McPherson Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

Katlonal Treatment and positive Cares Lieut. Thompson," of the Canadian THE NEWS. years old, was found banging eighteen miles from Ft. Worth this morning. It is supposed to be a suicide.

mounted police, reports that Sitting Ball says he ia growing old, and doesn't want to move are what the afflicted seek for and those who ressrt to Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines are not doomed to disappointment. So positively 1E0BIQI I Preparation of IRON snd CAUSAYA BARK, In comblnatisa litn the PLGspisfj endorsed by the Ueulcal Profession, and recommended by them for Dyspepsia, Central Debility. Female Diseases. Want el Vitality.

5yff I T. p. Hn.r.. rYorfc-w tamUm, "nit. Han.

rVn I i A hole in one of the Seawanhaka's His people have been out of meat, but the buffalo have gone north and they are all right now. boiler tubes suzeests the theory that the steam efficacious is bis Favorite Prescription in all cases of female weaknesses, nervous and other I WASHINGTON. The official statement compiled at the post-office department, shows the issues of postage stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards, dnring the fiscal year, foot np an aggre- escaped into tbe fire-box and blew the coals derangements Incident to the aex, tbat this A telegram from London, dated the into the engine-room. Heaven. When informed to-day that the appeal, if it went against him, would prolong bis life twelve months he replied "All the lawyers and courts in the state couldn't keep him oat of Heaven twelve months." He will be sentenced Monday and- hang in sixty days.

Henry Attey, of Cincinnati, who, with his wife is in jail at thatf place for murder, 'confesses," with Adam-like chivalry, that Mrs. Attey committed the tragedy and asks to be liberated. Ia striking contrast with this is a cue at Iowa City. Oeorge Walker and Gertie, bis wife, were sentenced to tbree years in prison for burglary, the woman having made potent remedy is sold nnder a positive guar 2nd, says: In the bonse of commons this after TXB'S I SOU iosic nan aim- wooden here. A lady rSVl II III who had been doctored nrarlv to dram for sev-Ssrf I I 1 I III eral vpars.

has been eared or AWm anH TS allli.l III The boiler of a thrashing machine ex antee, for particulars see Fierce Memoran- noon Bradlaugh made an affirmation. He eate of (31.932.519. being an increase of near ploded near Dunkirk, on the 6tb, killing aum (given away by druggist), or see signed the roll amid silence, and took his seat at the farthest point below the gang ly 1 3,500,000 over the total for the proceeding fiscal year, or twelve and two and one-tenth tne wrappers or tbe medicine. Sold by drug seven persons and wonnding eight o'hers, three fatally. gists.

way. WASECa, April 5th, 1879. B. V. Piebck, M.

IX: General Sherman waa received on the POLITICS. C'rViniiN bv the of Un-iwA I I I I I TV. Haste' Irox Tonic. III li i 1j I I 1 tM 9 I i 1 KViT. James Brow ot raised ber from ber Tl I I 1 li JCitretuntv.

ba reqe wbere sho bad bee ngaO I I I Jawg to winter vbw bis trrateal lylne for inMrw. il -J I I In'1 iiiii li In for toe irreatbeB- II Jl 11 I 1 hl wife m-cived from tho of yowr 2wT If II VI 1 1 sWj rl Tosic. He tella ns tbat. after bavtoe pal a TJil I III II JJ. or hundred dollar (IocIotV bll.

two bolu I II fill I I Tour mm Tunic did ber more food tbaa all olbcr aied-I llllllf i crr used- Me troubled with fw a tV I I I I I I Womb, Mai. from which the it niuta I I I I I LiWi jr.A.PATEIOKaww. I I MA 1 atAinTFACTUB2EI BT per cent. This percentage is aoons aouDie the average rate of increase during the previous five years. The greatest proportional increase is in the item of postal cards issued, which amounts to t2.753.470 dnrine last fiscal Gen.

Weaver, the Greenback-Labor JJear Sir I feel that I should be neglecting my duty were I to fail in giving my testimony international bonndry, on the 6tb, by tbe premier and several other prominent citizens of Manitoba and escorted to Winnipeg, where there was a military display on his arrival. an attempt to shield her hustana by swear- as to the value of your medicines. For years party's nominee for president, has written his letter of acceptance. He manifests in his year, against 12,217 970 fr the year ended I ing that she alone was guilty. I have been a great sufferer from a complica opening remarks a profound sense of the re A sensational and highly improbable tion of chronic diseases which our physicians I treated in vain.

I am now using your Favor. I sponsibility which has been placed upon I TBK D- BARTER mEOXC and then passes to an arraignment or, Ha, 213 2iOKXa MATTC SZSX. BT. XiOTJIS. ite Jfrescnption and nnd myself almost wcll- rumor prevails in 1 ana to tne effect that Prince Bismarck intends to send Prince Hoh-enlohe to tbat capital to protest against the the 'money power." He favors the abolition Your medicines bave done me more good than of national banks of issue, opposes the refund measures taken against the Jesuits.

anything I nave ever need. I remain, gratefully yours, Mas. E.B. PAKKAI.EE. Great sympathy for the exiled French Erlabll.lwl ORICINAL AND ONLY CENUINE ing Diiis now penning in congress, claiming that the bonds should be paid with surplus revenues, warns the people against the railroad and banking monopolies, condemns the la aW.

ar.arn "vs si si a Jesuits is shown in all parts of Spain and numerous applications for permission to Awgwat Flower. R'lliWAinUiW establish monasteries and colleges have been prodigality of the government in disposing of tbe public domain, the immigration of granted. Tbe Immense sale and great popularity of Green's August Flower in all towns and villa Chinese, the iron-clad rules of the bouse of The general report of the crops in A negro convict, Henry Wilson, overpowered the guard, H. T. Trice, near Hearne, Texas, on the 8th, and escaped.

Trice wfi? guarding twenty-four prisoners on a plants! tion and Wilson, catching him louking off, snatched his gun from him. The other convicts attempted to prevent Wilson's escape, bat he stood them off with the gun, and mounting Trice's horse, got away. A dispatch from Dallas, Texas, dated the 1st says: Last night, at Fort Griffin. John Berdwell and Deputy Sheriff Silas Abel attempted to arrest Ed. Forrest for fighting.

He resisted, and Allen was mortally wounded and Forrest dangerously shot in the shoulder. A dispatch from Kennebunk. dated the 1st says: Mrs. Sylvester Chick took her only son, eight years old, to the river to-day, undressed him and held him nnder water until he was drowned. She then attempted to drown herself.

TbrcsUKg Machinery svad PortavUe and Trctlm Engines. ges us tbe civilised world baa caused many imitators to adopt timtisr names, expecting representatives, tbe sectionalism of the old parties, and the prejudice of the press, bar, Franca are highly satisfactory for quantity. In some ctses tbe probable yield of wheat is and pulpit, and promises to take the stump in considered deficient, bat barley promises JuneoU, 18V a an augmentation oi twenty -foar per cent. The largest actual gain to tbe postal revenue was in issues of ordinary postage stamps, which during the last fiscal year aggregated 122,411,928, being an increase cf $2,297,669, or eleven and four-tenths per cent over the proceeding year. Thu issues of newspaper and periodical stamps increased fifteen and one-tenth per cent, the total being tl.088,412 for th fiscal year 1879, and for the fiscal year of 1680.

