TRIBUNE; gAGEs. en, le --7 7 dit IP 14, 3 HELP. Bookkeepers. Clerks. WASTEDA WHO HAS none OR more to loan empioyer on amp.ek security aud work for tar one iie laati had experience in a bank preferred.
47, Tribune mime. wr for a pret( lenta AT gi WEST FOUR G011111111141 ZOCCIAMAIJIded tztalo now Business Is Carried on in a Clark Street lock-Auction Shop. fluctuations In the Value of elryGenulne rrices. os, Business Is Carried on in a Clark I Street lock-Auction Shop. -A 1 Tiactuations to the of Jew- elry---Genttine 1 rices.
SITUATIONS WANTEDMALT. llookkeeers. Clerks. crrrATIoN wAN1 EDA GENTLE41AN OF LONG and varied basiness experience and r.s.,41 rud country acquaintatoss i some bouts in CLicsuo ai taif.tialato managers very best city given. Ad.lress cars Commercial Itsstonat Baud.
4 crruATrox WANTEDAY AN ENPLatii.Nt7ED 1,3 hest of recoil) Lie ads Acoir ems GEORuk. A. BILERNIAN', Monroe. Wis. ZITUATION WANTEDBY A DRUGGIST ut? sit yoars' experience saustion gals to a Pertnerafop preferret.
tislod reterencos given. Address A. B. bkii.PAILL). red.mak C4suLti.vla ty, N.
Y. QITUATION WANTEDBY A YOUNG MAN; 4 t1 good accountant; referenced; Itikat 4Latirelle 5 Trioune ottce. Trades. WANTFDPRIESS BOY AT PERRY. MORRIS 1 LI btate-st.
AirAISTED--A Ci1tAL Tuisaa AT A5S WES-ri SlatLson-st. a-a Trying to Get nid of a Reporter. crying to Get "Lid of a Reporter. -1 A1rANTEDIMMEDIATELY-10Gth3D PAINTERS. II come tuLyyrepared for work this Apply to J.
b. 47-East Ilarruum-st. Coachmen- leamsters. WASTEDA MAN WHO trfoMEHSTANDS TAKI care of horses and a cow Sweda or horwegtan preferred. Call at No.
77 basement. Emplewneent lyt Can eti BAW.M HANDS. 20 STONE. gusrrymen, Lts ad men, tarm bands. re fare.
AN bE.F.W G. BING a 17 North Clark-st. Trilfitege ITUATION WANTED-LI A Rol' TO LEARN Tint hitruesarnaker's trade. Cell at Fourtn-a. cZITU AT1ON WANTailBY A RKSPIXTAEL11 I-7 you man, 110 tatter en tow in 'men or conntry; good reference.
Address Tribune wilco (ZITUATION WANTEDAS A COMPOUNDER Oft rectiner, by a young man tharookniy bowed in all trio detains, or a barkeeper. Addreaa I. Tribune Whew. CITUATiON WANTEDBY A PRESSMAN OF 12 years' roenence. with xceptionai tetencea; either in or out of ttie city; will gu on anak.
Andreae one week. IN ai, Tribune it te. lkI'ANTED'241; SAWMILL RANDS. IPie TO 4,128 PER month and board. Alen, farm Mauna; bliadeat rages.
Sul South Water-st. G. HAIGH O. 116. matter of fact, the auctioneers in 116 never do state the metal or character of the false jewelry they sell, or, when they do state it, they he about it, and this entails a bigger fine than the other fault.
There is not a detective in Chicago who is not perfectly well aware that this shop at No. 116 violates the ordinance every dam, and yet they do nothing about it, and evidently do not care bow much swindling is carried on under their very noses. This is entirely in keeping with their reputation, but hardly with the deeire of the public who support them. Mayor Colvin has an way and effective remedy in lr.a bands to eloee this and other like shops at once by revoking their licenses. 'Whether be will do it depends on so many dit.
ferent men that it may be considered as practically settled that he will not, as long an an Alderman us concerned ix the welfare of the ahop. Dispute Over Fox Iloward's Property. Decisions in Ilaritirae Law---Judgments and New IMPEACHING PATTEN. Fourth Day of the Trial of ILK. Turner.
Storrs'. CrosE-Exeimiies tigt dential Clerk. Iteed Again on the Stand. Halford-Hamilton and Hamilton-Helen O'Hara Harrell were shown witness. The first he had seen at the Southern Hotel March, 1573.
Ile wrote it lumsett. Aiso wrote the He wrote the signature James lIalford.11 Wrote the other signatures. and atixed the seals. The second was then examined. Saw this instrument in this city at the West Side Sherman House.
wrote it, acknowledgments and certificates. He performed this work at the West Side Sherman House. Wrote also signatures of witnesses. Wrote them at the request of ft. K.
Turner. Turner first spoke of the lands to which they referred early in 143. 1Vitness was asked about vations wax impressions of seals fonnd in his trunk. He owned up to having had them. ia had vita seal of the signatures on the deeds exhibited.
Turner called at the old Sherman House hile be was engaged in this work, and was in hie room several times. Turner first spoke about this business at Burke'o. in 1873, Told witness that there was a plat of land he would like to get the deed for- It was worth or Turner described the lands and gave him original deeds to guide him. He wanted witness to examine them. He took a copy of the seals.
Turner waa to pay him 81U0 for the title, and allow 25 per cent, of the 'proceeds. Knew jr. 'Fatten. First saw bim on the care in the State of Missouri. Met him afterwards in Quincy at Turner's dice.
Witnees was to receive one-fourtli of the proceeds of these forgeries. -Mr. Storrs flawed witness to depart without the torture of creme-examination, v. M. COREY was next sworn, and questioned in reference to original deeds whichlurner borrowed of him for the alleged use of Reed in making the forgeries to which lie testified.
He testified to letting Turner take the deeds to his hotel, and that he returned them in about an hour. On cross-examination Storrs brought out the fact that Turner had shown three (wade in the chain of title before be was given those in Mr. Corby's possession. The deeds which Reed had sworn he made himself were exhibited witness, and he thought they were the ones which Turner brought to his office. The Court then adjournel, CITY REAL ESTATE- VOR NO.
IWO MICHIGAN-AV-1: Will sea the lot for traat it will bring, and tow imProvemems to. being a borne. of 11 rooms, just renovated. Thlb will mske emfortaule nom. eisvswal hundred feet mu South Park.
alumer, and Prairie-ats. between Ali-seventh and bait-price. Aa all the above property is unincomLeossd. I will sed can or tOn lune. LI Dosrborn-st.
seem 13, von SALEA? A SACRIFICE-011 rxcri NGE-L 100t2oU or less on Cottage gonal of seventlr-str; 300 feet or less on -W000lawn, near stslion and So utb rark; 14 acres on nom Of f4raros a splendid neighborhood. B. liktOSSMA.N, Room LI, fki Madtsomsa. VOR SALEOR. EXCHIANGETHAT VALUABLE eroperty 754 and 757 Wabash-se north of tmenta- 77 ft front will bedivided if thAtreth LOWS Beers 1, 37n State-st.
VOR SALE--AT QUARTFR VALUETWO FIVE room cottagea aud two two-story buildinearon 1.Vest bide; to be removed. D. E. Room t'ORSALFP( THP, PRI-NCIPA1. 12 eentreA five-story and basement iron and stone front building, steam elevator, et.4).
i rented tur gloom, yearly. AdtrosS, .9. 'frihune ottice. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATI'. SALESE000--A COOD corrAGE .12 and lot at Evanston, tlisi down and 4L monthly.
lots and UtlfittiBi1041 cottage with a want cellar at Park Ridge. wan Itio Gown. and i0 monthly for Now 1310orn 2-story house on briok on oundati. and two tots at Park Ridge S2.100, $kin cash. baisuse se sins 6-room col tage and 3 lots.
at 700 only Slue down and $15 monthly: has a good cellar and well. We will buy a new cottage tind two lots at Des. plaints, 1100 down and monthly for balance; a wood piano taken towards one of the above place. Show Wens tree. IAA BROWN, 141 Room 4.
-TiOR BALE-41SO WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL LOT As at Park twig: down and S.4 a month untd paid; one block from depot Property slsown free. Cheapest proven in market- Also. Clionooe lots at same femur and prices. IRA BROWN, i42 LaSalle-et. Room 4.
'port SALKA RHSIDENCE LOT AT THE TRACEYA' ay. depot, N4 ashingtoa Htnghts. gravelei streets, svrevth A300, A75 will take it. LARKIN A HOLMAN. Wastangtea-est.
VOR SALECHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS AT ENeronci, fine grove en them, at decided bargain. B. A. ULRICH. S7 1.1011 SA.LICCH EAP-2 2-STORY ERICK HOUSES, handy to etnam care, only one block Irani et.
boulevard. 8 12, Tribune office. -VOR SALEHOUSES AND LOTS AT CRAWEORta A' (first station west of eity limits on the C. B. tt at low rate king time.
CAA and see 1GRD Office 1511 Room VOR SALECOTTAGE AND LOT ZIA). 4 DOWN. $4 monthly. 4 acres and cottage, eltAl down. $1,) tnonihly.
at hobart. population 3:1 miles. on Fort "Wayne Railroad. Odire days hatUrtiay ilia J. G.
EA RLE, Room 37, 1 matter of fac mmommono a a NO 16' sue roeeers in I never do state the metal or character of the MPEACHING PATTEN ITalfo -Hanle on Hamilton-Helen O'Hara a Harrell were shown witnees. The first he had seen rry REAL ESTATE. OR SALE-PREMISES NO. IWO MICHIGAN-AV. 4 false jewelry they sell, or, wlieu they do state it, 4 at the Southern Hotel March, 1573.
