and tbousrJi onlv a lew con hissar. The town of Tchoukourhissaz Representatives Schlyer and Cole, cerns nave closed or reduced worn: or was totally destroyed by the rioters. wages on account of lack of orders. The Mussulmans' villages have beep prices are sinking-, having declined 2.7 sacked in the Azirlon and Tchokmer Held Up and Robbed. About 10 o'clock the other night J.
The First Thins 2f ecessary to Gain Flesh. Is Health, Then Proper Food for Both, Body and Nerves. the Journal, KirksvilU, Mo. Henry Gehrke is a thrifty and prosperous German Farmer living four miles south of Bullion, in this (Adair) county, Mo. Mr.
Gehrke has a valuable farm and he has been a resident of the county for years. He is very well known hereabouts and well respected wherever he is known. Last week a reporter of the Jourtial stopped at Mr. Gehrke 's and while there became much interested in Mrs. Gehrke's account of the benefit she had not long since experienced from the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. She said she wanted everybody to know what a great medicine these pills are, but as so many people are praising them now-a-days, she modestly doubted whether her testimony could add anything to what others had already said of them. Her only reason for talking for publication about Fink Pills was that the people of Adair and neighboring counties might be convinced, if any doubted, that oft-published testimonials concerning Pink Pills were genuine statements from the lips of persons who have been benefited by the use of tuem. per cent, for the week and 6.4 per cent. zemenk district.
L. Howard, a stockman, while return from the highest point. The sultan has sent fresh peremptory ing home from is ranch north of To For the past week failures have been instructions to the valis of the differ peka, was held up by three despera 283 in the United States, against 270 ent districts where the disorders have occurred, as well as to the military does at the outskirts of town and lens is made would be of no great value. To increase the magnifying power is at the same time to increase the obstructions to clear vision, "When the object is magnified the atmospheric agitation is increased to such a degree that distinctness is virtually sacrificed when the object glass is larger than forty-one and a half-inches. It is doubtful if the Yerkes will be any more useful than the Lick.
Some day it may be possible to remove the obstacles to clearness in the case of a powerful lens, though the only reason for suggesting it is that Prof. Tyndall was able to construct a glass by which the blue of the atmosphere was dissipated in looking through a deep space. If the Yerkes glass answers expectations it will enable an experienced observer to catch occasional glimpses of the Mars canals, which, though drawn firmly on the Vatican maps, are vague end wavering and almost imaginary through any glass. They can be seen at all only by the trained observer. The great telescope will be most useful in the study of double stars, which is now a matter of special interest to many observers.
CURIOUS TREES. last year and 49 in Canada, against 33 From Now Until Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will be in fashion. They can be discarded, temporarily, while traveling in the steam heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West.
robbed of his pocketbook, containing last year. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, Has discovered fn one of our common Easture weeds a remedy that cures every ind of Humor, fom tie worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates commanders, telling- them that they 8200, and a gold watch.
The robbers must promptly restore order by the DEFENSE WORK. just and equitable treatment of both were on horseback and each had a revolver. Gen. Craljjhlll Soma Up the Operations Christians and Mohammedans. the Past Year.
DEATH OF HORACE WILCOX. Washington-, Nov. 16. The annual More or Colean. J.
R. Colean, the defaulting cashier JcsTlaws are no restraint upon the freedom of the good, for a good man desires nothing which a just law will interfere with. Froude. Printer an Old-Time Missouri Body of report of Gen. Craighill, chief of engineers, to the secretary of war, has Found In the Woods.
been made public lie says that since Bikch Tbee, Nov. 16. The dead When Traveling Speaking of her own interesting experience, 1 1 i i a 1 the date of the last report the board body of Horace Wilcox was found in of the Fort Scott State bank, who is now in the county jail charged with embezzling 890,000 from the reserve' fund, was recently arrested on another warrant, charg-ing- him with receiving-deposits when he knew the bank was Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Svrup of Fifrs. as it airs. jreui Kfc5 saiu 'A little over a vear aero I was eomnletelv of its value, all within twenty i.iiles of Boston.