The large number of inexcusable accidents on pleasure steamboats in tbe United States has prompted officials in the treasury department at Washington to eiamine the law relating to inspection. As the result of this investigation it is found that when disasters occur the statute leaves the inquiry as to the cause and responsibility with local inspectors, the very person who make the original inspections, and who in some cases, no doubt, are the guilty parties. Until a different device his been adopted by congress it is useless to expect the officials in question to overhaul themselves very severely. When the recent outraees on American vessels in West Indian waters were reported at Washington, Secretary Evarts notified the Spanish minister, and that dignitary at once laid the facts before the captain general. The to reap a harvest for themselves at tbe expense of the afflicted.

This Medicine waa introduced in 1868. and for the core of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, with their effects, such as all parts of tbe country. At a meeting- of the Republican Nation Ex-Gov. Packard, United States consul TITR A3D.aKJ iiataa tkrmkm c4 lm Ma. HATt BLEM Orala S.rtaj.

TlM-Sartac PwSM CteaaiB. w-. mmd eii ,1 ga Vara. ta wawrial. Ptifimam Tana, ri lmf, niil Fiaiaa.

aaa 11 AKTt" Sir alr mmritr al Craia. aaa w.iaaHa llni at tk oalp a-etrtti Ikmfca la TtMik. flaw i.J .1 aiaa Kjy. al committee in New York, on the 2nd. RHEUMATISM, ur Stomach.

Costivenesa. Sick Stomaoh, at Liverpool, banqneled the masters of American ships in tbat harbor, on Monday night, Marshall Jewell, of Connecticnt, was elected ffick Headache, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, vertigo, etcetc, ft never hat Jailed to the 5th in honor of independence day. ATOMnrCT.T Bm IBM! wim lha as al( ami mn sal Wha. Capt. Bogardus defeated GeergeRimell, chairman and W.

Dorsey, of Arkansas, secretary. After the appointment of an executive committee and a western committee, Senator Logan beinz chairman of the latter, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, I'OKTABLE, TKACTION. aaa CTKAH-BI ItMNtt fcTKA tpnial raur.r r.xr. our icnmoieagt. Tbree doses will relieve any case of Dyspepsia.

Two million bottles sold last year. Price 75 cents. Samples 10 cents. batabilut. ttaftlT an4 Braatv aaitiYlv aalaaaa la ataw aiakta.

blaa-raww aiSta aaa Bma-rtra of England, in the pigeon shooting match at aia ImvIh lawrawa Maaatra Hara. Sar-aratora a pwiall vaar Soaraiar. trmm la 11 aw-aawvr Brighten Beach, killing ninety-rune out of a SS Veara af Pfan mad Caatlaaaaa Baataeaa ay this aaaae. ainn Two South Carolina colonels Cash of acat, faraisaM a alraas (aaraavea fee aaawM gaaaa aaa aaawaaia ScaOkac- possible one hundred, at a thirty yard rise. Free of Coat.

with headquarters at Cmcago, resolutions providing for meetings of the full committee on Aug. 5, Sept. 9, and Oct. 14, were adopted, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, A disturbance occurred at Havre in con As you value your existence, do not fail A IITIntJ Va. a4 aalarUr tlAU I lUrf I ViaaAToa Markta-r- ka ari-ra atatr macluaea ta taa wall h-aca vartaaa ataaa ar ailiaiai-ta a kail aat aala as lateriar aaa laHinni af nection with the expulsion of the Jesuits, and and tbe committee abjourued.

to improve tne present opportunity of pro-earing a bottle of Da. Kino's New Discovert, There was a row at the San Francisco the military was compelled to charge the crowd before order could be restored. sand-lot, on the 4th, between the Greenback Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted ror ionsamption, Uougbs and Uolds, Asthma, BE NOT DECEIVED bVt Mek wprlaMtitsd ul varthtetja mtkrfetarrT. ir i all, Ik ti4 tk 'CENt All of tho radical newspapers ot Paris Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Affec and Democratic wings of tho Workingmen's party. After a while the Democrats made a a rnsh for Kearney, with the intention of comment on the rejection of the amnesty bill Feat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches.

tions, before it is too late. This is tbe only Chesterfield, and Shannon of Camden fought a duel, the latter receiving a fatal wound The deceased was a lawyer of high standing, and leaves a large family unprovided for. Tom Hayes, a noted rough at Bay City, was refused a drink by a barkeeper, pulled out a long knife and braced himself for a murderous blow, when a bullet from the saleonist'a revolver laid bim low. Hedden, the Newark bank cashier, has just been brought back from Liverpool, and says he embezzled no funds of the bank, but some of tbe bank's real estate was in bis name to evade the national bank act. rj prb' by the senate with great bitterness.

Tbe remeay yon can positively rely on as doing as hanging bim, but the police interfered and bs tor Aussnake wca-ATS. wsuca mmu btcsj. AeMrt-j abolition of that body is threatened. No reparation on earth equals Sr. JArom Oil IITT VOM represented.

Trial Bottle Free. Kegnlar ich.t laCBOU. EKEPAiD C0 B.tts Creek. escorted him to a place of safety. It is reported that the bishop of London A convention oi delegates Irora the va bas notified the celebrated ritualist, Mr.

as a safe, ir, ttmple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bat the comparatively trifling outlay of oO Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. size vi.uu. oid bv all liruggists.

The Best In the World. Dr. J. Kramers' German Eye Salve is a poei tive euro for weak and diseased eyes. Fait Mackonochie, that the sentence of sequestra rious trade and labor organizations or tne United States will be held in New York on tion will be enforced against him.

The commission appointed to investl Sept. 1, to declare in favor of either the Republican or Democratic nominee for presi 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALERS kuu icimuic never laiis to cure, and no gate tbe Tay bridge disaster reports that the structure was shabbily built, and that the dent. remedy ia so immediate in its effects. Should your druggist not have it, en receipt of 26 Kearney has been deposed from the IH MEDICINE. A.

VOGELER Baltimore, V. 8. JL. plans were altogether inadequate. vice-presidency of the workingmen's party by the state convention of the Democratic end of A dispatch trom Constantinople says tbe sultan and ministers bave finally dctermi that complicated organizatisn.

cents, tor postage sumps) we will send yon a box free of expense. Si N. Smith ft 0 Proprietors, Dayton, Okie. What It Does. Kidney-Wort move3 the bowels regular ned not to accept the reccommendations of The Greenbackers of Connecticut met the Berlin conference.

at New Haven, on the ath, and nominated a Hamburg is reported to entertain the proposition of treating with the German state ticket. Henry C. Baldwin is the candidate for governor. ly, cleanses the blood, f.nd radically cures YZ CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS STOMACH. AN Sgfvffj I Z4sA boweus ywA I iff I General; debilityX i YZZSiSZ I CONSTIPATIONx5ii1 I DYSPEPSIA VSS'lrff-kl ST.LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY empire for the surrender of its free port kidney disease, gravel, piles, bilious head Gen.