Ile wrote it Will sea the lot for a aim it will bring, and tnrow ilia they he about it, and this entaila a bigger fine 7 Also wrote the acknowledgment He improvemen, thereon in, being a house of 11 rooms. Just tban the other feels. 7 Fourth Day of the Trial of IL K. oe he There is not a detective in Clicago who is not wrt signature James lIaltord.11 Wrote ratitrated. Toinazillbmskeks mifortAule home.
i evvio-al iii. Turner: 7. betwdereellrirtit-ase've: Padril atsna irtrZariite-arl'Fti. perfectly well aware that this shop at No. 116 the other signatures.
aud alited the seals. The thin as all the above i hi Will 1 violates the ordinance every day, and yet they i .7 instrument in this city. at the West Side Sherman ittltr I'll i'mg lime. li.lii.nuN lituslAs5Lisi. La) second deed.
was then ermined- 11(3ukle. Ile wrote it' sick and att- 'It' 41E0.2'111 do nothing about it, and evidently do not care rti-Bt. At 0(1 1 1-11 3 bow much swindling is carried on under their ra, Storrs Cross-Exaraines the Conn- -r-son ALP.A certificates. He performed this work at the ir A SACRIFICEon I very noses. This is entirely in keeping with West Side Sherman House.
Wrote signs- their reputation, but hardly with. the deeire of dential Clerk. tee of witnesses. Wrote them at the request Innod the public who eupport them. of K.
K. 'Turner. Turner first spoke of the lands 7. Mayor Colvin has an easy and effective reme- to which they referred early in IVitness dv in bands to cloee this and other like need Again on the was asked about vinions wax .1 unereesions of shops at onc e. by revoking their licenses.
-7- seals found in bia trunk- He owned up te om Jar0614 Whether be will do it depends es on so many tilt. al" litae deeds hadvilit erhilibilteocit: el.Liew:tRo 1 l' i OtninkiNtlocagitt- ferent men that it may be considered as practi- hthaevwg had tlle tures Fa rersonnel of the Establistmaent. eau', settled that he will not, es bong as an Turner called at the old Sherman ouse bile Alderman us coucerned We the lfare of the es was engages ie this work, and was in Lie room several times. Turner first spoke about centreA five-ktory and bake 13P. -4.
building, eieeu e. merit- iron and steno trout nlevator, kw. i rented lor elookat yearlY- ESTATL. THECOURTS this business at Burke'o. in 1873.
'Told witness that there was a plat of land be would like to get d''" the deed for. It was worth or --r-- a Turner described the lands original deeds to guide him. He wanted witnese OR sat.E-etree--s, C-OOD 7-ROONI co-rrAGE Dispute Over Fox -Iloward'a them He took a copy of the and lot at fflie down. and niontlilr rel '2 lots and Ls 00, tote ti; te Gowna unfinished cottage with a collar at Park I er was to pay him 8100 for the i Ridge, O. a ik ie aionly th tor balance.
property. eor mi thlane title, and allow 25 er cent of Li-roorn 2-story house on brick foundation. and two lots at Park Ridge 112,.. liclie raan. belau to su the proceeds.
Knew Mr. Patten. First 6-room col tags and Ylots, at toenc- Too itte -J saw bim on the care in the State of Missouri. down and sr5 monthly: has a good ceillr and web. ecisions in Naritirao Law--udgments Met him afterwards 'in Quincy at Turner's dice.
tii i. kli4) will buy a new 7-riorn cottage and two lots at Des- She down and 815 monthly for balance; a good WItnee8 WaS to receive one-fourth of the pro- piano taken towards orke of the above placee. btiow went and New SP.j,ts, ceeds of these forgeries. 7 -Mr. Storrs allowed witness to depart without ,,,4,...,,,7 .0171 icri at Fara king: lk owrn ty 8e.4 nt a month until the torture of crelos-e ti xamivaon pdoe niock in, tdro depo.
vin free. ars. r. ie. COBET eap- next sworn, and questioned in reference to a est property tri market- Also.
Glencoe lots at tams tenni' was prices. IRA BROWN, 142 Room 4. origined deeds whichlurner borrowed of him for you SALEA RESIDENCE LOT AT TR ETR-A-e- CE the alleged use of Reed in making the forgeries A' ay. depot, V. ashington Heights.
graveled. streets, to which he Ile testaied to letting 43 ill 5 take its. LA itiiili HOLMAN. lie Turner take the deeds to his hotel, and that he returued them in about au hour OR saLE-cuoice RESIDENCE LOTS AT E- 1' wocei, fine grove on them. at ba B.
On cross-examination Mr ti St brought orrs roug on ULRICH. 87 decide rgaga. A. earborn-at. the fact that 'Turner had shown three Geode in -10R SALECH EAP-1 2-STORY ERICK OUSES: the chain of title before be was given those in I handy to cars, onl one Iro steam ns Fifty-lilies Mr.
Corby's possession. The deeds which ReseCt at. boulevard. 8 19, Tribune office. (first A had sworn he made himself were exhibited wit- volt SALEHOUSES AND LOTS AT CRAWFORilt nese, and he thought they were the ones which station west ally halite On the B.
R. at low rate 111114 kale time. CAA an see us OiltW Turner brought to his office. I0ii.D Office 1511 Dearbo Rocmi. The Court then adjoureed, -14-101t SALECOTTAGE AND LOT :1200.4 Aft DOWN.
11- 4 onth Itm down ly 4 a cre and cottage ki. $is monthly. at Hobart. population 31 miles. oa Tort Wayne Railroad.
Odice days haturday and Alenday. J. IG- A Room IC, 9'7 -COUNTRY V. tufo just 1 as-was next sworn original deeda tbe alleged use to which he tee; Turner take th returued them i On cross-exal the fact that Tt tne chain of titl Mr. Corby's pos had sworn he re ness, and he th; Turner brought woe Court dm ORIM tR.H LAW-- rn, VS Fort 7.
J. Miseellatteons. ctiMATTON WANTEDBY A YOtrIlG WAN. 1,3 about boot. Q.
to travel for a wholesale aTocery bouvis over three years' experienc e. bood litinots and tows trade, A 1 resurencea. Akiktrees Trshosseatoe, CITUATION WANTEDBY A YOUNG MAN AS barkeeper. or in a fruis-pantry In a hotet or any us. azde work, cay Appl, Sou Ot Room AaNcITEDira RAwILagROArt.1,5ABORL.Ray;1011w0m.
--3) per month and board teams, 4 per hay; ah tree tare. SNELL A 23 West A NTEDt ri RAILROAD LA HORERS--, 1' RES tare; farm-bands. lo toschoppera and quarry-bands. R. 141 South wo ater-el.
Room Miseellaneous. WANTED-25 COAL MINERS AT MINONK, full work guaranteed; there is no attike ur trouble of any kind, impure at, 134 LaSalle-st. Al rAA TED AGENTS TO SELL OUR SELF. Cleaning Frankly Fruit and Jelly Press. Sella at sIght.
Now us the tune. Carl on or rWrIna GrOODISICH A HOUSTON. 70 and 'It Adams-at. 1IrANTEDMEN TO SELL BROOKS' NEW sharpener and glass-cutter, and LE best articles for malls no female agents. Fay' largost Perneeillite.
American liovelLY COMIPSA.T AladttluAM-e Room L. eITCATION WANTEDBY A FIRST-CLASS FRU ITaD butter maker; haa had to years' eprienee wtiI give references- Addreaa JAM ES LkiltAlii. Prauldiard. toad. Philadelphia, Pa.
SI UATION WANTEDFEMALE Domestics. CITITATION WANTEDBr A GOOD. RETIABLD girl- Reference from her laisa Cad at zal Wesa for Lame days. CITUATION WAN rEDBY AL GIRL. TO Do housework in a vivant amity.
Call $0 30 Wa plum. vur A NTErl-c ANVASSERS EVER'rliVE ERR V) I ie coromo s. needies, and novelties. We keep a complete assortment et Ina very latest and beet selling at pnces that RAM our nompettters tesi asciiCall and see tee largest stock ot agents' goods in taa world. Catalogue tree.
C. M. L1LUTi 141 State. -101r A Repo; A SnStSt.a.idlid1011etci-RAELIVEIL Madison-et. A 1 At ANTED-25 MEN BETWEEN Stt AND 40 YEARS 01 io0 sell oar sew medical book; can show the largest IMied Of itny book now offered me public; phYelclans, acnool-teachers, and salesmen Will find it for their interest to 'rue us; salary will be paid few first-class Address W.
J. HOLLAND CO, Chicago. 7., COUNTRY REAL ACRES Oft SELECTEE HARD woad tisnher land in Michigan na o2 pecans. Ad, dress G. P.
CUMMISGS, 2 Mource-at. 'LIGE ACRES Oft 81 woad timber land in Michigan a dress G. P. CUMMISGS, 2 Mourue-al REAL ESTATk. Rn 1 AGENT, TO SOLICIT ORDERS II for tile Kul Glove kletnishing 1,99 Breadwai New York.
A man with a knowledge of dry goods preferred. A city relertmoo required. 3 QITUATION wANTEnAs OtIOK. BY A SCOTCH 3 girt, in a first-class boardinghou or in ts first-claws gelvate fatuity. Address I tni efface.
QYIVATIOIT WANTED-8Y A YOUNG GIRL 3 nurse. Pi811541 cati at Ihiemtend-at. EmDlosrment Azents crrtrATioNs WANTEDFAItiLl L't 'WANT OP 1,3 good Scandlnarian and G3rman help east be supplest at Mrs- olive. in Milwaukee-ay. QITUATIONS WANTr.0 LADY HOTEL AND restimiraet keepers can be anointed at notice bp galling at the bier Inteiiigence Whet 135 West were tne best iet beip tan be obtained- WANTEOLkbIE IN WAN? OP' ti3 A ret-elass telltale help can be suited on abort notice' Li applying to Mts.
k. West triseerialtoone QTITTATION WANTEDHY A YOUNG LADY. an orhce. to address circulars, or any Eska work; CO per week. Best retersticea elven Addrisia A IS, 74 bast Indisais-st-.
in tne rear. SALEOR ACRES VALr uable coal land near Braidwowl. wiU be gold on easy torwis or exchanged fur CI Orago city property. Eor parcicalare addremt jOliN C. cotatiLAS, 231 ladiCalb- Brooklyn.
N. 1' 0 ultabsit SALE--12A easy.torms ureschanvl fur Jr MEMNON Vir ANTEDUNMARRIED MAN TO WORK ON farm neat goy. Apply at ROOM 2. Itandolph-st. THAT MEAN BUSINESS CAN make 0,0 it weak with our goods, on an average.