Send postal card for book. has prepared projects for the artillery the woods 3 miles west of town vester- acts most pleasantly and effectively on the broken down. I had been taking medicine from a doctor but grew worse and worse defense of Philadelphia, Key West, Less than thirty years ago Mr. moneys, liver and bowels, preventing fe San Diego, the mouth of the Columbia Wilcox was one of the best known men until I could scarcely eo about at all. The vers, headaches and other forms of sick in an insolvent condition.
river, Galveston and Puget sound. Al in Missouri He was an old-time print ness. For sale in 50 cents and 1 bottles by i i i least exertion or the mere bending of my body would cause me to have smothering spells, and the suffering was terrible. I au icauiiig uruggisis. lotments have been made during the er, ana was holding cases on fct.
Liouis Indicted for Mnrder. United States grand jury at year for emplacement for fourteen 12- dailies when the war broke out. -He tnougnx it was caused, by my heart. When The opinions of the misanthropical rest inch, twenty-one 10-inch, seven 8-inch Fort Scott returned an indictment for enlisted in the union army, and when everything else had failed to relieve me and I had given up all hopes ot ever being any- upon this very positive basis, that they adopt the bad faith of a few as evidence of euns and eijfhty 12-inch mortars to be mustered out engaged in the newspa murder in the first degree against a Denent is a i ways experiencea irom tne first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels.
This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilioun it will cause squeamish feelings at first, No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bedtime.
Sold ty all Dniists. tning out a neipiess invalid, chanced to the worthlessness of alL Bovee. per business at Rolla, and while there Amos Vaullier, who, a few weeks ago read some testimonials in the Farm, Field and Firesidn. also in the Chicaao Inter-Ocean. distributed among Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Hampton roads, Charleston, Pensacola, was elected state printer by the legis and the sufferings of the people who made lature.
A few years ago he was ad shot Joe Big Knife, an Indian policeman, near Miami, I. T. The indicted man is a good looking young fellow and well educated. Mobile, New Orleans and San mitted to the Soldiers' home at Leav Beecham's pills for constipation 10c and 25c. Get the book (free) atvour druggist's and go by it.
Annual sales 6,000,000 boxes. A Right to Make It. "She makes a lot of talk." "Well, she is from Boston, the cradle of the language." Detroit Tribune. enworth, and was granted a furlough the statements were so nearly like the suffering I had endured that when I read that they were so greatly benefited by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I did not hesitate to eo at once and pur Gen.
traig-hill favors carrying on to enter a homestead near Monteer, in river and harbor improvements under Martin's Majority. Official returns received by the sec this county, where he lived alone. He is believed to have had a wife and continuous contracts, lor whicn ap BEST IX THE WORLD. propriations have been made in sundry retary of state from all counties except ten gave Martin for chief justice married dausrhter at Louisiana, Mo. If you want to be cured of a cough use Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. chase two boxes. I took them according to directions and before the first box was used I felt a good bit better. Really the first dose convinced Rie that it was a great remedy. Before the two boxes were used up I sent my husband for three more boxes, so civil acts.
The financial statement The authorities at the Soldiers' home have been notified. shows there was expended on rivers of the supreme court 108,997 votes and Holliday 36,912. Martin's majority tti A ppimrvr Tnq savs a wittv Prench- IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. over Holliday was 72.085, which the man, "is like a pin. and harbors during the past fiscal year, exclusive of the Mississippi river and the Missouri river commissions Hishead prevents him tot Q.urafeYu awA ot completed returns would increase.
from going too far. Bit; Increase In Dntiable Merchandise tYettQTss Yews that I would not be without them. When I had used these -three boxes I felt like a different woman and thought I was almost cured. "Since that time I have been taking them whenever I began to feel badly. When I Brought In Daring October.
expenditures, the sum of Lutherans In Conference. I believe Piso's Cure for ConsumDtion Washington, Nov. 16. The monthly A A two days' conference of the 994, making the total for the past statement of imports and exports is- saved my boy's life last summer, Mrs. Allie Douglass, LeRoy, Oct.