Weaver, Greenback candidate for latter has replied that there is no Spanish gunboat named Nuncio, and that the TJunit-ed States schooner must have been overhauled by an insurgent craft for the purpose of creating a difficulty between the republic and Spain. An American man-of-war has gone to Cuba to investigate the matter. A'dispitih from Washington, dated the 9th says: At the cabinet meeting to-day there was some discussion as to the advisability of the exercise of the president's power to withhold the expenditure of some portions of the money appropriated by the last river and harbor bill, but it was decided that the entire amount of appropriation should be expended as fast as the war department in each particular case may consider desirable. The postmaster-general has completed negotiations with the New York'. Central and Hudson River and L.

8. and M. S. railroad, whereby the benefits derived from fast mail in operation on those roads in 1875 and 1876, will be again given to almost the whole territory of tbe West. The secretary of the treasury will henceforth remove gangers, storekeepers and inspectors of tobacco, and all applications far such places must be made to the secretary in the handwriting of the applicant.

The coin a executed at the United States mints for the fiscal year ending June valued at $84,370,144, which were standard silver. This exceeds the ooinage of any previous year. Some members of the cabinet incline to the belief that the vessel which has been overhauling American ships in Cuban waters is a pirate. A census enumerator in North Carolina was attacked by an illiterate family, and half killed before he conld make bis escape. The United States marshal will move on the guilty parties with a potse.

A gay deceiver from Fort Wayne engaged to marry three young ladies at Grand Rapids and then skipped to Canada to escape importunate creditors and irate fathers and brothers. At Danville, on the 8th, Clem Estea, colored, shot and instantly killed Joseph Estes, a white farmer, living near Cascade village. The affair grtw out of a case of trespass. Jacob Kuntz, of Homestead station, N. forbade his wife goiDg to a picnic, but she persisted, and he killed her, and then himself.

They were both over 60 years of age. At Millard, Friday night, two yonng men quarreled, and one shot be other lights. ache, and pains which are caused by dis jThe Only Medicine president, starts on a southern tour in a few A coirespondent at Athens states that ordered liver and kidneys. Thousands days, and will open the campaign at Dallas, all preparations are being made to pat the have been cured why should you not try on the lath inst. army on a war footing by tbe end of tbe The National Greenback-Labor patty it i lobe.

A Talaable Gift. baft opened headquarters at Washington. Apropos of the Fourth of July, the Lon A Vook en the Liver, its diseases and their don Times congratulates this country very cordially on the success to which it has attained FOREIGN. treatment sent free. Including treatises upon Ldver (JomplaiBts, lor pi Litver.Janndioo, Bil A dispatch from Paris says that par Montreal came very near experiencing iousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, dons far all communists are already signed.

a steamboat disaster, on tne zutn, which and tbat they will be gazetted on July 14. Malaria, scv. Address Ur. oanford, 15 Broadway. Hew lork city, N.

X. twice, inflicting mortal wenuds. He claims to would have brought mourning to many of its homes. Tha steamer Bohemian, loaded with 157 a large majority tlie church bill, as have acted in self defence, passengers, was passing through a lock in the it left the lower house, has been parsed by the These Bitters are not an intoxicating: beverage, but Medicine or real merit, and pleasant to tlie taste. Tor Sale hy all J)rufffists.

Price, $1.00 per Tlottle. A Great Enterprise. Lachine canal when tha wires leading from npper house of the Prussian diet. William Carter escorted Mrs Dillon home from a ball at Leadville, and Mr. Dillon, who did cot approve of that sort of The Hop Bitters Manufacturing Company ia one of Rochester's greatest business enterpris the wheel-house to the engine-room broke.and the customary signals conld not be given.

One hundred and ten irench magis er. Their Hop Bitters bave reached a sale thing shot Carter dead. That Acts at the Same Time on Tha Liter, Us Bowels and ths Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health will he perfect; if they become clogged, dreadful diseases are sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING.

Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaan-dice, Constipatioa and riles, or Kidney Complaints, CI ravel. Diabetes, or Bhenmatle Pains and, are developed because the blond Is poisoned with the humors that should have been expelled naturally. KIDXEY-WORT will restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished neglect them and you will live bat to suffer. Thousands been cured. Tryltandyou will add one more to tbe number.

Take It and health wlllonce more gladden your heart. WtySsfcrl ftwifctMiJtfAMf.M by miiS alrt fr tlUM a411il KrDSiT-'WOBTwni cure you. Try a package at once and be satisfied. It it a art vegetable compound and One Package makes six quarts of Sedielne. Tour Druggist ha it, or trn get it for you.

Inaist upon having U. Jrice, WSLLS, SXC3A2SS03 IO (Will trad pott BarUngtse, VC The boat was going at nil speed, and before trates have now resigned rather than to en-force the religious decrees. beyond all precedent, having from their intrin the engineer could be notified her bows hid Clarence Davis, the Chicago bigamist, sic value found their way into almcst every A process server in County Mayo, Ire household in tbe land. Graphic was sentenced on tbe Ctb, to rive years lm priBonment and to pay a fine of $1,000. land, has been ehot and killed by nnknown smashed the gates of the next level beyond, letting out a torrent.

The force of the water hurled the steamer back to the gates through CRIME. persons. Mistakes Should Re Corrected; CnnchBaisam Tar" Troches Arnica Salve A Greaser in Arizona shot and killed a HEALS THE LCXQ3 AND CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. CURE SORE THROAT AND HOARSENESS AAD CLEAN asd STRENGTHEN th VOICE. IS THE GREAT HEALER OF THE AGS FOR CUTS.

BURNS. BRUISES, ULCERS. FB08T BITI8 ASD IXFLAXED EXES. whirh she had just passed, crushing her stern Victoria and his savages are slaughter young lady who refused to marry him. He Particnluly the practice of taking medicines as her bow bad been splintered a tew mo ing herders and stealing cattle in Mexico.

or C3 into the system by way of tbe stomach for dis ments before. The passengers were panic- was lynched soon after. Scott Bell, of Starkville, Miss and A eases of the Kidneys. It is an i ll treatment, MISCELLANEOUS. stricken, but were all rescued nninjured.

The direct damage caused by the accident is about E. Carter, of Huntsville, were hanged, well tried, acd proven inefficient. The true method is absorption, as proven by the great on the 2nd, for murder. A dispatch from dated the 8th, tha indirect damage is likely to ex SUCCeBS Of UXY'S KIDNEY PAD. ceed $1,000,000.

A Jersey Citv woman, sick and destitute, 3 Squint Eyes Cured. A Paris telegram to the London Times, killed her tbree children, believing that they says: The boara of managers for homes for disabled soldiers met here to-day. Present: Chief Justice Waite, Col. Harris, of Ohio; Gen. Coulter, of Pennsylvania; Gen.

Lane, of In would go to heaven. says that the crowd which witnessed the ex- Drs. Dickerson Stark, of the Kansr.8 City WE' BUTTER COLOR A dispatch from Atchison, dated the 9th, says: Friday morning at 12:40, a local train running between this place and the main line of the K. St. Jo C.

B. railroad, two miles away, to connect with the north bound train from Kansas City, was boarded at Wlnthrop by two strange men, who dropped masks over their faces, and with revolvers at the head of the conductor and United States Express Messenger Simms, disarmed him in the presence of fonr passengers, and marched him to the baggage car and compelled him to open the express safe. J. C. Connelly, baggage master, and Frank Oearheart, depot watchman, were also cowed by revolvers and searched, but no weapons were found on their persons.