Will send a samples gratis to good men that will tette entire oont.ol ot county, but have no time to waste on curiceity-tieekers and men that are dead broke. 20 to is sufficient tor any one that wantds to take advantage of the beat Opportunity ever offered. No boys, street-talkers, nor peddlers wanted. BAY Office. koala I.
61 Chicsico. 1 REAL ESTAT ic; WANTED. --7 ANTEDTO PURCHASII.SCHOOL FiTES OF trom lao to 2u0 foes front, by a dew It of not lees tban 125 feet, as foilows: in the 'taints of itdated and 'fermi, LII the vicinity of Centre-ay. and 'Tweifttiet. and in the vicinity of Centre-ay.
and Nideteentbsta Nee advertisement in the Intareticean and Staats-Zcit unit. br 1,0 the Clerk of the Board of Education, ti iit Maw. A IT ANTEDFBOM OWNERS ONLY. Eta FEET. UN-I Improved.
West Side, between Lake and Cougreses Throop and alto 40 to 50 feet on an av-, anus or street running north and outh, on South Side north of Thirty-ilia-ea H. OSBORN A SON, Ballesat. AVANTEDWE HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER FOR 11 Wabash-ay. property, umrta Of if offeeed st a bargain. TUB-NBA ds BOND.
BS Wasitiug, ton-et. OF than 'wen. tunic. SIde 8 FOR BUSINJESS A JEWELER WANTED To BUY THIN tit nxt urea of an obi-established ji.we1r7 store, atilt over 3, OW in stock and nittores Tait tornwr owner, Mr. K.
Armstrong. has been an for ronite woe. an has oecined to quit bustness wad LitAb establishment rem be bouctia, for and Lls store-room, lomat was bout, expressly for his will be rented tor ak.isa per tuouto. about half tue price toe room outglat to rent tor. Athiress 'W MEN wrni 3 CAPITAL CAN find fight, pleasant.
and profitable emploYmeet at home- Something entirely new more valuable than 'Inclose sump tor paraoulara. Address Tribune thee. uAtiS A around TbDo Otilrn Adiff altn eLry corner eCtneago-am. and ulsIrrabee-st. between 9 and Id ID oc a- m.
WANTEDYOUNG MAN WIT11Je TO ASSIST in light basioess; giod salary given- Apply ea 67 South Snout Eb 1 9 CANNOT THE 'HOPPER '3E. EXTERMINATED 7 To the Editor of Ths Chicago Tribuno; AURoRA, July any measures been taken to present the yearly' recurrence of the grasshopper plague No one denies that the calamity is its efrects are bitter and wide; tut roust we admit that it an zneritable, that human skill and foresight ere powerless to avert it -Apparently we are forced to tls conclusion. 8eason after season the pestilent hordes have held on their course, "with terror in front of them sod desolation behind. Tet the Israelites of old were not more thoroughly mastered by the some plague than we appear to be, in despite of our advance in chemistry and mechanics. To save our gram and fruit erops by annually destroying the 'hopper crop, problem that the most learned scientist, the most brilliant inventor, or even that statistical concern, the Agricultural Department, cannot consider imworthy thou endeavors.
Surely, in the chemical laboratory, or In the combivations of mechanics, there must be an agent which, applied at the breeding-olsces of the insect, would not fad to destroy the larvae. I 'Whoever, among our learned college-faculties Or active inventors, should succeed no discovering and applying such an agent, would not fail to along with more subetantial reward, the lasting gratitude of the whole country. I have heard it argued, by those whose judgment I respect, that the Agricultural Department is a comparatively inefficient and whollynnoonstitutional affair. however that be, the directors of the Department have hi the grasshopper problem it splendid chance to show whether they are capable of more practical achievements than pluning up stray insects and tabulating statistics. A.
G. D. A aMONK'S HEAD" CACTUS. 'Ciiiiiildf Ili' 7 To the Editor Ch. icage Tribun; CANNOT THE To the Editor of I bee, takeo to I the grasshoppee the SalannI1 is and wide; tut hums) sj to avert seoasoppn after beide their co and desolation old were no re plague tin our auvance 're save our destroying the the moat learne ventor, or even ricultural Deps thy thou elides' Surely, la ''141) combivations agent which.
ap the insect woul 1 1 10 inever, ni active invent ins and applyin go301110 WI a gr .0 atittlu heard intuit I respect, west is compl unoonstitutiona directors of the hopper problez they a chlevementa tl tabulating state A --1114, MIMEM TO RENT-HOUSES. 4, IVAN ED EMALE HELP. TrrkITT'ED'--A TO coolt-A' N-13' 1 1 anarge glau.g-room. Apply at No. 'West A am -14.
fro RENTTWO-STORY AND BASEMENT HOUSE of tea rooms, or Walla inquire at 136 Fifth-air, op-etare. ITO RENTVERY LOWELEGANT 3-STORY marhle front house, with large grounds. on the northwest corner ot As Oland-ar. and Jackson-at. At one time the newspapers of Chicago were latent upon exposmg the doings of the mock, auction shops, and, the sad relations of people who bad been swindled in these places formed the burden of the polica Of late, how-, ever, the mellifluous bunkoist has usurped the notoriety before the property of 'the snide awn noneer, and for soma months the peddler of braes sunhat has been suffered to live in peace.
to ibis quiet from tnterruptioia be has flourished like the green bay tree, and at present fairly di, vides with the bunko-robber the honor of being tlis prime disgrace of Chicago, The "Aunts of the are on the West Side mainly; even on, the South bide there ere some places to which the Wetness is (reed oh. The worst one known to the police te at NO. 116 Clark street, and concerning this den there may profitably be a few words said. the Ansi place las METHOD, OT nOTINO-IN the coutihomen are new with the years. Of old, the be dodge wee to here some old whisky-bummer come in with a snide watch and Imo, tears, and beseech, the auctioneer to sell it ear him to enable him to get home, After the thill Was practiced, and the programme was varied by substituting at times en old prostitute or a weeping boy for the bummer aforesaid.
-A very fair idea of the modern way- of doing nosiness may be gained from reading one day's adventures in, No. 110 Clark First, how, over, it may be welt to say that the place bears the outward semblance of pawnshop, and bears on ita ite 1windo the alga of Joseph Gottlieb, Colorado Loan Office. The place however, known among the craft as 4 Likens', and an inquiry of the agent of the building re. Yetis the fact that 3 'ALFRED nriorase leases the store and pays the if any is paid; and there is no reason why there should not be, for the profits of the business are manse when coontrymen enough can be gulled into buying. a The place is regularly licensed by-the city to do an auction and the same Alfred Likens appears on the books is the person to 'how the permit is given.
Lie -does businees ender liceose No- 11, awl giVes the name Massey and W. Iteunett as his clerks. In the modern otyle of auction business clerks are noceesary, but not more so than -coppers. or ropers, or by-bidderin---or whatever they may be At No. 116 they-emoloy two 000atont workers in this noble profession, be-, aides occasionaloutside help.
Of these two aids to the business the most prominerit is an undersized cockney-looking young man, perhape or 25 years of age, wearing black stud rally a black slouch bat or a disreputable white ewe. This youn man is rather fiesby than thin, and has no whioker. 1.1is nose is a little looked and he wears a gold or krasei anchor on Lis vest, collar, The other roper is a trifle taller, has light mustache and light hair, wears a black slouch hat, a black and white striped coat and dark is about or 21 years of age, aoci would, if 1-4 were clean, preseut a dtieerAt TWO AUCTioirkkhil are one a tali thin man with black and the other a short fat man with 'Very rod Iwo and a choice -of slang, ttolauity, and abuse of various The store has in it all of miscellaneous truck, including, jewelry and imitation 3oweiry, of all kinds. When tha reporter first went Into the place there were perbape people present, and the tall auctioneer woo selling a box of jewelry, which, be pledged by a fancy woman on the West Side. Iniae bad gotten 90 on it, and he wanted to sell it at what it wotild fetch.
No. 1 started the lot at 10,, and it- was run up rapidly between the two confederates to 50, at inch price it was struck off to the fat ono. TBEN Til. COMEDY BEGAN, and tbeimprovecl rrocess of suing was made manifest, to the common -people. The roper began by going up to the auctioneer 'and saying that he didn't have but 15 with him, and would be please wait till next Thursday for the balance of the -The auctioneer couldn't think of it the gods must be sold at once for cash then be put them op again end called warn over as follows One lfoline watch, one low chain one eel earrings, one bieast pin, ore ring.
The reporter took occasion to look the staff over and found it of the moot ordinary brass and colored glass. The lot Was then put up over- again: and sold to the otter roper fox about 20. lie watt requested to step down to the desk and settle, which he did by leaving the box mad coming back to aid in another To ascertain exactly MEAT itoons oirtne WORT', 'visit was made to a wholesale house of knows honesty, and like articles were priced with the following result, the articles in each ease Ow-log of the same or a better quality than those shove by the auctioneer a Ous oroide watch. 3175 Otte orchle watch, At one time the) newspapers Gt Chicago were eteat upon exposmg the doings of the meek, action shops, sect the sad relations of people rho bad been swindled in these places formed be burden of the police news- Of late, how, Ter; tho mellifluous bunkoist has usurped the de toriety before the property of the am is atm- Emmet, and for some months the er peddl -of ease niche. has been suffered to live in peace.
be this quiet from triterruptiou has flourished as tho green bay tree, and at present fairly di, ides with the bunko-robber the honor of being Lie prime diegrace of Chicago, The Wants of the are on the Viet Side mainly; lira even on, the South Side bete eye settle pineal in which the bueiness is Tied en. The worst one known to the police et, No. 116 Clark street, and concerning this Lee there may TwofitablI be a f.W words said' ,14 the Ansi place SI Taw wrraat'e ell' Et'Pn5a-nr he oonuU'IMell US new with the years- Of old, he best dodge wise to have some abandOned old ftelkY-biltilt8er come lit with It elude watch and nut mere, and beseech, the auctioneer to sell it him to enable bim to get homeo, After the or Ira thi Will Praetleet and the pro- mrn rrae was varied by substituting at times an old prostitute or a weeping boy for the bummer eTTVR PARTNER WANTE. FROM to Al.Coll in an evusbilsh.ot Istssinnes of tttos in this civ. los bostness sts 11 bcar too closest inetttsgstirtu.