20, '91. Lutheran ministers' of the division of sued by the bureau of statistics shows two years, iiistimates are submitted in lump for the next two the total amount of domestic merchan the Missouri synod was recently held at Leaven worth. It was attended by years, which Craig-hill believes is neces Women paint their cheeks and men paint the town. Atchison Globe. dise exported during October was Several That Are Valuable, Gigantic ani Historic.
The largest orange tree in the south Is a gigantic specimen which grows out of the rich soil in Terre Bonne parish, Louisiana. It is fifty feet high aud fifteen feet in circumference at the base. Its yield has often been ten thousand oranges per season. The "tallow tree" of China has a pith from one inch to two feet in diameter, according to the size of the tree, which is composed of a greasy wax, which is so highly volatile that it often catches fire spontaneously, consuming the tree to the very ends of its roots. The largest oak tree now left standi ing in England is "Cowthorp's oak," which is seventy-eight feet in circumference at the ground.
The oldest tree in Britain is "Parliamentary oak," in Clipstone park, London, which is known to be fifteen hundred years old. The largest apple tree in New York state is said to be one standing near the town of Wilson. It was planted in the year 1815, and it is on record that jX ones yielded thirty-thr ee barrels of apples in a single season. There are four hundred and thirteen species of trees found growing within the limits of the United States. The curiosity of the whole lot is the black ironwood, of Florida, which is thirty per cent, heavier than water.
Well dried black ironwood will sink in water almost as quickly as will a bar of lead. The "life tree" of Jamaica is harder to kill than any other species of wood growth known to arboriculturists. It continues to grow and thrive for about forty ministers, most of whom THE R1SINQ SUM STOVE POLISH ia cakes for general blacking of a stove. THE SUN PA STB POLISH for quick after-dinner shine, applied and polished with a cloth. 093,383 as against 883,482,422 during Oc- were from the northeastern part of sary, of $21,016,197.
Of the south pass of the Mississippi during the past fiscal year the legal channel was main tooer last year, ine imports on Kansas. 3LjN THE dutiable merchandise during" October Sail's Catarrh dire Is a Constitutional Cure. Price 75c. Self interest is always at the rate of per cent. Young Men's Era.
tained at the head of the pass and began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, I weighed only 113 pounds and after I had been using the medicine for about six months I weighed 122 pounds. I have had a good appetite ever since I commenced taking Pink Pills and instead of mincing along, picking such food as I could eat even with an effort, I eat most anything that comes on the table. I am not the invalid I was. I do not have to be waited upon now as if I was a helpless child, but I work all the time, doing the housework and ironing and working in the garden without that dreadful feeling which comes over a person when they are afraid they are going to have one of those spells that I used to have.
100 Surrendered. aggregated 837,306,720 as compared xnroug-n tne pass itseil: but dunn? a Morse Broft Canton, Haia TT. a. A Amos uruDaKer, who was missing re with 829,404.318 during the same month period of forty-three days, such chan cently when the supreme court affirmed in 1894. The exports of erold coin and nel was not maintained through the the Shawnee district court's sentence bullion during October was 81,873,897, of him to serve two years in the peni jetties.
A FORGER FROM CHOICE. Loss of opportunity is life's greatest loss. Think of suffering with tentiary, for burglary, later appeared and the imports $1,787,776. Silver coin and bullion was exported to the amount of 84,594, 47T while the imports aggregated 81,325,127. The number of 5 IO 15 and surrendered to the sheriff at To MELALGIA "Work don't hurt me anymore.