One of the villains searched the safe while the other stood guard. The leader took from the safe a package containing $265 and pulsion of the Jesuits from an establishment Snrgical Institute, perform tie operation in all in the rue de Sevres, was almost stupified by cases of squint eve most suc-essfully and It OItm Batter theirlU-rdirail color ths rear round. CASUAL. diana; Col. Martin, of Kansas; Gen.

Franklin, of Connecticut; Gen. Roberts, of Maine; Maj, The Isnre-t imttrr Iinyers recommend lis nse. 1 by all the i Awarded lhe Inter- by Blithe i 'rcaim-iica. IZ SI Thausan the proceedure employed. In Fans, were in ot Dairymen ssylT IH PEKKKCT.

l'ed without fail in old or your g. no t. Reams, national Plploma at N. V.Imiry Fa'r. A dispatch from New York, dated the dividual right is drowned in the mass, tbe of Riverton, has tad his eye straightened Alc VDnrdrorclslnrmrrrliam write toaic It what RICH A- 0.

Itarllcrt-r. Tt. It cnta. wno vniff ii r-i it. 7th, says Arthur F.

Ducrit, Anthony Com- thing is less serious, but in tbe provinces it at the Institute. Fulton, of Wisconsin; ucn. Dlcalahone, of New York. Tbe retiring members of the board present were Gen. Butler, Gen.

Martindale and Ex-Gov. Smytb, of New Hampshire. The chief justice was elected temporary chairman. will have far deeper effects. France will bs Btock's private stenographer, is lying at the Effectual divided Into two camps, separated by an un point of death in Brooklyn, suffering from fathomab'e abyss, loose only who bave The Catholic Mirro-," Baltimore, le'ls blood poisoning supposed to have teen produced by handling a package of poisonons After uiscuBion tho board proceeded to the lived in the provinces can form an idea of the its readers, 'That the and suffer in 5 from FOR the BLOOD and LIVER election of permanent of officers, the result be- BROWfTS PEPSIN TOHIC CURE'S ISDIOKTION AKU PICK-HEtPtCBF.

effect of these oppressive measures. It is ex matter sent in May last to Anthony Comstock diseases of lhe Kidneys and liver, r. re effec m'i I resident, Ucn. William B. Franklin, of with a design, it is well believed, upon Corn- tually cared by Warnet's Safe end rsE BAr.SAPARILT.a.DANDELION AXD IOD1N1.

stock life. Ducrit opened and bandied the Count cticnt; vice president, Col. Leonard A Harris, of Ohio second vice-presiden. Gen. laveruare.

OF fOXAHSlUM. pectcd the Jesuits will immediately apply to the judges, complaining of a violation of their right of property and domicil, and praying for an order of re nstallment pending the package, which contained poious plaster smear. orrns tkkt nm MARK AT ASTON. imiino ricritr.4. The Voltaic Kelt Marshall, FEAETCHS, ETC.

FOR THE TRaES. ed with decayed animal matter from a human Richard Coulter, of Pennsylvania; secretary. Gen. Martin McMahon, of New York. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic trial.

body afflicted with some leprous disease The poison passed into his system through an ab I. a inrinnmi, Mutff iixO.lAl5l.KANl Kl llAbl.K WoliK MAUH Belts to the afflicted npon SO days' trial. A dispatch from Minneapolis, Meetings to sanction the land agitation lk tint tst th World Rasy Trrinajtt Low Prlca. X1U1 CiKKAXESX AND LIVER MEDICINE Speedy cures guranteed. Tbey mean what bond lor Caalocuo aod rngoa.

rasion of tbe skin, and for six weeks ho has KIDNEY in its most advancet character were hem Sunday last in yarions parts of the west of they say. Write to them without delay. been suffering intense agony from pviemia. dated the 3d, says: The celebration of tbe two hundredth anniversary of the discovery of St. Anthony Falls, by Father Hennepin, oo- MAI'S and UI1K HOOKS Now Mans and Oalde Books, Kana Colo, New Ml We i- for rvaloanxiot Eater, Ueck-r Broa Wat be Ciil'erioc.

acd ttiory A flap I'lac-oa A O'saea His joints have swelled, his skin has peeled Ireland. Representatives of the land league EVER KNOWN. nrVTS REMEDY has saved from linger. a case of jewelry, but allowed the conductor to retain $30 which he had in his pocket. Tbe robbers seemed surprised at tbe slight haul they had made, snd asked where the other package was, but upon the statement of Simms that there was no money in the safe he stopped his search and marched the train crew to the platform of the car, and when the train neared the railroad junction he ordered Simms to signal the engineer to stop, and the two leaped oS, the leader first promising to send Simms his revolver.

They wore dark confederate slouch bats and were heavily masked. The leader wore a suit of dark cloth and his pal wore a gray linen duster and was the shorter and stouter man of tbe two. The passengers in the coich made no effort to arrest the robbers and remained in the coach during all the time the rascals were going through When physicians have made nse of a pre oto, 60 eta. each. LeadviUo, Its mines aod camaa, 26 ola onrred to-day in this city on tbe campus of the off as fast as it was termed, leaving bis body attended tbe meetings.

At Duoloore, county scription for years in their private practice Ing disease and death hundreds who bave been KCRY a CAIflP, St asT. IAl.lSt. stats university. It is estimated that 15,000 of Galway, a resolution passed pledging the in a tender state. His form has become emaciated, and his constitution is so undermined New rocket uicuooor, only ou acr oi aooro or a- book by mall prepaid on receipt of pHc.

Addreaa II. X. HIUHT. Haaul ltT. with certain success, it is a duty they owe to meeting to continue the agitation for the peopls were at tbe campus during tbe exercises.

Among the notables present were Gen. Sher given up by physicians to aie. HI HEMKDY cures all DiKoases of the Kidneys, Ul adder, rlnary Organs, that bis recovery is almost despaired of. Dr. abolition of landlordism, and tbe establish mankind to put such remedies within reach of all, and this is doi by "copyright" such J.

C. Hutchinson, formerly of Missouri, has man, Secretary Uamsay, lion. IS. IS. Wash-barne, ex-Gov.

Davis, Geo. Sibley, and Gen. Dropsy, Uravvl, uiaoetcs, ana incontinence ami Retention of I'rine. is the case with Dr. Sherman's Thickly Ash ment of a peasant proprietary; also congratulating the American nation on its hundred and BrrrcBB, and they bave proved to be a bles HUNT'S HEM EI) encounurcs sleep, creates Gibson.

Gca. Sibley, on the part of the State fourth anniversary of independence. A been engaged by Comstock to attend to him. He pronounces the disease is most peculiar and beyond bis bUi II. Cum3tock handled the poisocous matter, and was troubled with a an appetite, braces up the system, and renewed sing to mank'nn.

Historical society, welcomed tbe visitors. lien it is tne result. representative of the land leagne said the Irish to day were fighting tbe same battle the Ex-Gov. Davis read a historical addrcs; HUNT'S REMEDY cures Tain In the II a gls et fagots there are fagots. poem by A.

P. Miller, of Worthington, and slight itching, which be rapidly cured. Pile. I tack, or Loins, icneral Debility, Americans fought in tbe last centnry. and fagjts, raid Jlolitre.