Foz yarticulsto apply to ILL it. VI-LLD A COL. 10 Kirtland block. ti FIRS -CLA LLL! S) I AR HALL ON TH I West tor sale; 8Qcl.I11j, Srt'od buvtnese, chr-ap Tor cash; olthscss claulga of stress X. 36.
Tribune offiee. GOOD NC). I LOCATION FOR SALIC 2 deep hoe a it trade, no Lurated-op rent Novi la case trade. takers address Nn ZLEI. 166 Wevt ItleAllson-et-.
us at tr. A. wilde'e, I4i East Nlenroe-trt. TI DESIRABLI; MANCPACTURING LUSINES. XL sit la macinnery end stock.
tut' staia er bar gun vc-st retain an interest st dessrttl, net cannot devote ag.y sinus. Adcrtss Trincne oatce WO RENTDWELLING 4,4 WEST le room; in good W. WALLEils Wein 11., lurk-st. rA VoIFT.FDTWO. SWE NORWEGIAN DE OR sate ftrnilytoondcLeryttif NTEDGIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK 11 III a 1113110i family; Do children.
13 ibutultita-as, between Hoyne and Leavitt and Monroe anttAnama-sia GIRL AT EZ siouT a SA NG A MONL I to do general Ormatowork in a family at throe at once 110 RE COMPLETELY -FURNISHED, A pleasant brick cottage. witli basement, hot cad cold water. hath-room, lc. House new Iasi spring- Desire to rent it to a young tuarried couple, without children, who will board myself', wile. and child 4 years old.
Lora, thin. Indianadtv. aouth el Thirtydirat-at. AddrecaX.ILA, Tribune othce. VAICTEDFIRSTCLASS DISHWASHER AT ST.
liazzao Limetaaraut, 440 a eater seed 'PO RENTTHAT -DESIRABLE DOUSE in inint-rnie order; rent Furnizure for saie desired. Fib. NT-11ANDSOME NEW DWELLINGS IN fret-class neighborhood, West Side truna tad and S. S. HAYES, 2 Metropolitan Block.
A GoOD sAmpLn-Roolt FlL tia LK, DOING good trade: sell ctesap Cad at cite, ccrace tiarrtso- add Thirdas. IS SA1.11 CIIIGAG FO 1010 coast, zee tce-vdnayu3w boarders; rent low reaeon in4turs grocery store South II 9 lated-st. INTFREsTS SOLD. PARTNI.R4SHIP3 -Linegotiated. Good btuiiness optainirs on oaget, roquirtug 10.0tXL J.
E. Z1.414,11.1, Si Watio.DeLon-st. I-ANTEDGIRL FOR. GI.NER (1., HOUSEWORK, 1 praterrool. 4444 at kna We 14-gwaington-st 11TANTEDA WOMAN TO WORK IN KITCHEN.
17 Apply at. 212 1 Vr ANTEDA GOOD. NEAT, AND TIDY GIRL FOR 11 genenii hOUSeiceliE Gemara or Aroortooniprotorrod I484 Mate-ist. up-stair. -nay Goo Ds broax.
WELL WELL otocied, eaten), cm teoultut of etor Cali at 1111 rro 2-STORY HOUSE, .1 9 rooms, In goad order, only a25 per monzia, and furnuhed rooms for 2 per we untarnislv. i rooms only al Per week. Apply to DAVIS, vie West Leke-st' rr0 HOUSE OP 10 ROOMS. a one block from depot, nun 4 aereg of frontlet. trees, and shrubbery 0 1 IA ILI sell if dewed.
WIIJLAM I- LIO FCRN. 2,5 EMI) WANTED GERMAN SCAN DLNAVIAN if firts for private hotel. Latindries, city.and ay M7s, VINE LAI10t; 11(EIEL IN IOWA t.AL exchroimot can ielfe I at 12 Cr cent price; o.yot t.1,7.-ta in 1.nds or otnyr raLl ebtat4u k'ki I I kua 6, 140 WILL SELL srcxx AND IIITCRES OF A Ail) to Z. D. West dams-bt.
TO RENT--ROOMS. 'PO RENTA SUITE OF FRONT Rooms. FUR," Mated or onfurnithed, with or without, board suit eble for two or lour. At 3o6 nteto-et. MO RENT-6 AMMO AN.AV..
LAKE Elb-DNT, 1. large front room. tirst Boor, to one or two gentlemen; also an upper room. Itelereocos required. tro RENTCHEAP TELE BEST SUITES OF tooms on the West tor lioneekeettior, with closet s.
water end gas in stoat, front bi1diig rio. trild -West late-st. J. WEBEtt. 12ti HORSES AND CARRIAGES.
SALEMULES, YOUNG, SOUND, WELL I broken, at frosti elou to it-25il per span; single at treat to 12.1. Inquire at No. Ii Clamber of Commerce. BUGGY. AND HARNESS; t' price reasonable.
istquire of gAILVEY jut. TON. 111 Fourteenth-at. pi); TOP BUGGY. QUiTE 390; FRICH good tot' buggY, cost Civil, price auperior open tiggy, coot Itle.
price Large line of very cheep, at Al ABTIN'S pazazz. and kitaAa-ii; 1.0Q It SA TWO-HORSE CLARENCn CoACIL bnt little used, in tirst-rate order; will bed cheap, puva: BESLY, La Pox Si HOWARD. About three weeks awls in pursuance of an order of Court ia the case of Fox at Howard, the tugs, ecowe, and a large 4Mount or other personal property of the bankropts, was sold after 'advertisement for bids to one Jefferson Hodgkins for The sale was spprovid and the Bradford Hancock, directed to execute the necessary pipers to The Assignee than called on the purchaser, informed him that his bid was accepted, end requested payment of the amount bid. Hodgkins, in Petition MO Yea-, terday, states that when he was-ailied to pay he remarked that he would like to see the property first, also stating that one Charles 8, Crane ivas interested with him, in the purchase. An arrangement' was made the next day, after another which Hodgkins and Crane were pay the whole amouut by 3 o'clock tn.
of the 12th day of July. sad to receive transfer of the poi4vereatiott ship bed by the Proviliional Assignee with Crane and the same agreement On Monday, then, the day Hodgkins and Crane went to Mr. Hancock's offiee at 1 o'clock a. and announced that they were to pay 120,300 on account cif the purchase. T'he Aesignets, however, informed them that they were too late, as a bid of had been received from Como Hodgkins alleges that this bid of Coma Corkins was not made in good faith; -that, as evidence of the animus of hie competitors, two applications were made to The Court before 11 O'CloOli on that day to set Lie bid aside, before any person could have bad time to Zeiss He also charges that Mr.
Hancock knew that the other bid was not boos tide that no considerable' amount of money was ever paid to bind it that Como It -klorkine did tot put le a bid in writing, as required by the order of Court, but gave it to the Assignee after the other bids were receivect and that the whole traneactien was the result of a conspiracy between Fox dt Howard, Hancock. and Como Corking to keep the -property in the control of the bankrupts. Mr. Hodgkins therefore setts that the sale to Coma Coritins may be set aside that an account of the rents and profits that they have received from the use of the property may be had and that the property may beconveyed to him. -In the game case an -order was also entered authorizing E.
E. Handley to sell under the power in trust deed to him for the sant of on some real estate of the bankrupts. MARINE TAW. Blodgett gave two decisions yesterday involving eiaitas for demurrage-- The fret wee that of Weeks vs. Miner T.
Ames JG where the Captain ot the schooner Corsican claimed demurrage for eight days' delay caused by the Is appeared that she arrived in Chicago sent. 811, 1878, with it- cargo of coal for but was delayed until Oct. before she could discharge it. The defendants refueed to pay any demurrage, or even the balance of the freight unless the Captain would give a re-. ceipt eovering both claims.
avemng that a number of vessels with cargoes for them bad ar'rived at once, and that the Corsican bad had her turn, the delay; being unavoidable. Suit was thereupon brought. and Judge Blodgett held that the consignees of whole cargoes should have provided sufficient dock room for any and all vessels that raiglat- come with cargoes eon. signed to them, or else pay for the loss of time liccasioned through their neglect. In the present case there were eight days lost, and though there was no proof as to the actual amount the vessel might have earned during that tune, he would give a decree for 20G demitrrege, and for ii275.
the balance due for freight. In the similar case of Covne vs; Miner T. Ames, demurrage was claimed for Eve days' loss of time sustained by the -schooner Weis Burt for not haying bad an opportunity to discharge her cargo as soon as she arrived in The defense claimed that the Captain bad made an arrangement with the defendant by which be was, to be showed- sufficient coal to keep-the crew comfortable while delayed, and was not to est demurrage. The Court, howeyer, failed to see any probability that such an arrangement was made, and entered a decree in favor of the schooner for the sum of 1200. DIVORCES.
Thee filed a bill charging her bug, baud Charles with having deserted her, so that she wants but ehe cannot think of leaving those four tote in Calumet, which he and begs that she may have a half interest in theta given to 1,1 flIMB Judge Blodgett will be in town to-day and one day about the middle of next week. Judge Drummond will be in chambers as usual to hear Judge Gary will 'be in 'Court Monday and Wednesday. Judge Moore wilt also be in Court Monday and default en notice to hear inturictione. BANKRUPTCY ITEMS. In the matter of Jonas Rosenhaupt et an' order was entered authorizing the Assignee to receive bids for the stock of the baukrupte bulk or by job lots.
A discharge was issued to James Durham: R. B. Jenkins was appointedAssignee of John Robinson. SUPERIOR OZIITET IN NEM '1 Annie Quinn began a snit for 2,330 damages agalpet Mary Carmody. Gadfey and Moses Snydacker brought suit against P.