I hon peka. Years Years Years! estly believe that had it not been for Dr. immigrants who arrived during the Williamsl Pink Pills I would now be in my When the opportunity lies in a bottle of ST, JACOBS OIL. It cures. Nausrhty School Girls.
Two 16-year-old girls who were at month was 32,890 as compared with grave. I still nave what the doctor calls 27,709 for October, 1894. bilious colic but the Pink Pills have made MM" MM tending school a few miles east of Larned, quarreled recently when one NO PAY FOR JUNKETS. me much better and the spells are not so frequent and are nothing like as painful as before I began to use them. I would not be of them threw her antagonist back George T.
Anthony's Expense Bill Turned ward over a desk and pounded her in without the Pink Pills for that disease alone under any circumstances, to say nothing of the other diseases for which they are espe a manner that might result fatally. Down by the State Auditor. Topeka, Nov. 16. George T.
Anthony, superintendent of the Kan magazines, but There there is are many only one Mb. Lalne THE CENTURY ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE cially recommenaea. tare pleasure telling my neighbors the benefits I have received from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for sas insurance department, recently at Mai. John M.
Laing, one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens tended the national meeting of insurance superintendents at Battle Creek, months after being uprooted and osed to the sun. Pale People, and know of several who have been greatlv benefited by them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are considered an unfailing specific for such of Leavenworth, was shot and seriously wounded the other day by Craw Elliott 8. Reynolds, of Fort Scott, Wastes Fame and I- or tune Through Crimes. Fort Scott, Nov.
16. Attor ney Elliott S. Reynolds, who was put in the Bates county, jail yesterday at Rich Hill, is a member of the Bourbon county bar, a member of a fine family, a handsome, dressy young man of dignified mien, and well educated. He is a criminal of singular tendencies, which many attribute to a mania. The affluence of his family has palliated more than a dozen felonious offenses, which date as far back as his boyhood, and the fortune left by his late father has been spent for his liberty.
Six years ago he was sentenced to three years in the Missouri penitentiary for forging a note on W. T. Smith, a merchant at Springfield, but the case was appealed and for some reason he was allowed to forfeit a bond of 3,000 and go free. He is now being prosecuted by the Kansas City, Fort Scott Memphis for another forgery. ENGLAND MAY GET CUBA.
and upon his return presented a bill to the state for 8109.50 for ex diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial ford Moore, a machinist. The trouble may develop a sensation! penses. Auditor Georg-e E. Cole threw CENTURY." It is the leading magazine of the world first in everything, in literature, art and patriotism. It is the greatest literary product of American soil.
"Who reads an American book?" is no longer asked in England, where twenty thousand copies of The Century are being read every month. It costs 55 cents a number, it is not a ten-cent magazine, it cannot be made for that. If you will fret a copy of the November number ff! IT on all news-stands) you will see why. 1 1 the bill out on the ground that there is no law for the payment of expenses Buried in a Mine. Herman Sheriner was recently icccxtrx for private junkets of state officials.
by a cave-in at the Wilson coal mines Anthony claims that he attended the meeting in the interest of his depart near ins Doay was later recovered. He left a widow and twe ment and his expenses, therefore, small children. innv should be paid by the state. It is like Published by The Century Co. Nevt York.
St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 thev are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Y. ly that the question will be tested in Minor State News. A. G.
Everett a real estate dealer of Calm Answer to the Judge. Uobert McLean, of Greensboro, N. was once practicing before Judge Tourgee, when he lost his temper at some ruling and used some petulant expression. Instantly the judge said: "Mr. McLean, the court does not understand you.
Do you mean to express contempt for the court?" Recovering his temper, McLean, balancing himself, said with the greatest good humor: "I hope your honor will not press that question." Begin Array Life Early. Military education is commenced at an earlier age in Turkey than in any other civilized country. Before the aspirant for military honors -is twelve years old he has received a preliminary course of instruction. the supreme court. FREE SILVER CONFERENCE.