8 there are Kidney speeches were made by Secretary Ramsey, Gen. Sherman and others. A telegram from London, dated the i A dispatch from Tyrone, dated the 8th, says: Fire this morning destroyed thirty medicines and Kiduey icin-s, but TB Kid female Diseases. liHturlx-l Mcep, Eons of Appetite, Itright's Disease, and all Complaints of the t'rino-Oenital Organs. ney medicine of the day is Hunt's Remidt.

2nd, says: Shafteshurg to day unveiled the statue of the Thames embankment to A dispatch from Builincame, buildings, loclnding all the banks, opera HINT'S KK.UEUY quickly induces tbe Trial s'ze, 7o -nt. house and post-office. The fiie originated in Robert Baikes, the originator of Sunday I.iver to healthy action, riniovine the cauws that produce Bilious Headache, Dyspepsia, dated the 1st, says: A new railroad company has been organiied here to-day, to be known as the Ottawa, Burlicgame and Council Grove Remembrb this Paragraph. It is a well Woodin's livery stable, where tine valuable hordes were burned, and spread rapidly nntil sixteen buildines were destroyed, very little the safe. At tbe Junction Conductor Simms telegraphed tk facts to St.

Joseph and Winthrop station. He re fased to receive a valuable money package from the north bound train that was destined for this place, and came back here without molestation. It is a theory among the men who were on duty Thursday night that tbe robbers came np from Kansas City, knowing that a large money package would be shipped that night and had laid their plans to rob the train. It is believed sour stomacn, t'lies. arc.

schools in Eogland a hundred years ago. Dr. Vincent was present on behalf the Sunday schcols of tbe United States. Dr. Mnrphy, an prove tfict that Horn's Remedy cures the worst Bv the uw of HINT'S It EM ED the railroad and telegraph company.

The capital Kidney ae. Trial size, 70 cents. is placed at S1.000.0UO. The preliminary sur of their contents being saved. Among them Stomach and Bowels will speedily regain their strength, anil the ltltxxl will be perfectly purified.

American, read a portion of tbe Scripture, Ws cialBa-Ba sctliil ess. PENSIONS. Tew Ijiw. Tboueauds of jViMiers mni 'BtitJed. Pensions date track to dWJiarf tcath.

Time United ia-treae with atasBO a'-OUOE LEMON. r. Ou Draew I'M Waestwrow were two banks, the Herald and Democrat Tbe er nnine Frazer Axle Grease is said to be vey has been made and an easy roots found east of here to Ottawa. The line runs do and Dr. Todd ottered prayer, printing offices, two jewelry stores, two etv HUNT'S REMEDY is partly veRi-iainc, ana meets a want never before furnifhed to the pub the best in the world, and we believe it.

Jules Simon has made a speech in the the Dragoon river bottom among tbe most fer lic, and the utmoot reliance may be placed in it. Wilhoft's Fever and Ague Tonic. The old tile lands in the state. Ample aid will be tionery stores, the post-office and two dry goods establishments, and several business and dwelling houses. The upper story of the HUNT'S REMEDY Is prepared express French senate opposing plenary amnesty.

De Frevcinet urged the passage of the bill on tbe voted by the people and the road will undoubt reliable remedy now sells at one dollar. ly for the almvet diseases, and has never City hotel, corner of Maine snd Juniata edly be built at an early day.great enthusiasm ground that the popular demand for it was too stiong to be resisted. At last the senate, by a Peevish children have worms. Or. Jaou'Vs streets, was burned been Known to tail.

One trial will convince yon. For Sale bv all DrucciKts. Hcnd for l'amphlet to WM. E. I'LAUKG, Providence, R.

I. be ng manifested all along tbe line, and the enterprise having placed in energetic hands, German Worm Cakes will destroy the worms of 143 to 138, adopted an amendment granting amnesty to all participants in the Lake Minuctonka, furnishes the latest summer report steambeat disaster. The and make the children happy, A dispatch from New York, dated the Price. cent, nml PI.1 Manre tze). commune except assassins and incendiaries, For every ache, pain and bruise on man or 8tb, says: Col.

Pelton, nephew of Ex-Gov. bailer of tbe s'eamer Mary exploded on tbe beast Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment that the rascals boarded the train at the wrong time, thinking that it had already met the train from Kansas City and that Simms had received the money package and had it in his fe. A sporting man named L. C. Abbott, was shot and almost instantly killed by Oeorge E'der, a hackman, at Kansas City, on the 5th.

The shooting was done at 1 p. on the principal street of the city. Tbe trouble grew out of a fight which Abb tt ha 1 had with a "crook" named Curran, on the previous Saturday night, in a Main street saloon. Elder was present at the fight, and exerted himself A Dublin correspondent says there can Tilden, died at the Everett house this morn- morning of tbe 1st, killing tbree persons and is the Balm bold by all Urn deists. inir.

His remains bave been removed from be no doubt Fenianism is engrafted on the injuring one fatally, and several others painfully. A party of one hundred people were on AGENTS WASTED TOR THE ICTORIAL HISTOBYwikWORLD rmbradnt fall and atriheatle anwemts of eieifuatlca of aocieot aod mndero tlm-a. aod toeiodios' a talaaory of Ibe rlae and tall of Urk ar-4 Bomaa Ewptrea, tba atMfdle a lire, tbe croaadre. tbe (eedai ertfea. tbe reformat too, tbe diaoorry aao etUn leant of too New World, eux.

tc. It coniaira 7 fine fclatortesl ee-rraalnc. and la the rnral complete llietory of to World aver puMhd. tod lor aped maw yaeas see stre ters: to Acnit. A1lr NtTH'Kiii.

rrn ryi. Pt. Ieala. so dOSTETTEtj'j the Everett honse to the residence of Ex-Gov. For a namohlet on Electric Treatment of land agitation, and imparts its most effective Tilden.

Pelton has been ailing for some days, organization and formidable character. The tee way to tin boat ana if the coJltpse bid cbronio diseases with Electricity, which will be sent free, address the Mcintosh Pctric occurred a few minutes later the casualties and Monday waa taken seriously ill, death Belt and Battery Co- 192 134 Jackson Street, peasantry bave been trained to move in military order, and understand how to act together as disciplined bodies, and every opportunity resulting from embolism of the heart, at 3 a. m. to-day. Tbe funeral takes place Friday, would have been more numerous.

As usual, in such cases the owner and officers of the craft are ignorant of tbe cause of the explo Chicago Illinois. at 15 Gramercy Park, and the remains will be is taken to collect arms. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil tilln and closes tbe conveyed to Mew Liebanon for interment, sion, bntit is presumed that the boiler wes de Mr. Gladstone's resolution in the Brad- Ex-Gov. Tilden's brother, Henry, and Mr.

festive, as two others of ths sime make have pores of leather, thus effectually pre vea ting the entrance of dampness, dust, and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at tbe Pelton's mother and daughter were present at burst in previous years. laugh case, permitting all elected members of the bonse of commons who may choose to do so to affirm instead of taking the oath, was the death. A dispatch from Topeka, dated the same time increasing its durability. KIDNEY LIVER CURE Mors than ons-half of A marlMB al'mants arias msa A dispatch from New York, dated the adopted on the 1st, without a division. A 9th, says: May Wilson, a woman who was ad' Ward off Ague, Bilious fever and many other sub-equnt motion by tbe premier that ths rV dS judged insane two years ago, and was after ills, by taking a few of Eilert's Daylight Liver Pills.