J. Wall, claiming $14,000. 'W. IL Robinson sued A. Z.
Swift, N. O. Swift, end W. Id. Whitht.
for L000- Josiah Little sued .1. IL Marigold and Co. P. Sears for $1,500. Ebenezer Rich commenced a suit in attachment James Lawson to recover CIRCUIT COURT.
G. G. Guenther began a suit for $1,580 against A1exander McDonald. Louis Sties sued John Elleforth for L. R.
Brearly brought suit against inadj. C. Hoagland to recover JUDGMENTS. trwrnm STATES Cranial' -CovErJunoi -E-civitrd Clerk vs. Danville at vineennee Natiroad Company, We-Invranee Compary va.
Town of Pilot, $1.277.64. Cerliko STATES DISTRICT COURT-4ErCali Orralbotnas NV- Weeks ve. Miner T. Ames lc Coyne vs. Miner T.
Ames, V.100.--D. Y. Beau, Aimignee, ye. Joseph Pratt and gall, Surireros CorwrColireserowsLonis Cabal vs. Joseph Hildebraget, Proctor we.
W. J. 1341101. Va. JE113011 IL Chartar, at el.
vs. Daniel Healey. Cutoon COITIITJUDGE Roexas--R. Loveland et al. vs.
J. B. Adams, $232.60. Pox It HOWARD. thr weeks awls in pursuance of an About ee order of Court io the case of Fox A Howard, tugs, scow rri and a large emouot the or other personal property of the bitnkrttpts, was sold after 'advertisement for bide to one Jefferson 11 kills or 40,000.
The sale was spprovid and the 'A ssignee, Bradford Hancock. directed to execute the 8 neon's' ble yes- sary, pipers to The Assignee then called on the purchaser, informed him that his payment of the bid was accepted, and reauested amount bid Hodgkins, a petition a 4 la tor day, 8 es that a en a was ao -a to 0 TAY 8 remarked that he Would like to see the property statiog that one Charles a Crane Was first, also interestad with him in thei ranyths. An grTHIRD OR. INTEREST IN A good aterragItle for doing a boataeas ot t47a.tak' bet year. abr.
lacteastag eery year. Front aliltito to rtNutreo an east. toe a Will give 'Goa titre take rt al ac-atc; Leah a he remota to a jet oct Ina tor the goat Utlaa Addrcas O. 6ANIt, 4j. ANE-HALF INTEREST IN A urst- kJ ing-room, doiog a tolendel nueiness.
4. go liotaa iltARTIES DESIRING TO IMBARK IN A PROFitabla with modeckte cabitatb al- dress P. 0. tiox i4)C ii. 33 NV aleoeu-ay.
Laticago. IZTOCKT-11 AND 000D-WILL OF A "3 grocery doing a large Lr Ade at baratott. ro.t beat ot out- full paruculara adarera P. 0- Itttcatorl, III- rptig EILLIARD-HALL NOA. VIAND Itzi NVEN-1; Indianiket.
for "nes chategi; trot going Ito The fourth day of the Turner forgery case was entered upon yesterday morning, the Court opening au hour earlier than usual to facilitate progress in the trial, which bids fair- to continue several days, The delendantand attorneys were in attendance at 9 o'clock, and tbe Court opened promptly on the LOW- Some minor Crinainal busmess haying been of, the case opened, and HENRY Y. PAT'rEIN was recalled to the stand, and was further examined by Mr. Barnum for the prosecution. -Recollected having had several conversations with Turner abcut remittanoes of money and the death of Harrell, Witness saw Reed end Botbana late in February or.early in March, 1873. Lothar be understood, was Reed'e clerk or assistant.
Saw Turner about the same time in St. Louis. Did not- see those parties together at that time. Had not seen them in company since he quit Turner's employ. -Oftess-ExASIMATIONS On cross-examination by Mr.
Storrs, witness teetified in reference to residence and preeent em. ployment the same as upcn direct exanainetiou. Had been in Turner's employ nearly four years. Was the only clerk employed by Turner. Did not attach any other to the words confideutial clerk" than that he meant to imply that Turner talked over business matters with- him in a -'confidential manner.
Occasionally had traveled for Turner. Jetft Turner in November, 1872. and went to Iowa. Admitted that he drank a little, sod bad to some extent. He was vot confirmed in either of these habits.
Did not tell Turner of them. But Turner knew that be gambled. Had been intrusted with large sums of money and checes belonging to Turner- Had never been discharged by Turner. Had received a letter from hint warning him to correct his habit of gambling. a Several letters were handed witness, which he identified to be in his handwriting.
They were of a somewhat personal character, and were introduced to ehow that the habits of the witness had not been always of the best. One of them was addressed to Turner, asking him for 025 te pay his hotel-bill in St. Louis, as be had lost his last cent at the gaming-table. Witness knew Frank Eno, an attorney in St. Louis.
Wrote him once for the loan of The letter was produced and identified. Mr. Barnum objected to introducing these revelations in respect to witness' private affairs, and along wrangle ensued. Mr. Storrs insisted that such matters were pertinent evidence as going to show that witness was not a man likely to receive the confidence of He could show that he was a gambler, a drunkard.
and ti swmdler. The Court refused to admit such evidence. --A letter written by witness asking Turner for $5, as he was in starving condition, and offering, as be could taanelate French, to overhaul a lot of old deeds for Turner's benefit, was Other letters were handed witness, which he was- not able to identify. -Witness stated, in reply to interrogatories on the subject, that he never bad a conversation with Turner in which he said be had asked too much, and that be was willing to take less for his share in the transactions. THB INT33-mw AT swEree OrrICH At the instance of Mr.
Swett, the circumstances of a visit made by witness to ins (Swett's) Tea ware entered into at considerable length. The questions were whispered to Mr. Storrs by Mr. Svrett, and then propounded to the witness by the latter Witness' tecollection of the visit differed very materially from allr. Swett's, as indicated by his questions.
He not state that he kilter- vowing in the case which would Turner. Did etate to Mr. Swett that he must see Turner at once. Mr. Swett told him that he could get Turner at his office by 1 o'clock.
Swett asked witness some questions about his relations with Turner. Witness did not tell Swett that Turner bad always treated him kindly, and bad always acted gentlemanly towarde him. The witness was then allowed to explain what took place in his visit to Mr. Swett's offices Went there and found -Mr. Swett and Howard Turner together.
a He asked for R. K. sad Mr. Swett said he -could find Turner at 1- Oclock. lei.
Swett them informed him he was Turner's attorney, and asked if witness would answer a few questions. He said he would. Mr. Swett then told him that Mr. bad informed him that wituess had come bare to testify against Turner.
Witness replied if Mr. Barnum had said that, be was a fool, for he bad not told any one what his teatimony would be. Witness, after tine, left the office and returned- in a few 'minutes. R. K.
Turner was with Mr. Swett at that time. He did not tell Turner that he had been fooled luta coming up here to testify in this case, and that be- knew' nothing about it. Did not state that he must leave town for St. Louis, or that be would go out of town.
Swett lett the room for a short time, during which Turner took out 080 and gave him, and aohcited iris friendliness. He had, testthed to this fact in the 'Justice Comte He also testified-there that he left Swett's office with Turner, and drove to Riverside, where be became intoxicated and lost recollection. Found himself in Aurora the next morning, and returned to Chicago. A friend, named Protine, was his escort around city for several days. Did not teU Protine that be could make money by the sale of his testimony.
Did not tell Protine that be made his testimony as strong as possible before Haines so as to sell out. Did not propose to pa run off to Mexico for and to give Protine all above that sum which they could Did not say to Protine that the other side were blowhards, or that be would have Money when the case was over. Knew a man named Wilcox, but bad never made any proposition to him to salt Had allowed Wilcox to see if he could get money for wits rinse with which to leave the country. Witness had no and he had spent so much time testifying in this case that be had been worried and bothered with it his family was sick, and his child about to die, and be did. not want anything more to do with the case.
Might have spoken of going to A paper signed by witness Authorizing 7Wilcet to negotiate with Turner was produced. Wituess identified it as his owns I A- recess was taken at 12:45. At 2 o'clock the Court again convened, and Patten again took the stand. Witness was then questioned about AN MTERNTEw WITH WILCOX June 28, 1875, at fin He did not say that Turner was in a bad shape, and would rather forfeit his bail than stand trials a Did not say that be could make a good thing out of the case. Never said the 'Turner case wad the worst man.
aged case he ever saw, Did- not say that Turner was a fool for not' giving him money to leave the country, whereby he could get clear on the criminal charge and win the land. Did not tell Wilcox to tell Turner that if he (Turner) got cleat this time lie would. put up a lob on bits which would stick. Witness never said that Hill, and others, had lots of money, and would pee him through. Had never negotiated for the sale, change, or modification of testimony, or for his absence.
Had received Sever said that he bad 01,000 secured to him no matter the case went. Never offered to leave the country for 02.000. Never said he held the key to the eituation, but could not get a d--sd cent. Never said he would admit anything Turner wanted for Colinsel then attempted to show that witness went to the Palmer House last Sunday for the express purpose of seeing a lady. Witness said he went there to see a lady, and accidentally met Terner there.
Had never told Lawler (a client of Mr. Storrs) to tell Storrs that he would leave the country for 03,000 or for 02,000. t- ON REDIEgcr witness said he hod met, Lawler in the courtroom. Lawler was a gambler, sod a client of Mr. Storrs.
He met Mr. Lawler, who was going to the, Palmer House- to see Storrs. Lawler asked him about Turner's antecedents, and of the value of his testimony ip the case, Their going to the Palmer House had nothing to do-- with the Turner ease. He simply Lawler, who wanted to see atone on his own business. Turner proposed to him to re-, turn to St.
Louis, for which be would pay him 100 per month until the suits were over, and when the land wits won be give him 05,000. said withers bad cost him e15.000, and that he would have waived the preliminary examination if he had known witness was going to swear as he did. Turner also told him that he had no money then, as the hawsers had got it. He bad paid them $10,000. The cooversations witness had with Wiloox were entered into, but nothing material was brought out.
vaa then recalled by the prefieentiOn. The need a-- Sal a saaa The fourth day of the Turner forgery case was entered upon yesterdav morning, the Court opening au hour earlier than usual to facilitate Progress in the trial, which bide fair to continue several days, The re delendantand attoeys were in attendance at 9 o'clock, and the Court opened promptly on the Lehr. Some miner criminal busmess having been of, the Case Paned, and J- BEN11-T r. was recalled to the stand, and was further exam- tried by having Mr. rarnum for the veral co proseeation.