Wichita, was recently reported as missing-. HHHiH-Trrrnr All in Sympathy with the Movement Re Topeka is putting- on Metropolitan quested to Meet in Washington Jsnn- 7 'i 'j 7 7 jZJ IZ: ZZ ZZZ'Z2ZZ 3z i 1 iii i i ary 22. airs, ootpads now noid up nd rob ladies on the streets of that city. Washington, jnov. ia.
lne execu Topeka is making an effort to secure tive committee of the American. Bi the annual reunion of the Grand Army "What can I do to prove the sincerity of STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. metallic league yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution accepting- the CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. my lovei" said young Mr. spimns to his in that city next September.
Also CABLED POULTRY. GARDEN AND RABBIT PtMcr The North Kansas Editorial associa invitation of the national silver com Boston sweetheart. "Promise me tnat you will learn to like Browning," replied the intellectual creature. Pittsburgh Chronicle- maouflgctara a complete Una of Smooth Wire Fencing and cuarant averr articla bhtu represented. If yon consider quality we oaa save you money.
OAXAZjOOUB IEE. mittee, of Chicago, in calling a confer ence of those who believe in the free tion recently went on its annual excursion to St. Louis, Hot Springs and other points. coinage of gold and silver at 16 to Xelegraph. Vega's life without a cent in my pocket," said the purse-proud man to an acauaintance.
I ditmtevenhave a pocket," independent of other countries, to Albert Applegate was found dead in meet at Washington, 22, 1896, for the purpose of arranging- for a na replied the latter, meekly. his corn field in the northwest part of Norton county the other day with four bullet holes through him. His mur tional convention. By the terms of live ia glass houses should Young Men's Era. People who live glass lives.
-they're satisfied derer, was supposed to be a man from Colorado. Applega te was 25 years old. the resolution each, organization is to be equally represented, neither to have more than twenty-five representatives. An Increase In Specie. married and highly respected.
The dead body of an unknown man, THB AKBXOTOB CO. does balf the worldf ertndmiu business, became has reonced tbe cost ef wind power to IO what It was. It bas many braneb iaa. booses, and soppltee Its cooo and repairs at your door, it ean sod does furnish Washington, Nov. 16.The cable probably 50 years of age and poorly clad, was taken from the Kaw river gram announcing the intention of the st better article for ieea vaoaey than west of Topeka.
the other day. There others, it makes Pompinc and Kussian government to com next year I SteeL aarranised-afteaw rSacnniiAn WlfMtmllla TIltlM Drs. Maybe and Mustbe. 100,000,000 rubles (or about 877,000,000) in gold and 25,000.000 in silver (or were no papers to indicate mdentity. It appeared to be a case of poverty and and Used Steel Towers, Steal Baas Saw Frames, Steel reed Cotters and Teed A Grlnoers.
Oaapplfeaflen It wilt name in addition to the subsidiary articles that tt wUl amUi mnfM ec i John Mileham, father of Frank Mile- coinage, has created, considerable interest among- financiers because of the won x9 ih Bsaai pnee. i Spain's Latest Scheme In Regard to th Island Made -Sax Astonio, Nov. 16. A report from Mexico City, says that a prominent Spaniard who is in close touch with the Spanish government, says that before Spain will concede Cuban independence or permit the island to come under a United States protectorate or rule she will throw Cuba into the hands of England, conceding to England ostensible possession for a number of years until England collects the sum of money which is due her from Spain for advances made to carry on the war with Cuba. REPUBLICANS WILL CONTROL.
An Error in the Kentucky Legislative Re-tanw Which Will Uive Them a Cleal Majority. LiEXiXGTOX, Nov. 16. In the contest of Wood (rep.) for the seat in the legislature of Kauf mann (dem.) a discovery has been made which beyond a doubt "gives Wood the seat and will thereby give the republicans a clear majority on joint ballot in the legislature. It has been discovered that Kaufmann's election, while holding office as a city councilman, was contrary to the statute, and Wood will be seated without further protest.