Have you no rest, mind ill at diMnlarMl I.lrar. 1 baaa AraTlOB are tha 7tb, says: Tbe funeral of George Ripley, literary editor of the Tribune, took place this morning at the church of tbe Messiah. The wards released upon an evident retnrn of ber resolution bs a standing order was also aareroora that roculato tho oatlre aritem aod wblla senses, was run over and killed by a construc to without division. to separate the combatants. He was charged by Abbott and his friends with having aided Curran, and a feeling of enmity com icutly existed between the two men.

On Monday while Elder was sitting in a restaurant, on Main street, eating his dinner, Abbott entered and renewed the quarrel. A fight ensued, Elder using his cane and Abbot1; a beer bottle. Elder finally drew a revolver, at which Abbott left the saloon for the purpose, it is supposed, of arming himself, and shortly after raturned to the entrance of the saloon, where be waited for Elder to come out. As Elder attempted to pass out he was accosted by Abbott with the remark, "you're on the shoot, are you," and instantly both men drew their revolvers and fired, ths bullet from El tnoy are aaldnm painful iiwowina. am niwa-aa bare ibeir oilato In tunm.

Tnaonlt dianorery i ease, body seldom free from pain these sngar coated Fills will bring relief and make you pall bearers were President Uarnard, of tion train on the Sante Fe road this morning. Having reiusea to emorce tne recom Colombia cillege, President Yonmans, Geo, well again. She was walking along tbe track, and was not seen until the head of the train was within William Curtis, J. W. Harper, Rev.

Dr. H. baaeTer boao made in thaacint.flc or medical warm tbat (a a cert aio remedy (or all aarb troubles la r-oer'a Safe KiiJoar aod Llrer Cor' It alll can liritbt'a nisease, Catarrh ot tbe Uladd'r. Orarfl aa, ail tbe Urinary Orsanv or Female Cost Thousands of dollars aro now bcinr? saved M. Field, Professor Havine, Barnard Roecke.

mendations of the powers, Tnrkey is making such preparations for war with Greece as its depleted exchequer will permit. At mcst of the great capitals hostilities ate looked npon ten feet of her, and coming around a curve. every year by progressive farmers, who soon Edmund C. Stedman and Whiteliw Beid Rev. Dr.

Collyer read the nneral service and She was apparently under the influence of opium at the time of the accident. She is supposed to have come here from New York, as inevitable. The Greeks are enrolling vol pi. in' it is lEvalnahle. cor sale by au droMisie.

11. II. WARNER Rochester, X. discover tbe great value of freely using Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in the feed of their stock; It restores the sick, increases the beauty, and nsefnlness and promotes the growth. pronounced the oration.

Representatives of all the leading newspapers were present, as nnteers and concentrating trroops oa tbe FOR CHILLS AND FEVER A.ND Alili DZSBA.SJOS) unu av Malarial Poisoning OFTHE BLOOD. A Warranted Curt. Price, SI. 00. twyos seLs ar all dkigoist.

mi and has been here two or three years. frontier. also prominent literary men. Some official provincial correspondence Sold by all druggist. A dispatch from Des Moines, Iowa, dat A dispatch from St.

Louis, dated the 6th, says: A small fire broke out in a cellar at 714 Locust street about noon to-day, and as jjj STOMACH Why shall a loving mother wait for the com disenssing the decision of the international conference says it was only called npon to ex ed tbe 8tb, says: Very heavy rain in central 1842. J. I. CASE 1880. Threshing machine ing of the doctor to prescribe a remedy for Iowa last night.

The wind did considerable ercise a moral influence, as it was not to be ex. that fearful Cronp, colio or damage to ths court honse and engine honse 1'helin Toole, a fireman, was nsmg a Halla-way fire extinguisher, it exploded and killed him. Toole was captain of the Pompier corps pected that either Greece or Turkey would camps with which her precious child is suffer fail to comprehend the significance of the de of the fire department, and the man who made ing, when she can administer ur. vvincneiis Teethine Svruo and at once eivo the child re Serve an Injunction on Dlaeiase RACINE, WISCONSIN. at Winterset.

At Buffalo fonr houses and a mill were blown down and one man named Beam is reported killed. At Hanover, in this county, two barns and several granaries we cision given by so important a court of arbi himself famous by rescuing so many people tration. Pt a feeble constitution. ranovsMDS a ds- hilitatprl phvriuaa. sad eorichlo a thin and tanatrt irom tne oontnern notel waen it burned sev lief.

One trial of this charming syrup will make vou ever its friend and patron. This lion, wit a lloftfUer' Stomach Bittva. the 1 he reliurious decrees were entorced destroyed by wind. Trains were detained fifteen hours on the Rock Island road by a wah eral years ago. His loss will be greatly felt by the fire department, and his death will be linwa.

t-r. iuo4t blieblr aoctioodjuid ins most pQfte- Svrnn regulates the bowels. keeys tbe system der's revolver striking Abbott just below the left shoulder, and passing through the lungs, causing internal hemorrhage, from the effects of which he died in a few minutes. Elder escaped uninjured, but wan at once arrested and hlaced in jail. A dispatch from Harrisonville, dated the 5th.

says One of the most coldblooded murders that ever stained the criminal resords of Cms county took place upon the street in this city last evening. J. II. Donovan, a young married man, about 26 years of age, met Jack Deacon and Charlie Moore upon the public square about 7 o'clock, and in a good natnred way bantered Deaeon for a wrestle. Moore said something, when Donovan said, laughingly, "Go away, it's not your put in." Moore immediately jerked out a thirty-eight calibre revolver and fited, the ball striking Donovan in the forehead, above the left eye.

Donovan waa but three or four feet froom Moore and dropped dead in his France, on the 30th the Jesuits quitting their establishments nnder protest and declaring that they yielded only to force. or sals by au Uracctsta and leaITsaaarally. universally mourned. ont at Vanmeter. Tbe damage to the crops of in a healthy condition, preven all pain and discomfort arising from teething, and is an this county is 10 per cent.

and well tried remedy. Sold by all Drug There was some disorder at Avignon, Mar A dispatch from Emporia. dated gists at only 25 rents a ho'tle. Another break, the fourth, in the Sny levee, on the 4th. The new crevasse is three hundred feet wide, and the rnin is now almost complete.

Large gangs men seilles and other places on the part of sympa PROVERBS. I "Sonr stomach, bad breath, indicres- tbe 5th, says: Gen. Grant and party arrived in this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and Man with all his endowments, is in many thizers with the banished brotherhood. things most foolish, be will give all that he hath tion and headache easily cured by Hop proceeded, escorted by a company of cay. Ml mw It is settled that the Dominion of Can are at work on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and Wabash railroad tracks, bat they for his life, but is reckless and moinerent to nia Bitters." ada will dispose of its white elephant, the un- airy and infantry, to Bod en grove, where Mai.

H. 8. Cross delivered an address of wel He will erapple a thief who steals bis are already under water, and it is feared that finished i'acihc railroad, to a great financial nurse, vet will dally with a couch and finally come, to which Gen. Grant responded in a few traina will not be able to run for several days. "Study Hop Bitters books, me the medicine, be wise, health and happy." I When life is you have syndicate in Ijondon.