-ns with Bacot- ected had senversatio Turner abcut remittanoes of money and the death of Ilarrell, Witness saw Reed and Ilithena late b4 February or.early in March, 1873. Lothar be understood. was Reed'e clerk or as- Saw Turner about the same time in St. Loma. Did not see those parties together at that time.
Had not seen them in company since he quit Turner's employ. 'oeoes-Exanuctriore, On crosssetaminatiou by M. Storrs, witness ti teefied in reference to residence and present pioyment the same as upcn direct 01aMillUitalls Had been in Turner's employ nearly four years. Was the only clerk employed by Turner. Did not attach any other to the words conlideutial clerk" than that.
be mean imply that Turner h. talked ed over busi- Des ma tt ars wi Ia lle Ia. dential manner- Occasionally ha traveled for Turner. Ixft Turner in November. 1872.
and went to Iowa- Admitted that he drank a little, end had gamleed to He was asp, Lit ALLAILVA4 Reed' a clerk or he same time in St. parties together at In oomPan7 sit" mil- Mr Storrs, tae noesnipreseatem. direct examination, nearly four years. J. by Turner.
Did to the words that he meant liked over busi-, in a -'confi ily had 'traveled a November, 18'12 I that he drank a ao He was se habits. Did not urner knew that be with large Sumo 3g to Turner- lied 'Der. Had received ng him to eor- kmbUug. Several wituess, which his handwriting. mrst be habits of tha always of the best.
to Turner, asking 11 in St. Louis, as be Wit- -ornev in St. Louis. of efo. The letter roducing these re v- private affair'', matters were per- show that witness 'a the confidence of he was a gambler, such evidence.
asking Turner for ondition, and offer- ench, to overhaul a a benefit, was pro- banded witness, Identify. 'Witness ies on the subject, don with Turner in too much. and that for his rrr lwett, the circum- )y witness to ins nto at considerable whispered to Mr. en propounded to tecollection "eriailY from luestioni. lie did ailing in the case 'rimer.
that he must tt told him that he by I o'clock. Swett us about his rela- ild not tell Swett )d him kindly, and lily towarda him. ad to explain what Mr. Swett's office, lwett and Howard for B. K.
find Turner en, informed him asked if witness ions. He said he him that witness had come r. -Witness replied be was a fool, for hat his tetimony his, left the office ass. R. K.
Turner time He did mot been fooled iota fy in this case, thing about it. MtIbt leave towa del go out of town. short time, during and gave him, and Le had testified to ilso testified Turner and became intoxicated himself in Aurora urned to Chicago. wag his escort oral days. Did Lid make money by id not tell Frotirie as strong as pos- sell out.
Did not for $3,04, and sum which they Frotine that the or that be would ras Knew a never made any Had allowed et money for wit, the country. and he had t' in this that thered with it his I al)out tc? die, and re -to do with the going to Mexico. A liorizing 'Wilcox to Witness 1 tin convened, and Witness wao then say that ratber I3ot say the case. irst Mari, onarlongeeyt Bay that htUt a Turner Jo would ic. cl others, that he how the country 3.7:t431cetitteet anted for Witnew 11 for tne nese said tally met client a leave be client of vas going LatNier and of case.
wiling to socom- On hie 1111 to re-, pay him Dyer, and give him 0QI him ithe pre- wanes also told irial was VOE SALE ONE GOOD bECOND-HANO TOP a' buggy (Conn a Ten Brooke's make). one light three-- enamor top bug etyt Brown's make) one oven nt low prices BNNOY ER a ata VOR, SALECHEAPFOR WANT OF USE; A spleucild ex previa rig, 110ortia, Wagon and harnem as kAA and 20-3e tiento-oL IrRENTPLEASANT AND COMFORTABLE rooms, kept in eseetieut order no mosquitoes or bugs; terms, ikid to CS per iniAttd. is5 Room i. MO CH EIP --EEGANTLY- FURNISHED rooms, single or suites. Religio-Philosopmeal PubIishing Rouse building, 34 south of P.
O. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH Or without hoard Kingsbury "Rock, near Clark. r1-10 tiFZNP-3u2 EASr NEAR RUSH. uutuntished back parlor, with or without hail-room attaoheil; private trimily; retZirenees von. bAut OR EXCHANGS FOR SMALL .12 bons and lot inside of city Lmita, must net exceed 1'G9e buggl and harness, en of the ldsst to toe city.
Will give tois as first and wi1 pay faience to suit buyer. 'I he rig ts worth about IWO. 4pt4 to D. B. A.bilAkIA.NiS,' ad; Sumo livery-stable.
100R SALECHEAP FOR CASHA. FIRST-CLASS now pliacton buggy; must be stud. Lie tolaines-st. ROBERT SHAW. rno RENTPRIVATE FAMILY HAVE WELL-FUR1 nished, eligdble room one or two gentlemen.
41 boutla near Washington. rro RENT-401-11 PLOnETS, AND bath-room, 12. 14 Henere-st. To the Editor of The Chicago Tribune Culcieo, July 27.To-day I took a trip to New Baffalo, to witness a head cactus in blossom. The sight.
was magnificent, and made me feel well paid for my journey. The blossoms are snow-white, and similar in shape those of a eight-blooraing cereus. The largest of them (although there was little difference in their size), including about 2 inches of measured 10 inches in length. On Thursday of last same bud measured only 2 inches, making the enormous growth of 8 inches In five days. The owner of the plant (Mrs.
James has a very fine variety of other caotus-plauts, among which is a superb night-bloommg cereals, which she szneote will blossora daring the last of the season. D. E. 1 4 The Luch or flooring. camp.
Lake City (Col.) Silver World. July 12 was a "red-letter day" in Lake Minnie District, in the San Juan country, for on that day came an intereatang stranger into camp not over the Sagnache Load, or over the Antelope Park Trailbut in the good old way ordained by God and faithfully kept up by mankind. On that day the wife of S. T. Hoyt gave birth to the first chihi ever born in Lake District, and neither father nor mother wee more proud of the than were the honest miners," who dropped pick and drill and to town as the news spread from mine to mine, for they all regarded it as a forerunner of a higher Lion, and were prouder than if they had struck a veritable bonanza." The event occurred in the morning, and when; toward evening, it was announced that the first-borti la Lake City would hold a general reception, all were eager to gaze on that little mite of humanity which is to grow with the growth of our mines, and be some day known as the ab initio Bottler in the Metropolis of Southwestern Colorado.
He was passed from hand to band, and it was Curious to note the manner in which he wee ranaipulated Some were there who wish to be considered in the ranks of the singly blessed," who betrayed themselves by the easy grace with which they dsndied lam upon the palms of their outstretched bands others there were who excited great alarm in the breasts of the doctors and nurses by the awkward way in which they grabbed the little fellow and held him up as though he had a ramrod in hill back and was a natural born drum-Major. A number of complimentary remaras were made, after which the crowd adjourned to the wet grocery" establishment across the way. So many healths were drank to the little stranger that a passer-by, not knowing, the occasion thereof, might imagine that Lake City had lost its calendar and was celebrating the Fourth eight days behind tho Editor of Cmcioo, Jul) -Mwh cactus in blosso and made me The blossoms shape to those largest of them ence in their six stalk, measured day of last week Menet making I in five days-- The owner of vin) has a very among which" which she erPe of the season, The Lu Leis JialY 12 was Mining District, that day came a not ot over the Antelope Park Ordained by Gm kind. On that birth to the 1 District, and was More PI were the pick and drit the news spread regarded it. as a Lion, and were veritable bin the morning, et announced Oa would hold a ge raze on that fiti grow with the 0 day known as metropolis of Passed from ha note the mar SI to be of the 't singly selves by the ea him upon the bands others alarm in the bri by the swkward little fellow and ramrod in his 13, Major.
A nun were made, efts the wet gro way- So many stranger that a Catlion thereof, bad lost its cal Fourth eight da IILTOCrLEI. MILL FOR F. TWO-SF? WOOL. a 1r on mtil on 'Pinot K. R.
In Central Ii.rno.s: tUdi, thins', as wood as new and ccnaplete In all moots; building bro litell113 power in dr.ii.4 a rosperous business; will Isi; Ill at St barireat on rrnis. tor particulars address W. U. DLLLLNIALAA4 isili. ti 1e i will! cash.
and tnantual raminaarunent of eitsb-paons cern. nussion business. wttleb vial be secured, and a fair aimary and aemen.i.aa is'lowet or an la Li tonaostaiss given. Address 0 V. ribuna offICA TIORSE.
BUGGY. AND HARNESS. ALL FOR irk); II owner going gway: must sell. Apply sA T. W.
hUGliblb'. 274 est Ma lisou-st -1 4 rpo RENTAPI RTMEN TS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. a by S. IA. ADJURE and LULA20o to 236 LaSalle4t, marble front block, opposite the Grand Pacific; suites of four rooms each, $24a1 to Ike Third-ay.
suite of Ve MOMS WIC Very nice. 45 and Al suite of three towns eacn, 4112 to I ATI RENT AN DSOM ELY FURNIStIED FRONT I rooms. by the week or month; best location in the City and lowest rent-- 1431 South Room t. mo RENTA FURNISHED FRONT ROOM BY IL the week or month. with or without board, very cheat).
27z5 south corner "-onrreas. TO RENT--STORES. OFFICES. Ito. mo RENTA CIGAR AND CANDY STAND IN A restaurant and bakers.