Held Up the Crowd. Arduous, I. Nov. 16. Last night at Glenn, 14 miles northwest of here, a supper was given for the benefit of the Farmers Alliance.
During- the festivities a party of four mounted and armed men rode up and demanded admittance. On being asked to leave the hall they did so. As the crowd from the supper was dispersing they were met by a mounted party and told to hold up and fork over. The men then promptly relieved every person of all jewelry, watches and cash, the latter amounting- to about $105. xaass bob romps au nut.
ham, money order clerk in the Topeka post office, who was short in his ac IZtfe. I evident purpose exhibited on the part of Russia of increasing- her specie cur Hopeless, counts, paid the shortage and young; rency. It is thought in some quarters Milebam's bondsmen were released from their obligation. that the general purpose of this in While recently "fooling" with a re q) r.Icn, Vomcli end Gfeita pn Jl volver at Topeka Ed. Lewis, a boy, fa tally wounded Matilda' Green.
Both colored. crease is to begin preparations for the redemption of the Russian -f paper, which is the principal currency in circulation in the empire. Declared Off. New Orleans, Nov. 16.
The white otton screwmen engaged in loading-cotton upon vessels determined at a John Jenkins, was recently convict The doctor and intimate -friends considered my ease, I i was so weak and exhausted. I decided to take Hood's Sarsa-paiilla and soon began to improve. After I had taken ten bottles I was entirely cured and hare ever since been free from all ills peculiar to my sex. I confidently recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mrs. H.
''I. Meredosia, Illinois. Remember Hood' Saroaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye to-day. Arm aentoot to work, free ef charge to employer or em ployed, for help of all kinds Mil to to Tan Bureau op Labok axd TmAvsposwanosf of Cbl-eaco, Booss TW, 167 Dearborn st Job Vlabor, goa y. ed at Wichita of violating- the prohibitory law.
Ton choose the oil doctor before the ycunj one. Wny Because yon dont irant to entrust your life In Inexperienced bands. True, tie younsr doctor may be experienced. Eat tie oil doctor must be. Ton take no cftaftccs with Dr.
Kaybe, when r. Hvstfee is in reach. Same wit cedidses as with medicine makers the longr-tried remedy has your confidence. Ton prefer experience to experiment -when yon are concerned. The new remedy may he good hut 1st sczebody else prove it.
The cll remedy must be good on its record of cares. Jmst one more reason for cboosinx AVER'S Sarsa-parCla in preference to any ether. It has been the standard hoasehsll sarsaparilla far half a cectxry. Its record inspires ccafiieBce--CO years of cure. If cttsrs may be good, AVer's mast he Yon take ro coiner when yea talte AYEira Sarsapariiia.
Jack McClary, a convicted robber, orrt.n rjAfiTcx. L.W POLDIttO czd iL i and Everett Wright, accused of burg late hour last night, and after a long-. to ladies wf niaa te tske few orders, is the at and best bed ever Pde. lary, broke jail at Topeka a few days ago. "Zr Several days ago it was discovered as.
V. MkH Km JU ei aXsasMCHi.ltoT constipa- Hood's Pills 22 32r that the Thacher building- at Topeka 25c per box. bad been badly damaged by the recent earthquake. and excited session, to end their strike and return to work for any stevedore. This ends the strike and levee difficulties, which have prevailed here since September, 1894, and which caused such severe loss to the commerce of the city, resulted in several fires, entailing-a loss of more than a 1,000,000 of property, causing- several serious riots, wherein a great deal of blood war shed, and seven or eight lives lost Columbus Boris, editor of the Ober- nth ML IU lLLS.
lis Eye, has been appointed adjutant- sen togn esyrup. -i-mmuooil ui 'ASV7-: In time, goia DT general of the Sons of Veterans to Cll WHEX WEITIBfa TO Timm st fee timt ymm la titJU kit the vacancy caused by the v. of H. V. Speelnaan.