Tbe government gives no into consumption, when such a sure remedy appropriate remarks. After leaving the The country submerged is fifty miles long by as a bonus 60,000.000 acres of land, and tbe erouuds they departed for the train. It is as Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry can be easilv obtained. It performs rapid cures, from five to twelve miles wide, the water company guarantees to push the project to host all hope, try Hop Bitters. ranging in depth from three to eight feet.

estimated tbat there were 12,000 people on the APRON 1 ECLIPSE! AGITATOR 1 Do you want tbe BEST AFBOX THRESHER? Buy our 1 880 Eagle Machine. Do yoa want lbs Popular ECLIPSE THRESHER It's Ours Exclusively for 1880. Do yon want tbe BEST AGITATOR THRESHER? That's our New 1880 nXachine. completion without delay. gains friends every trial, and is invaluable in bronchial and lnng diseases.

It is a safe grounds. A dispatch from Sedalia, dated There was a passionate discu? sion in the lvidney ami urinary trouble is and the only safe and sure is Ilor, Ditters relv on it." The Chicago base ball club defeated tbe the 2nd, says: There was a severe thunder trench chamber of deputies, on the 2nd, on guard for all, from the babe to venerable age and health will be restored bv its timely use. storm south of and near this city to-day. "Hon Hitters docs not exuaust ana Providence nine, on the 6th, by a score of 7 to 1 This makes tbe twenty-second consecutive Herman Berger, a farmer who lives near Cole No family thak has used it will be without it. tbe expulsion of tbe Jesuits.

One of I he opponents of the government bitterly assailed the mode of proceeding, and declared tbat destroy, bnt restores and makes new, Sold by Druggists. game won by the White btockings. and beats every record heretofore made. Ia 1869 tbe Camp, got on bis honse to fix tbe chimney and he was struck by lightning and fell to the 1 (lections hereafter would be fougbt cn the ground dead. His wife was also struck by Cincinnati nea wonvwenvj-oue con- Ar a.

rtik PldflflEH. issue of public liberty. arowsmesajauu- dice. Hop Bitters removes easily." 'Boils, Fimples, Freckles, Ronjrh Skin, eruptions, impure blood. Hop ids same nasn ana aangeronsiy injured.

secntive games, and that achievement has Kansas City Novelty Kansas City A sailor who created a disturbance at never oeen surpassed unui iuo pitmcut urne. Wellington, British Columbia, the other day, Bitters cure. At the Yale-Harvard boat race, on the 1st, F. W. Lincoln, president of the Boston and Albany railroad, and Mrs.

Dr. William Steel portrait of Garfield (9x12) mailed for 25 eta. A genu wanted. Vandervaart Kansas City was chained to a post in a barn. Soon after COMMERCIAL.

the truotnre was found to be in fijmei, and Appleton, of Boston, who were viowing the XABKET QUOTATIOIt. "Inactive Kidneys and Urinary Ur-(rans cause the worst of diseases, and Hop Bitters cures them all." 'More health, sunshine and joy in Faints. rush was mv'e to liberate the prisoner, but tbe fire drove the people back, and tbe poor contest from a railroad car, were accidentally Kansas City Grain No. 2, winter wheat. fail laial.U.-W 10 MjrtwxirS iTcmm.

inrown iron ine piattorm and almost in tejow bnrned to detth. 81c; No. 3, do, 76 Xc; No. 4, do, 67c. Spring, stantly killed.

HopBittere than in all other remedies." wheat, No bids. Kte ho oius nor onenngs. An English court has decided that a Morphia Habit Ourwl at Bow. LOOO Jennie Long, a young lady ofeood Oats. No.

2. 26c Corn, No 2, mixed, 63. Curad. IVwara of 10 or 30 day ear man who received 2,801 as oupecsation for Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief la the family and fine appearance, threw herself into Addrou Ur. MABSU.

Quins. Hie. Produce Batter, good to choice, lzaiic merchandise destroyed by tbe pirate Alabama Ezes. 7c per dozen. Cbirkens per nest.

FOB SitE BV atX DKFOOISTS. Charles river, at Cambridge, and, de mast hand the amount to an underwriter, the 2 50. Cheese, 8v9c for prime Kansas. Hides, clining assistance irom ine snore, drowned in BROWN'S LIVER FILLS plaintiff in hi case, with whom the goods had been insured and who hvlpiid npon them 6(3730 for green. Potatoes per boshel 50 A discoxery which rnres by tbe natural process, AllSOItPXIOX, all dlmrascs of tb Kidnrys.

U)adtr, ITrlnary Organs and Nervous System, brn not hi 115 elap can. It Is romdirtsble to tbe psticnt, positire in its Beets, and the 6nt core fr tbosa painfol and moth dreaded aflcrtiore. Diabetes ami ISriglit's Disease. while Itarnres of Gravel. Lrropey.

Catarrki lhe madder. Ilrlc-kdnat. Iposlt, fatafol I'rioaUnc. High-Color! Crine. Kerroas Weaknewi and fain la tba ltack.

eeera more like mirarle than esses of riatoral healing. DELICATK F123IALES victims of wa-ted or prostrated enercies. cansen by irrernlar habits, the abuse of nature and mental or piiyxiral ovvr-enTtion, find their creaiest relief in tho an of DAY'S KIDSEV PAD, which etrengthens and invigorates tha invalid and re-Hres the of health. PAIN IN THE BACH. We isr poaitr-lT, and without fear of contradiction, thai DAY'S KIDNEY PAD is tha only certain and permanent core for every form of this prevalent and distressing complaint.

YOUNG MEN snflerine ft em nervons and physical debility, kiea of memorv, or vitalliv Impaired by tha errors ot yoalh or too close application to bo pine or work, mar be retored and manhood regained. Avoid all kidney medicines which are taken lata the svstem bv war of ths stomach; It Is an old treatment weft tried and proven Inefficient, thona sometimes eflectin apparent cares ol ons complaint they sow tho reeds of mora troublesome sod permanent disorder. The price of oar PAD brine it within the reach of all, and it will annually rave many time its cost In doctor's bill, medicines and plasters, which, at best rtv not temporarr relief. It can bo need without fear or harm, mad ith, certainty of a permanent care. For sale ty drnfcist penerallv, or sent hj mail (free of poetac-) receipt of the price.

Begnlsr Child's Pad (for Incontinence of urine la fl irt: Special (extra sire), fAOO. Our hook, -How a Life was Saved," rivlDZ a history of this new discovery and a laire record of most remark Me rare, eent free. Write for It. Address, ItAY KIU.NET AU Toledo. O.

PitTTTtV Owing to the many wortsJess Kidney bill ILUH. Pads now seekinK a sale oa onr repnta-Woe, we leai tt dee the affilcied ta ware toeea. Ask tar A A I KIP' A AP. sad Ua aa stasa, k. V.

VTL'. 176. Oar 1 8 SO Doable Ptnkw Wbeol Woodbary, The BEST HORSE POWER in the World. PORTABLE AXD 8ELT-PBOPEUJ50 FARM ENGINES. ALL.

WARRANTED A Nov. 1. XO, IO SCorso Xo-woz the presence of a large group of excited spectators. No motive is assigned far the 60c Bmom oorn, f((ti ptr 10. aceoraing to CUBE BILIOUSNESS AND PXEYENT CHILI.