Rent ntleap. Apply at kn bouth Deleted-et- -DA LIVb: MCSINtthS MAN. WITH ti a Ono, a manzeaor na certel deoartut' ern et an estabitsbed COMM ion latitme; 01,6 acquatioett anti mauttieeturers Bustueta sate ould ea a cash interest on money ani sale-y, or net in promeof Internees; meta entaider proposition from An, one In the trade or ananufnctartng hoMott lateo stock on hAnd. Address i 114, care 1111.1p4itaa Motel. Chicago.
carri.e.WASIL,IN811GT4OhNarn-STe... 1096thEurtes.87 Tuesdays, Tiurdays. and Saturdays, et Iti a. and private bales et ery day. Ample time given to test all horses sold under a warren-Portia) catalogne of this dais sales: One teens of Mack pony, horses.
111 bands; Sears, kind In ail harness and under saddle. free from vice. good steady drivers. quite showy have been raised by that owner and are regulaz pets; not afraid of end 111111, ranted sound. 1 landau and 1 tb ree-quarter Clarertee, in good and built by Brewster I Co Sorrel mare Kentucky stock).
bands high, years old. kind in all harries, and under saddle, sound and tree from vioe, and has been used by the owner single and double for the past two years: is in every way reliable, end sold only on acoount of owner going abroad, A large assortment of open and top buggies, tdde-bar end enal-epring, new and second-hand. brown horse, 16 hands midi, 7 years old. kind and true In all harness. free trout ViC43, trete in minutes, end is an extra good roadster.
Harness of ail styles sad makes, single and double, DOW sind second-hand. democrat wagons, I rocksway. and 1 Beach wagon, hut little used, I truck team, bay and sorrel, homes 9 years old. kind in all harness, tree from vine. good.
lass walkers and excellent workers, and in every way a good desirable team for truck nee. Sold to close an estate. Express and delivery wagons, tight and heavy; 2 lumber stagons as good as new. all these we shall also sell a large assortment of other horses and a description of which will be given et time of sale. WEsTON I Auction Bazaar.
AIANTED---AT THE NEW BOAIDING AND SALE I stable just west of Post a few regular boarders, and also day boarders; the best of Cafe will be given. 150 HORSES, OMNIBUSES. AND OTHER PROP: erty belonging to the Chicago Omnibus Cornea-or. old be sold at auction at to a. in.
Una day, float the cornet el State and Twenty-moth-its. MO RENTHALF OF STORE 116 EAST RAN-- dolpo-at. three doom from Clark. If takeini to-day luta mica; go, IOCALLIM for railroad or telegraph Jewelry or cigar store. Call at lia
Offices. MO RENTDESK-ROOM IN R. E. OFFICE, 146 Deartiorn-ar. RR Hi iLft, BR a GG FINANCIAL.
PAP. at AND MORTGAGES t.auht and sold; macits on mai esssa e. U)M st Washington-RC COMMERCIAL PAPER, NOTE.3 Willi IL orals. and hough And old. borrowers and investor polioltott, LAAJ Gid.k.k.NEBACM.
At No. UI, Fula-ay. 'IF YOU TO BUT OR SELL LOCAL srocEs and secnritac-g, (IT or l-nd money on them. en P. T.
LilisCriNbUS. ed satuntrien-11-. blew-went. NAVE MONEY TO LOAN AT FRONI 9 TO 10 PER cent. On mortgagee LAZA 111:6 bliVk.fiet.
banker, Chamber ot Uommeree. Chneasro- Ir OalstS ON DPSTRABLECHICAG'4S REAL EsTATII 14 for a terns of years sn roma os sad Inside by S. M. ISLOoksii I CLAIMILS614. iLi ami L1 LS, balle-etv A WANTED.TO RENT.
lvtisr-TEloDon T. OrnuRstill'ettaMA ROOM SUITABL telt Addrevs Tribune -olhoe. IA: ANTEDTO RENTCOTTAGE Of ABOUT 11 To rooms: family of tame; must be well cosy, and cheep; prompt ray. Addre.a 27, ribuce oil; cm --BOARDING AND LODGING. ONElt TO LOAN ON WATCHES, DIAMONDS.
bonds, etc-. at LAUNDER'S private utrto. Lid Randolph-at, hear Clark. Established iteE ION EY TO LOAN IN ANY KUM AT 11 riiIVATEL ottoo of the Diamond Purchasing a--1 iMin ROOM Howe Budoing, corner state ad -I -A IiPLENDID CHANCEA MAGNIFICENT ROSE- 41 wood octave piano-forte. attachment, oserstrung bass, Irench grand action, new scale.
all late Improvements, cery elegant case, with extra moldings, serpentine plinth, carved legs and lyre; style. LOUIS XIV. Manufacturer's price, COO; wi1 aell with stool and cover for 673 Wabash-1m A BARGAINONLY MOOA GOOD SECOND.HAND Xi. piano-forte In order. with stool and cover.
MARI IN residence 673 Watsish-as. A tePwLootiENDIill averstrung beim Improvements, serpentine plyn Manufacturer's t'14)' M4-11 A BARGAIN West 99 ABERDEEN-ST. NICELY -EtTINTSFIED rooms, with tirwt-class board, for married couples or young people house, and surroundings 12.106t Inviting all modern comforts; one mee room very low to two youtg ladies; only bait block from Maclison-st. cars. EIOTEL, 14A AND '150 'WABA 111 between Madison and Mourossts.Room wita board, I to to 2 per dal; 7 to0 id per week; day board.
IIOCHESTER MOUSE, 254 SOUTH CLARK-ST, A lb, per beard. le4. 8-961 CASH WELL BUY A ttlrEAR-OLD 'ELY borse, light sliver plated harness, and a 'nett square-box Sop buggy; been fun two seasons. Address It. Tribunq office.
rpo LOAN-40t ,0,04 IN SUMS OF A wards, fur 6, fa and 12 mutant. at a per cAn. DAVID W. KEAN. uics Vara 1,8414 COMpLny.
1TA.PiTED---ittiv, FOR TWO TEARS AT 1( i terR cent. WILWITIE ealniniv5VAIS. en ki on Smith Park boulevard, inside city Inuits'. 77, Tribune office. IVANTEDA.
LOAN ac-re4 OLpeCt Lerma. 6: O. W. rifiRCE. 4 Hatetey'bubditig.
In TO LOAN AT it. cyyr 1)N; CIII. 10 ()I unt.r,ved real EITLORiSg O. LONG a Li Leal. -TO EXCHANGE.
rpo EX.0 FLANGEFOR RESIDENCE PRoPranr .1 on bomb West Side; gilt-edged business pritsr7 In au Isamu-tor city. value 412.44); wiul assitutte. ktORINbiiN I CO, bl Ciark-at, Koom 4. A hi PIANO Fog ON LEASED IL ground. Call at once.
J. ht. EEVEFILEIt.57 wasaingtou-st, Room 7. I Aground. ingtou-st, Root volt VERY ELEGANT Pi OCTAVE L' piano, slightly used, matchless In-tom standard masks, at it stioritic.s.
014,4.. omit of Kush; rloR saLE ow smite, et HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MONTHLY PAYMY.NTSI-11111TH DETER- As mined to reduce my stock ot good and shall Iseribee all protite in order to do so. Liegaut -parlor sets, 35 to Wet ettember set table lounges, I.arose tovdoteactRp etc. A full tuck of new warranied tormtare on iostal linen ts lower then over before.
D. T. CALAIOLLIS. iltst We Mad Ison-ot. fro EXCHANGENI ACRES NEAR WASHINGTON Holghts, near depot sad rar-stops of 4.J.
Li. Railroad, Good chance for sohdivimon. Will exchange house and lot and some Apply to K. S. Vit Eta, 72 Dearborn-64 TO EXCHANGESW.1E GOOD REAL ESTATE IN litIchigan.
balance cash, for good vesael of from Ion to G4 Loos. Addsba Lt, liAta pn, Wood's Hotel. Gni, AGNIFICENT NEW UPRIGHT MING BY THZ moat celebrated New York manufacturer, only 350; list price, Vitt briendid 514-octave pianos, warrarneel t4 be equal to the best firstolaNi pianoaat 150 less than the same Quality can be had enwhere- Pianos to rent front lkt up. We mean lumina's. at 1).
WITT'S, led AG NIFIC es A price, ce ee, lo6lut be equal to the satne Quality ea a a P. (Ate hoes ehauz.0Tlogro 1 e3a one set one ring One bun- AO 4 kk 'Ana this was the jewelry that once a fancy woman, and which she borrowed Al on trein the scooMModating A hetes while efterwarea suother call was made on the shop, and this time a large white watelt was up. -I his the Dhoti shettoileee said vas a genuine American lever, and be wee trying to sell it for 2U, and at last succeeded, with Th. oid ef Lis ropers, in getting 3.1 off at le. Tee price- paid by the wholeseler for bee goods Was foiled to be trove 3.50 t9 1.50 eace.
It vas pa good as a play to see the countryman salting advice about the watch from the short rover, alio advised him to bid, and told. him 1 tbat was undoubtedly a great bargain. tt hen the watch had been disposed of, the short meld put up the same box of jewelry which bed been sold to the capper, and told the same core about them, except that he assured Ms beerere tbM, they had been pledged by the fancy tromao for e212. ThL ale, in prices did tiot. "Not the Crowd, however, and the lot wss knocked down to the capper, and by him carried back to the desk as usual.
During the two days in which the visits were periodically macle to the shop, the reporter saw the same lot put up at least ten times, and each time sold to a capper. Liter Valve or four 'leas THI PROPEIRTORS laIORII TO woerozio at the presenee of tbe reporter, and at last thee to freeze hire onto As soon aa be was wean to emitter in, the man in charge would an-bounce the sale closed. invariably finishing with tee expreseion, "Ilesee glee me the use of this loom, gentlemem" On two different occasions the presence of an outsider 4-broke up what were "ell' to) be good sales, and the aliotioneers at last Logan to get angry, and to Cobs up whenever the reporter came in. Las didn't seem to do mum good, and length the bestevermel in cursing of the two tuaertook to drive him away by vile words and tersonel aitse. Not succeeding in this, he put up a good watch, the first one that had been presented in several days, and asked for bide on it.
One man evineed an honest desire to purchase, but ha teemed to knovc what the goods were worth, and wouLl not go high enough to snit the seller, who knocked it down to a capper. It et creditable to the people of Chicago that they are generally well enough aware of the l'eSe of the bueinets to keep out Of le, and eoneequeutly very few victims are found in the city, Me game is not the case, however, with VISITORS ISOM THE 0OUNTRIs fog. whom an election sale seems to have irresisti. Le attractions, and they are daily caught, some ernes in large Lumbers and sometimee in less. here is a remely for this mock-auction busiLes and it is- so very simple that the keeping of such shops as that it No.116 can only be eetorouhbbad 11, the connivarice 9f the Polio and the Mayor lilts amended ORDIstoiCIE REFEHENCI TO AtetIONS drawn by Mx.
'Itutety is act excellent one. and, if tile noel out, would close every one of the' shops. lo the 5ret place it provides that whenever article of jewelry or a watch is expoeed for sale the euctioueer shall state plainly of what metal it to and 'whether platd or not. The penalty is a tile of 50 for wati-oorophanoe in each ease, Ill Cis Mayor can revoke the license of the IrOia irwlatop 4u4tusuce. Nowt as a MISCELLANEOUS.
it DVERTISFKS WHO DESIRR TO REACH It try readers oaa do so in too tkest and eLaspess gni ober by owns' ODO or mre secu-ms of Gmat INewo- ba.per Lzsta. Apply so A. Pi. KELLOL.G. LL GOOD CAST-0F JUGHT tbe bigbeas prieL Ly J95AS A.
Lokr.1,e-NiA south Ciara-st. botios MILLI IMMO pt lit 'mud .61:1 ta, KAM Bltel)rGneils, st alu 11414111. Lrand marie ouittv'tiy IL C. to Li 5411.u.aotalot.., comfy (4 Ciark. PARLOR SUIT, walnut and stik trocatle, cost 3,0, prIce 1'21 Superior welnut and terry permr put, price Handsome brown and crimson sole.
eatiy chair, and reciter, very Handsome Turkieli parlor cost tor An excellent co k-stove (Meridian), with epparatus, cost do. for sale et to- Handsome osk pillar extension din-, tog-utile. cost price M. Superior sewing maculae tost 65, for Csio. Elegant pianos, veryclatta.p.
MA.1:41- Residence, CS rpo EXCHANCE-40 ACRES FRUIT LAND. nu. And 130 acres fArtn fraul LAporto Gaunt, Inds-Igoe', clear. for cottage or norms and Ia. K.
Roofs to. DeArbonf-st. rpo Excaa NGEA NICE PIECE OF ACHE PROP en. in ouborbs for bourn mid fut. It-KENit fLootu 144 123 boarinaro-rt.
MO ENTAND FOR bALRSQUAR UPRIGHTS A and parlor grand pia3on at low prices and on easy terms. Wtt. 13.. Eitt0SzaRk 1116 Stats-st. $90 STOOL AriD c.63,tn WILL lEVY 2N ELEGANT NEW 7'4 Plano; onebratout 04 Lights DO.
sow scale; price 116:5. To to found at 17 To RENTA end parlor spread, NCH sew scale; Prle OF THREE-STORY MARBLE- front house for sale. Carpets, body Brussels, furniture, heavy wainut, nearly new. on liras it matured. Adlr or! INTENDING ERECT GAS WolIKS pred.Lado lead eau made trc.wcJ.
we eau Pao tboconably underw ond and teU their pr.PomItions by leLter- MAI I iiikaLoN ithi40 LEA ZINC GO-. TAIVOECESlawyers SEWING MACHINES. (IRANI) CHIN ES OP ALL IA, standard kinds, (noticing Domestic, Singer's, Wheeler a Howe's (iftVer art baker's, ei extremely low prices; also a 'oil cabinet (new) to exchange tor a gocKlituree aoGaia. P. Willa a aS and 7u Wahash-av SE' A GRAND low AS and 7u Waba LOST AND OSTIN HYDE PARK ON WEDNESDAY j4 alternr4on, at review of trst Regttnent, a smolt biack 41,4 weignIng about 4 pounds bad on a "allow le.atber oilLr.
Finder vita please return to A. Cioldrmid'a loan odic" 419 East Mad ison-st. or 469 Cottage sad receive a liberal reward and thablut 44 a young lad: sato la greatly attached to tile MO XCBANOKGOOD RESIDENCIC AND IdDr. 70x160 and barn. incurnbered.
for smaller bonen on Wen ride, clear or nearly or for a good farm or vacant suburban propen, clear. B. A. ULILICB. ta fro EXCI1ANGEA TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT Brick building, witit lot, fora farm in Illinois.
'wrens. Or boutnerzt WL5C4lai1ill A ddreqe ta. Tribune onion. fto EXCILAGtiFIVE LOTS INIB TI CITY OF Chicago. worth 1.001eacti, tor borne on thlt Bud-- eon Liver, not.
over lb or IM uee 1z0111 eft awls- Ad G. Tribune office. EXCHAINORIRVING PARK LOTS BETA)V1 A panic prices, tor bona and lot, or otner available property iU assume we inctimbratice. M. M.
johoWN. 1 S. FO A 17 At I Pro. ea ILd QINGER, Ot OP A. J.
Esr mid ant ononttds tented, exchanged. and revaited. QINGER Of s.1 Madison-at tented, sachem CTRAVEDFROM 2 PARK-AV, A WHITE 0 bull-doj; had a strap collar on, and to the IMMO Of Joe eta mitaA snit be paid tor nut turn, and no questdons JOLIN k'Rk, BOCII-tS MERICAN CYCLOFEML 16 45; CHAN.ti Cork' boots Bid price. Cash paid tot bock. MILLEJA: tAd BookstotC; 1 o2 4 A MERICAN beta' price.
Casts ps 1.2 Madison-at. PARTNERS WANTED. 13ARINEM WASTEDWITH TO Irt.ob etalt, or good tecartty, by a party to standing xtelad very Lustnesit; invett4gate. Addreta 0 4. 1 rthone orboo.
'PARTNER WA NTEDwrryi jrt IAiofr 4- establianed and imitable Im444ot. to take tOir ware of retiralg partner. eiLlier lop4tZtial or cur: Ple beat t.f referent, given onti motored. Addreas MEIM0101, iT. noon ottr.e.
I AETNER WANTFDFITHF CfjVT, st1nt, tri a vio4I-ottabliotiert resvinfartertng Wott.d Mel airs soout 4a.00 to to- Ouy out tutu inter-eat of retiring par-Ger Lao a.z.ww good busitutet. Attre. 1ryome WANTEDAN INTLaEzIT WANTFEI. (abt iti.00b He O. lk or In a rine atommest Oy a wan of httge orbo the yrosaut bo woong to en, W1ethtd T1 4E1 WANTEDWITH TO lk 5415" ta5: I 5' et.11-114.
but; Gess. la ativertiser oaring a icvtrtel. only Addrest I 2, i of.to1. Capturing. Ostriches.
The greatest feat of an Arab hunter is to capture an ostrich. It is the hrgest of living births, and probably the swiftest of all living animals. Being very shy and cautious, and living on the sandy pisins. where there is little chance to take it by surprise, it can only be captured by a well-planned and long-coutinuad pursuit with the swiftest The ostrich has two curious habits in running when alarmed. It always starts with (spread wings, against the wind, so that it can scent the approach of an enemy.
Its sense of ismer is so keen that it can detect a person at a grist distance, long before one can be beau. The ither curious habit is that of running in a circle. Usually five or six ostriches are found in a comrany. When discovered, part of the bunters, tiounted on Ileet horses will pursue the bird while the other hunters will gallop away at r14t angles to the course the obtricheis have take ik When theee hunters think they have gone fait enough to erase tbe path the birds wid be likew to take, they watch upon some rise of ground for their approach. If the hunters hit the rich; place and see the ostriches, they at once 'start it pursuit with fresh horses, and sometimes they overtake one or two of the birds, bat Often two or three of the fleet horses fall.
completely tired out with, so abaxp a oliiateq, OLLNA t514ALL. BROWN AialtE.WITti A batek square-box tlgey and a plakn was coital trent tn Court-Humes square on tue Zeta tpt July. bout 12 Any one teat ean rive bout or return the erne waA hberalky ruurtiett. Jiit weet VINE SET HISTORY OF hOStE II new. in 4 if S.
Dana's Geo lino'. nel. 411 50 Dinka' works complete in 2 Anis 64. laent Ilisnorl. 2 flue histories.
nosea travels, law, medical. and wvaiii oilcan. GILBERTS, lin sesta Clark-at. VINE SET I 11 new, in 4 11 Dicks' worts co 'tent History. I attseha travois-, 611,13.1 IdACHINERY.
ANI) BOILER. WITI1 Ctit WITHOCT 14 hoe Caafting, for bale. ani to fewt, two ivories. to rout. Cali ow tiro PEoki.M.1 Orpot.
67 ielitait riaranagtottow- kak SECoND.HAND 1 assalung. WM. litcGMLOOkt CO. booth aal-ai- 1 OR SECOND-HAND MACRIN- ary engine. boki.ra.
c. 112 exclassige Mr city or iriburr 4 litaciaaary 1, 2 a "5-5 1 DIVORCES. DIVORCES-LEGALLY OBTAINED, NO FRAUD- ulently- ee atter deenee. Ten years' be ceura cd CLIcaae- Adtimen Post-Odic BoAitaF. Ai' ulently.
be courts of Ci A GRADUATE OF DARTMOUTH WHO HAS BEEN' tor taws years, in New Rase, coaching )(tie student in the CIASALCSI and and tuns boys ios legs. desires pupils lone are prepouinsr los We tail azarninatidt or wi3o wuita to advance sit a more tnan usual rspidits and in Lae ni br c.iega- IS 31, 1 rOuns PATENTS. ly36 otwr.aPAuar- Lavozatmes BUILDING MATERIAL; 'Veit SALR-169000 GROSS SCREWS AT 79 PRO: vtut chlw-unt iot of and Imam anoak 4.. la. )4 shwaaabasa TTORTS ALLEAL PATENT se le I- MEDICAL- WILL ALL ANY failed to cure you.
go to tte 6toto kodlool be poiebenerbt. 1 k. WILL ALL failed care, i 4 i a a a.