9- REDDINC'3 es a total loss. tracks. Moore started out of town, bnt was overtaken by tbe sheriff, and with difficulty rushed through the excited crowd and placed in safety within a cell in the county jaiL Donvan has a young and handsome wife, and not an enemy in tbe world. Moire is about twenty-five years old. a Kentuckian, who is here on a visit, The coronor's jury returned a verdict of unprovoked ard willful murder.

A dispatch from New York, dated the 8tb, says: Lawrence B. Jerome, and Edward M. Patchell, charged with being in possession of railroad securities valued at $87,000 belonging to Bray Ion, Jcsi of Wall street, lost by a messenger July 3, were arraigned at tbe Tombs to day. James Allen made affidavit that Jerome, July 6, told him that he, Jerome, expecled to be rich sorn. as he bad found bonds valued at flCOOQO.

Counsel for the accused claimed to have a good defense and demanded an examination, which was set down for this afternoon. A citpatch from Pa dated the 8th, says: William Fetrie was to day ar-. rested at Benton's MiJli, cliarged with the murder of Divid Ingraham, at Bloimfield, Jane 25th. The two going West, Ingraham to purchase cattle, and had a large sum of money, a fact known only to Petrie. His body was fonnd at the place mcLtioned, with a bullet in the head.

Tbe coroner's jnry found a verdict aqaiost Petrie, finding hiui guilty, but he had evaded arrest unt 1 today. At Troy Mill, Iowa, on Saturday, th Si inst, while a Fourth of July celebration was in progress, ths marshal of the day struck a man for insulting a in. This was a signal for a free fiht which lasted over two bourj. and which more, than tbree hundred men took part. Four of tbe combatants were fatally injured and twenty-fivi received painful wounds.

Paysicisns from all surrounding towns are in attendanca on the sufferers, A dispatch from Dallas. Tx dated the nnalitv. Hav. 9.C0 per ton. baled.

deed. A te'ee-iani from Geneva, dated lhe Liive etocK 1 noice native steers, Hugh Hanna. a fainier living near Bry and upward. J3.5C(S 1.00; sood 1.3C0 to ant, ows, attempted to drive across a sub- PAM e. RUSSIflSAWE! 9tb, says: The earthquake of Sunday was the most severe and widespread that has bien known in Switzerland for several years.

1.40O B)S. averaee, 13 batchers red bridge near bis home in a lumber steersJ90O to 1,200 12.75 Several meters of the summit of theTchrebel- wacoa in which were also bis wife and five children. The flood upset tie vehicle acd of (33 85; good, native cows, 92.503.25; medium Road wbaiUe great Sew Tore dry foods merohaot burg, near Quartern, fell, overwhelming a T.THry Merchant, Farmer, MIecr. Mrcbsele. sod to common, 2.00(32.r0; balls and stags, mtes: Axw TOBX.

Aoxnat 9. Kit. the seven only Mrs, Hanna escaped Growing, rioaviie: er soooia Keep a Dome always sear ai large wood. t2.003.40; milch cows, f2C(g35; calves, $5.00 baoo. for Internal too external oi here were sr vpnty-nine fttal cases of BrODTTO AOo.r Gun: Ia a.l kinds ef wounds, sad taflammaHor A dispatch from Constantinople says 12.00.

Hoes, choice packers. 3.9S(?J3.7J; enr.stroke NtW York duiirg the twenty FOR BOWEL COMPLAINTS, medium to common grades, 3.5033.90; stock- tbe enlistment ot volunteers for Albania i erery kind. I eooelder your Boeala 6aie tbe bet remedy I hare erer need. 1 aaldoia erer oae aoytblnf elae in my boose or stable. T.

ft. 3 Sheet. No transactions. publicly proceeding in that city, the govern four hours endirg at noon, on the 1st, and wj hundred deaths from ihi same cause It Is a remedy uciurpaaiad for efficacy aad rap ef anion. fct.

Liouis Wheat, cash, no.1 red. fl.uug ment giving ih? enters money, and free pass- peou.l,yora. '5. x. uurirg ine asys at tbe same No.

3 Corn, S4. age fcr a'l esinng to ngbt the Ureeks and FOR RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, Oats. 25c. time. rll i i mim eceiruu.

RUSSIA SALVE, Chicaao Wheat. No. a red, sawcffSbc; No. a Clarence nusteu, oi caura. wr.s In the hc.use of commons, cn the 3d, bit in the face by a misdirected sktr cket Ititnntfjoa'ad at a lloimsat.

FOR BRUISES. CUTS. AND BURNS. spring, HK casn; wary; It oat no In three elrae: 80c and tl. Ces th the government acvpted Mr.

FarneJl amend. stae for amnxala. tWTot sal by ail dmprlsta. Aueuit; 83c, September; N. a spring, daring tbe splay of fireworks at th celebration at Lensbury, on Monday evening, ard ment to the Irish land bill, authorising the It rs been prod by lbs most abaedmt asd ooo- Oorn, 3550 cssh; 35, August; 36tf, September.

Oats, 25fo cash; 24J. July; loan to boards of guardians, for out-door relief, of sums not to exceed in the aggregate te-ttraony to be ao loramaoie aa-nicine. Ak joor Crosxlaa or Gxocwforlt. IlxecUoasaa both ryes were entirely destn yed. I 1 NOW IS THE TIME 23 Vc, August; 23c, September.

Bye. 70c nacb bottle. a yacnt containing toune-n persons Barley. A commercial agent of the United States It. II rWDKRSJOir, I Anthortied bytne 11S I at ate to treat Ser- oapaiaed in White Bear lake, Minnesota, tn the 5'h.

Seven of the party, va'orons single rrei, New Xork Wheat. No. a spiing.fl.lUMl.ii; Tkpooh-ird a upply of BP.OW EXTBAOT or awt GINOEO. will aire itu't 1.1 i rnJ siv 111. Ut lw Try Ik Ooiy No.

3 do tl 04; No. 2 red, $123; No. 8 In Hayti reports that the dry eocds of Ameri- J. CAE efa CO. amnalk make and sail am swam asnotp, leaving tne remainder.

Women Kaaiaas ity. Ha. I rroa, enroote ana MpeclalUiseaese; NerroosLtabilily.CfiaaryDla. aaa aie. Maatcloe aeot ovoriebere.

Cttres Lfiy ceota pr bottle. No. 2 whit-, SI UK; No. 3 don tl 08. Taraanma llsnhines than any Ana la lbs world.

oan manufacture are extensively imported in and cssinre i d'ewn. Corn, uncaged. CPc; So. 8. 47c; round yel Its yields "lore PreBt Tkreshsi mat country, an the trade witb Qreat Brit- no, nays: aucn nngaf.

eo'ored, conrlcUd murder a few days age, refuses to app al his nr mf-na. rm1 nnfllA noBaoltatloa free CSll JST! applylaf any af tba abova sd do ac forret ta say toat yea saw tka I tartiaesaSBt this Sajsi nsMtrsrrww im IS Sie till C'sir4. Asnxt.l tiwDalli!. d-ttcd mm raxssers immm uy at ax sua asms. low, 61o.

0t, western, 87 whit- am, heretofore almost, now amounts or write, illustrated book aad etreulars seat sealed for tre tor aekiBav UaTIUlla.J. biari bisrausi ease, because be wants to- go straight to the l.t, sajs that Harmon Whitmore, forty Lebanon, Ohio. to utue. A4 aaa axperieeea de.74te..

McPherson Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.